Forum Awards

Lets just say we tied.

Atleast thats how I see it.

No, you won. You don't have to conceed anything, though you can acknowledge other peoples' qualities. It's not an important thing or highly scientific. It doesn't change anything, and it really has more to do with who voted and how much they interacted with who, as well as the subjective nature of humor.
No because you try to too hard. TIACN is funny at the right times and is very natural about it. He's the only person on here sides maybe Death Delrium, Carcassian, or Faith No More that i would like to have sip on some brewskies with.

edit: In repsonse to Rabid Headbanger
I think you stole that from a famous person's quotebank somewhere...
Really? Do you know who? I feel like I came to that conclusion myself but obviously someone else must have said that.

cookicutter, Thoth-Amon, and CAIRATH in particular are all excellent debaters, and I wouldn't have been troubled if one of them had won over me. Frankly, I have been leaving much of the debating up to them lately as well, but for lack of interest and lack of time with school starting up again.
:blush: Thanks :kickass: