The Funniest Thread of All-Time- Using the bathroom at work

Its true, ST anger sucks. The lyrics suck. The guitar sucks. The drums suck. It has no redeeming features.

And dont use age as a humor device. I'm probably older than you and so is most of the board.

Get some decent insults you sock puppet fucker.
I'm 22... Your older? St Anger isn't on debate you cock's. What is the topic of my rage is the fact that I get bashed for the sole fucking reason of liking that album? What the fuck have I ever done to get flamed? I dont spam, I dont make non-sensical topics, and above all I'm a big ass nevermore fan. And I post a friendly topic. And rather than people enjoying it. They wish to flame me. Fuck you queers! I dont mosh. But if i see any of you at the next nevermore concert I'm gonna crowd surf on your face with my dick hanging out. So prepare with chapstick before hand. I'm not on here shoving metallicas album down your throats. I dont even talk about it. If i want to talk about them I'll go on their board. The whole moral of this fucking story is. Ahhh nevermind. I'm wasting my time arguing. Go get salmonella poisoning by licking your boyfriend's raw huevos! Puto's!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
And your lame because you need contacts, Oxypads, And some colgate extra white. Wtf bitch. How fucking narrow-minded are you? Oh i'm lame because I dont let metal bitches pick what music I listen to. Me being a metallica fan basically sums up the reason of me listening to st anger. And enjoying it I might add. I try and fucking post a message of good cheer. Maybe spread some sunshine over your cloud soiled skies. And you insult me? Nicoderm your fucking 15. Case in point.
not getting laid > Listening to st. anger
AllWithinMyMonster said:
I'm 22... Your older? St Anger isn't on debate you cock's. What is the topic of my rage is the fact that I get bashed for the sole fucking reason of liking that album? What the fuck have I ever done to get flamed? I dont spam, I dont make non-sensical topics, and above all I'm a big ass nevermore fan. And I post a friendly topic. And rather than people enjoying it. They wish to flame me. Fuck you queers! I dont mosh. But if i see any of you at the next nevermore concert I'm gonna crowd surf on your face with my dick hanging out. So prepare with chapstick before hand. I'm not on here shoving metallicas album down your throats. I dont even talk about it. If i want to talk about them I'll go on their board. The whole moral of this fucking story is. Ahhh nevermind. I'm wasting my time arguing. Go get salmonella poisoning by licking your boyfriend's raw huevos! Puto's!
Shoot me again, i ain't dead yetaaaaaaaaah!
hey AllWithin... I must admit. I am rather excited to see this year's edition of the OzzFest festival.. Although, I must admit that the second stage is sucking. I mean... for one, Slipknot is on it. I recently downloaded their latest release, which included a track called Sweet Amber... oh wait... That was Metallica.... off the album St. Anger... shit.... I must have been mistaking. It was Metallica that's been sucking all this time....
ESCAPEEs aren't embarassing. I have to keep myself from bursting out laughing in the school toilet whenever that happens and someone else is there.

That was pretty funny and most of you = a bunch of whining bitches.