The Gathering - Home


disco my arse!
May 24, 2001
Belgrade, Serbia
i don't know if this album came out yet, but i write for some mag and got the copy before the release date.

if there are any Gathering fans around here, you will love this one.
Home is like a natural follow-up to Souvenirs, yet more upbeat.

i'm not sure how will Mandylion/Nighttime Birds fans accept this one, but if you didn't like Souvenirs because of its slow tempos and absence of guitar distortions, Home might bring your confidence back.

and no need to mention Anneke's voice is beautiful (as usual).
discouraged1 said:
i don't know if this album came out yet, but i write for some mag and got the copy before the release date.

if there are any Gathering fans around here, you will love this one.
Home is like a natural follow-up to Souvenirs, yet more upbeat.

i'm not sure how will Mandylion/Nighttime Birds fans accept this one, but if you didn't like Souvenirs because of its slow tempos and absence of guitar distortions, Home might bring your confidence back.

and no need to mention Anneke's voice is beautiful (as usual).
yeah, just read a studio report and saw the track list... the report was very interesting and I'm sure it's gonna be a highlight this year!
The cd is great, and yes is a little bit defferent of the others, maybe like souvenirs but a little bit slower!!!

from the firsth song at last is like from heavy to soft, "kind of slow but great"

any way i am waithing ofr the original to buy it, i can't have a burned cd of them!!!

this is a picture of the people of the gathering's forum (mexican of course) an afternoon before the concert in monterrey mexico


(i am the onle with the flyer)
I saw the band last night in NYC. They played a couple of songs from the new album, including Shortest Day. It sounded really good. I don't know how it is possible to top Souvenirs, though. That album is so beautiful. But the highlight of last night was Travel. The last four minutes of that song takes you somewhere else, especially in a live setting.
Anthony3 said:
The Gathering are amazing. I went to see them in Virginia, Boston, and NYC.

Home is an excellent album.


thats AWESOME! anneke wearing brasil sweater :D <3
i saw them like 2 or 3 weeks ago. it was.. beautiful. :) they played 3 tracks off home and it sounded really really good! i believe shortest day is available through their site already. the gathering kicks ass!!
I have home on pre order, but temptation got to me and i downloaded it.

Anyway first few listens i was let down, but after a few days of having it I must say that yes it is very good!

I'd say not as good as there last one, purly because i like the sound of it better personly

I'd give Home a good 85/100 :rock: