The 'geek/nerd/anime/comics/etc.' thread

New iPods out!

^ "Sad" is an understatement.

The Nano had a significant upgrade, it's now Multi-touch, and, finally, now has an FM radio (about time!).

I guess Apple is "listening" to its costumers, since the shuffle now has the buttons on the machine itself, not on the headphones. Smart move *rolls eyes*.

Might actually consider buying a new Nano, it's nice and mine is, I think, starting to die (1st gen it is).
^ I don't really know about the DRM (I know what it is, but perhaps you can explain a bit more), but the hardware is very nice without question. I really like the new iPod Nano.

Saw Paprika (again) today, you can even discover new things.

I also finished Escaflowne today! What an incredible series!!! Why the heck did I miss this??? No idea, but I loved the series; even if it's teen-oriented it's quite mature and deals with some very interesting philosophical/existential questions.
^ I don't really know about the DRM (I know what it is, but perhaps you can explain a bit more), but the hardware is very nice without question. I really like the new iPod Nano.

Saw Paprika (again) today, you can even discover new things.

I also finished Escaflowne today! What an incredible series!!! Why the heck did I miss this??? No idea, but I loved the series; even if it's teen-oriented it's quite mature and deals with some very interesting philosophical/existential questions.
Just the restrictions on custom software. Like if you jailbreak it, and then do an official update then they're brick your software.

Yeah Escalfowne is so amazing, probably my favourite anime. It was the first anime I saw too :)
Just the restrictions on custom software. Like if you jailbreak it, and then do an official update then they're brick your software.

Yeah Escalfowne is so amazing, probably my favourite anime. It was the first anime I saw too :)

Ah yeah, e.g. my friend's 360 went kaputt because he had it pirated haha. He did the same thing twice, what an idiot :Rolleyes:.

Yeah it's incredible, a very mature series that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time.

On another note:

Happy 25th Anniversary!!!

Ah yeah, e.g. my friend's 360 went kaputt because he had it pirated haha. He did the same thing twice, what an idiot :Rolleyes:.

Yeah it's incredible, a very mature series that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time.

On another note:

Happy 25th Anniversary!!!
Well putting custom software on your iPod isn't illegal. Where as with the Xbox, you're infringing on copy write. So there's bit of a different... but yeah still pretty stupid move by your friend :lol:

Yeah I think it's so awesome. I thinks it's very believable how the main girl keeps jumping in terms of love interests, it's very typical of what person is like in real life. I also like how it shows what the world would really be like if everyone got what they wanted.
Well putting custom software on your iPod isn't illegal. Where as with the Xbox, you're infringing on copy write. So there's bit of a different... but yeah still pretty stupid move by your friend :lol:

Yeah I think it's so awesome. I thinks it's very believable how the main girl keeps jumping in terms of love interests, it's very typical of what person is like in real life. I also like how it shows what the world would really be like if everyone got what they wanted.

True true! One is usually filled with insecurity, in many things, and not only love. If everyone got what they wanted (as in the series), well Gaia would be a bloody mess. I also found interesting the design of some helmets, very Nazi in style (not saying that the series is Nazi).

Which custom software can one put in an iPod?
True true! One is usually filled with insecurity, in many things, and not only love. If everyone got what they wanted (as in the series), well Gaia would be a bloody mess. I also found interesting the design of some helmets, very Nazi in style (not saying that the series is Nazi).

Which custom software can one put in an iPod?
I didn't really notice the helmets, I should watch it again!

Well anything that isn't allowed in the App Store is technically custom software. So basically anything unofficial, like say stuff from the Cydia Store.
I didn't really notice the helmets, I should watch it again!

Well anything that isn't allowed in the App Store is technically custom software. So basically anything unofficial, like say stuff from the Cydia Store.

Yeah, the guys at the end when
they betray each other, there's a faction with some Nazi helmets. Amusingly enough, they were the 1st ones to betray their partners, "kind of" like in real life.

Trailers for Shadow of the Colossus / ICO HD and The Last Guardian!

Squeel! Ico and SotC was definetly the best stuff the PS2 had to offer, and I'll gladly pay for them one more time. The Last Guardian looks so beautiful, I just want to cuddle the fuck out of that dog/bird-thing.

YEAH!!! And the re-released of SC and ICO will be in 3-D! That sucks because I don't think I'll ever have a 3-D tele hahaha :p . And I can't wait for The Last Guardian, it's going to be an excellent game!
Yeaah!! I knew about it 2 days ago... I'm looking forward to it!!!

Edit: are you into Doramas? I just saw Densha Otoko, My Boss, My Hero and Galileo. The latter is the only one more or less serious, the others 2 are the typical teenage ponja comedy. Funny stuff anyway.

Yeah, I'm incredibly excite about it! I've got the feeling that they might conclude the series in the anime, not the manga. But who knows. I'm pretty sure it's not a remake, though.

And I hate Miura for taking so long to release each bloody chapter hehe.

Yeah, I love Doramas, although I don't see many. I've seen Densha Otoko, it's brilliant.

I've been wanting, for like 3 years, to see one in which a guy is trapped in/by a TV station (evil TV station?) or something like that. I think the guy was an otaku.

Any idea what I might be talking about :p ?
Thanks for sharing, this looks awesome!

Sadly enough, it wasn't an anime, just some propaganda for the new manga volume. Miura Kentarou, I hate you.

On another note, I just finished God of War III for PS3.

Holy fuck, was that disappointing. Talk about anti-climatic…. It's a nice ending, but it feels rushed, as if they had "run out of space" on the BD to put more stuff :rolleyes:, or as if a teen had written it. Immature ending for a mature series. Thank you! They should talk to Kojima Hideo in order to grasp the notion of excellent endings. The bastards.
Sadly enough, it wasn't an anime, just some propaganda for the new manga volume. Miura Kentarou, I hate you.

On another note, I just finished God of War III for PS3.

Holy fuck, was that disappointing. Talk about anti-climatic…. It's a nice ending, but it feels rushed, as if they had "run out of space" on the BD to put more stuff :rolleyes:, or as if a teen had written it. Immature ending for a mature series. Thank you! They should talk to Kojima Hideo in order to grasp the notion of excellent endings. The bastards.

Yeah, they actually had another ending planned but they didn't have time to polish it. There were some talk about adding it in as an epilogue in form of DLC, but that was a long time ago. The last fight was also supposed to be a three-way fight between Gaia, Zeus and Kratos instead of the fight inside of Gaia.
Yeah, they actually had another ending planned but they didn't have time to polish it. There were some talk about adding it in as an epilogue in form of DLC, but that was a long time ago. The last fight was also supposed to be a three-way fight between Gaia, Zeus and Kratos instead of the fight inside of Gaia.


That's how it should've been IMO. I thought there was gonna be a fight against Athena too. I liked the fight within Gaia, but when you compare it with how other gods (say Hades) are defeated, the battle against Zeus, and the finale, are preeeeeeety boring. (And yes, I was pressing circle for about five minutes. I was thinking WTF why won't this stop?:p.) Overall, it's a humongous disappointment, I'm glad I didn't buy the game, since I would've felt ripped off. Oh so ripped off.

Time? They should've just delayed the game, like with MGS4, which was delayed about 3 more months (or more) after it's "scheduled" release date. You either do things right, or don't do them at all. The entire game/saga is excellent, and to give such an ending is an insult to everyone, not only the fans, but also to all the people that worked in the game. With the kind of budget a game like this has, I'm surprised that their excuse was "time".

Such a let down.