The geeky things you love<--if you hate geeks come to the flamewar here!

Originally posted by Misanthrope
and i barely practice guitar because i somehow get to remain at my same level of skill without practicing much ( average of 5 hours per week ).



You'll want to get BETTER at all times! Not remain at your current level, what's that crap about?

I think you should dump the girl and your role playing buddies and start playing 5 hours per day instead. That's the lifestyle of a true metal warrior! Like me!
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
I knew you was abused as a child, but having to play with Star Trek shirt wearing geeks would make anyone hate RPGs :lol:

Luckily I think that is the difference between USA and Scandinavia when it comes to geeks, here they don't follow all that is geeky.

You hate Star Trek and Star Wars?

Yea, it just never liked neither. As i kid i saw the movies and all but it was just another movie, nothing to call home about and i plain dont get why people are that fanatical about it, they seem like average concepts at best to me.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
I knew you was abused as a child, but having to play with Star Trek shirt wearing geeks would make anyone hate RPGs :lol:

Luckily I think that is the difference between USA and Scandinavia when it comes to geeks, here they don't follow all that is geeky.

Dude man, I'm from Sweden too, and I played with Swedes. And they were SUPER NERDS! They've grown out of it now, fortunately.

Imagine a really obnoxious Swedish super nerd with a Star Trek shirt who would NEVER shut the fuck up about anything. That's what's become as my impression of a role player.

Yeah i'm a RPG fanatic. Used to play Magic the Gathering regularly, though haven't in a while. Anyone remember Hero Quest? lol grew up on that sort of thing. Played Warhammer for a while and had a kickass High Elf army.
Also i'm a fanatic for the Wheel of Time series of novels (as well as lotr).
I'm an anime whore too.... imo Escaflowne owns all.

Yes i also play the guitar... and yes i also play football quite well. so there :p
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
Dude man, I'm from Sweden too, and I played with Swedes. And they were SUPER NERDS! They've grown out of it now, fortunately.

Imagine a really obnoxious Swedish super nerd with a Star Trek shirt who would NEVER shut the fuck up about anything. That's what's become as my impression of a role player.

Oh, sorry, my bad, for some reason I always thought you was from the states, well anyway what I stated about those differences doesn't change.

I can only imagine the horror of nerdy Swedes talking of Star Trek, I can't make out anything they talk about normally, I can only imagine all those make-belief tech words thrown into it *shiver*

BTW, I am a finn and finns are the ones I have played with, so I guess it could be a difference between finland and sweden or maybe I was just lucky and didn't find the super-geeks to play with ;)
I have a guitar! I don't know how to play it though. Someday I'm going to have to learn... I don't care about attracting members of the opposite sex, but it will make me be very blues. :grin:

I can't wait to see the new Harry Potter movie. :grin:
For the record, I hate Star Trek and sci-fi movies. I don't like sci-fi books, or shitty teen fantasy (although real mythology and Arthurian legends are great, along with Tolkien).
@Mattias: if you play the guitar 24/7 how do you attract any girls? i find leaving the room and the guitar and talking to them more effective..
I like Sci-Fi in general, but it has to be something out of the ordinary, Iain M. Banks is my fav author of all time and his books are, well, out of this world really.
Most Sci-Fi on TV is shit, LEXX was good, but only the 4 mini-series movies, the regular series is just as shitty as all the rest.
Anime is something l like as well, but again, there ain't too many series that I like, unfortunately they add too much humor and comic relief into most of them. NGE, Noir, Lain, Hellsing (Villains av is the main character from it btw) and GitS are some that I like and Trigun, even tho it's mostly humor it manages to be original.
Originally posted by Malis
@Mattias: if you play the guitar 24/7 how do you attract any girls? i find leaving the room and the guitar and talking to them more effective..

Noooo man, FUUUCK talking!

Just play her a beautiful luuv song, with lots of arpeggiated open chords, and beautiful falsetto singing. And make sure to put one BAD ASS SHRED solos in there. Then walk away from her. She'll chase you.
I'm quite surprised at the number of RPG'ers here... maybe there's a correlation between the music and being a nerd?...

As far as myself, I'm nowhere near hardcore gamer status... I play DnD and Call of Cthulu maybe once every 2 months max with a group my brother formed. I used to play guitar but I sucked so much at it I gave up... but then I never practiced to begin with, so...

Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Oh, sorry, my bad, for some reason I always thought you was from the states, well anyway what I stated about those differences doesn't change.

I can only imagine the horror of nerdy Swedes talking of Star Trek, I can't make out anything they talk about normally, I can only imagine all those make-belief tech words thrown into it *shiver*

Oh yeah and they listened to that shitty ass Star Trek synth band, Spock all the time. My god, the utter nerdiness.




Very ungreat shit. They could have been metal if they threw in some death metal guitar and changed the lyrics to something cool though.
I'm somewhat of a deluxe geek. Here's how I spend my free time:

RPGs. Been playing them for over ten years, nowadays mostly horror (Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green).

Collectible card games. Although Magic lost its charm some years ago I'm hooked bigtime on Decipher's Lord of the Rings game.

Fantasy/SF litterature. I tend to prefer classics like Bester, Dick and Asimov but I also like newer authors such as China Mieville and Peter F Hamilton. And yes, I read Robert Jordan as well.

Hong Kong movies. The kind where characters are forced to fight off hopping vampires and whatnot. There are several 'good' movies made in Hong Kong/Korea/Japan but the overtly violent and cheesy are often the most enjoyable. :grin:
Originally posted by Harvester of Sorrow
I used to play MUD's like Gemstone III when i was younger. So i believe that makes me king of the nerds

Sorry, did MUD back in the day too, -96 or so, used to even make areas for a few of them, I=super-nerd :lol:

Oh yes, definetly fitting
Originally posted by Onde Erik
There are several 'good' movies made in Hong Kong/Korea/Japan but the overtly violent and cheesy are often the most enjoyable. :grin:

I agree, anything from John Woo, before he went to (un)Hollywood :)

Check out The Ring, The Ring 2 and Ring 0 for some great japanese horror movies, that are actually scary. And don't fall for the cheesy ass american copies that are coming soon.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
Sorry, did MUD back in the day too, -96 or so, used to even make areas for a few of them, I=super-nerd :lol:
C... ca... can... I... ge-ge-ge-get an au-au-autograph? :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy