The geeky things you love<--if you hate geeks come to the flamewar here!

Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
I agree, anything from John Woo, before he went to (un)Hollywood :)

Check out The Ring, The Ring 2 and Ring 0 for some great japanese horror movies, that are actually scary. And don't fall for the cheesy ass american copies that are coming soon.

I saw The Ring remake in a theater and downloaded the original shortly after. And boy did it look lame.

Sorry homes, the cheesy ass American copy was a lot better. And if you don't agree, then you're wrong. I am right. You want a piece of me?
Whoa, an interesting thread with many posts comes up all of a sudden - and by Misanthrope!! :eek: Someone should record the position of the stars... :grin:

Anyway, my main "geeky thing" is, and has always been, role-playing games. Done it for about 15 years and will be doing it 'til I die. No other hobby has ever ment and given as much for me. I have learned huge amounts about people, the world and myself over these years, thanks to role-playing. And most of all, it has given me numerous friendships I wouldn't have gained without. The importance of that alone outweighs the fact that I have wasted hundreds of days of my life for role-playing.

The number of different game-systems I have played goes above 50, many of those self-made or variated from existing systems. Those that I have played recently (within the last year) are Vampire, Lo5R, Praedor, AD2300 and a couple of others - these are not necessarily my favorites, but the ones I have found the most interest lately. I haven't played many of my favorite games (like RuneQuest, for example) in many years, due to various issues - mainly lack of time.

I'm also the head of the RPG-club of our school and got 150€ this year from the school to spend for games. :) I also got some "points" for my LARP-experience when I tried to get into this school. And I even might do my final graduation-work about RPGs as tools of youthwork - if I ever get that far in my studies...

I could talk about role-playing for weeks, but I guess you got my point of view already. :spin: Anyway, since last December, I'm also officially an anime-freak - I got hooked on Neon Genesis Evangelion and have been collecting various kind of anime ever since. Apart from Eva, my list of favorite anime-series includes: Cowboy Bebob, Noir, X and Berserk. Of anime-movies, Jin-Roh, Princess Mononoke and Ghost in the Shell have had the biggest impact on me.

Oh, and I'm a big-time Tolkienist as well.

Never had any interest in Star Trek, although some of my friends are true Trekkers - as are some members of DT, I think...

-Villain (who has never played a single chord right on guitar)
Cowboy Bebob, Noir, X and Berserk. Of anime-movies, Jin-Roh, Princess Mononoke and Ghost in the Shell have had the biggest impact on me.
:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

As for roleplaying, I do all of it in english... It's somehow more authentic, since most of the games I do play are either set in England, America, or a startlingly anglo universe... Anyway, that way you also get around akward translations of game terms, and you can read stuff straight from the books, without having to translate. Also handy when running book adventures/campaigns.

BTW Villain, what's the longest campaign you've played and finished? A few months ago I got through a Vampire chronicle that has gone on for two years... It was a real campaign too, not some scenarios that fit loosely together, but a story that lasted 900 years, with a logical conclusion that was foreshadowed in the very first adventures... That was definatly the high point of my roleplaying career :D
Ormir: We have also played a lot in english for the past three or so years, yet play in finnish in some groups. In the end it depends on the game - finnish games (like Praedor) wouldn't work in english and some games require such a complex vocabulary that many players can't do it. The best example, IMHO, is Vampire: Dark Ages, where the way of speech is very important for the mood; my skills in old english are still too low to play a upper-class Vampire, so I either must constantly use finnish to express my character properly or play a character, whose speech is not so perfect (ie. from lower social classes) - whereas in modern-day Vampire I have no problems playing in english. Another example is Legend of the Five Rings, where the numerous japanese words already mix the language so much, that I tend to prefer finnish instead of english.

Regarding campaign-length, it really depends on how often we play. Our Giovanni-chronicles campaign has been going over 3+ years, but we have played only once or twice this year (we are near the end of the third book, for those who know the chronicles). We did play more often in the beginning, but since then finding common time has been a real pain in the ass. I remember an excellent RuneQuest-campaign that went for a year and a half and we played about weekly - and it had a grand finale I will remember the rest of my life. We were about to start a new campaign after that with many of the same characters, but our group just dispersed as people went to different schools and such...

Everybody in my group (all 4 of us) speaks English as a second language, so it was always pretty obvious what we were going to play... As for Dark Ages, I never even tried to use archaic english :cry: I guess we have a high toleration of anachronisms, but generally story is more important than things such as atmosphere in my games. Although in Call of Cthulhu of course it's the other way around.

Giovanni Chronicles... that's something I've been intending to get, since I really want to have another take on an epic Vampire campaign. I'm also planning to run Runequest (I've had it lying around for years), so if you want to talk more about that, I'd be happy to listen and steal ideas :grin:
I like sci-fi.. I even attempt to write from time to time but my ideas get bogged down a lot.. grr

I used to like Star Trek but I haven't really watched any in a while.. Voyager sucked. The new movie looks cool though. for Star Wars... the prequels IMO are a disaster.. Lucas shoulda NOT worried about throwing in everyone from the originals (like overrated Boba Fett gayety) and stuck to creating a good story, b/c so far, it's lacking.. Actually I think EpI had a good story, it was just slow. EpII was exciting but the story was disjointed.. The originals rock though..
Ah the memories :)
Damn, I need to find a group again, Vampire would be great, tho RuneQuest would be excellent too, was the first game I bought for myself and after playing RoleMaster it wasn't anywhere as hard as people claimed :grin:

My longest campaing has to be RoleMaster one which was about 2 years on and off, for some reason the group I used to play had to change the game every few weeks/months, we maybe had too many options, I think the group all together owned about 20-30 different systems, tho only a few had major investments, RoleMaster was one, had all the books and even used most of them, was quite sick :lol: Vampire was another one that had a lot of investment in the group, having 5 people with different interest as a storytellers was interesting.

The best game I have played for a long time has to be Hunter, even tho we only played twice, but it was real good, I miss those times.
Well, right now I am moving to Helsingborg so I can't really see myself moving to Finland for a while still, unless I find a real sweet job there.

Of course, there would be the option of throwing some one-off games, but I quite frankly don't have time to run a game right now.
Hmmm... how about a DT forum play-by-email RPG then? At least distance won't be a factor...

the extent to which this forum has changed into "fantasy" roleplaying recently could also be discussed
hi, im a big geek

ive never played an rpg, but im curious. however, i did read all six of the (real) dune books.... damn, i love those books. also, i have rectangular glasses and work in a coffee shop.
Originally posted by Ormir

the extent to which this forum has changed into "fantasy" roleplaying recently could also be discussed

Everyone move to Edmonton. It is boring here, and some people here are very disgusting... but it'll be fun... :p
i was a magic: the gathering geek. i collected cards just because and i read magazines and i had my favourite card artist. :cry: now i mended my ways.

i still am a videogame geek, though. i *cough* buy :rolleyes: *cough* almost everything and i'm a heroes of might and magic super-geek. i could talk for hours about the pleasures of getting grandmastery in archery or pathfinding and how to take down 50 cyclops with 30 centaurs.
i do understand this is going to slowly suck me in to the "way of the loser" (tm), but luckily enough my girlfriend has met enough geeks to know how to cure my illness somehow. :)

i'm also a wheel of time geek, as stated elsewhere.

Speaking of fantasy novels, anyone read the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind? I'm a big fan. After starting to read them a 2nd time, I realize that they are a little cheesy sometimes, but I still like 'em.
Yep, Wheel of Time, David Eddings, Terry Pratchett...those are my vices...
Oh, and I'm also an Unreal Tournament junkie...and my life did revolve around final fantasy 7 at one point...hmmm...stop digging Ben, stop digging...