The geeky things you love<--if you hate geeks come to the flamewar here!

@Blue Moon: Im mastering a changeling game tonight ( its a little odd since im making a really powerfull chimera named "Freeza" and after he beats the crap out of them they will have to go into the near ( maybe even far ) dreaming following a silverpath ( that looks yellow and like a dragon =P ) to find the long gone legendary pooka ( monkey attributes ) goku )

My friend mikuz is a huge werewolf freak btw and even though its a little violent i kinda like playing werewolf :grin:

Novemberfrost : I watched Mononoke once, but I absolutely loved it.... i heard several good comments about Nausicaa, I'd really like to check it. All the other ones are by Miyazaki as well ? Never heard of them though... Heard about Porco Rosso though... seemed childish a bit, but hey, I must admit liking Totoro (Miyazaki-san as well?)

Misanthrope : Heheh, a C:tD game with a DB twist... hope the game went well ! It's been a while since I've gm'd a changeling game...... You know what ? This game totally affected my way of viewing -- and appreciating -- life... The concept of Glamour versus Banality represents how I want to live. Too sad I can't comment much more about that, I'm in a bit of a hurry... But I could start a whole topic on that subject. ......... Hmmmm maybe I should.....

Well, see you later guys ; didn't know there were so much gamers around here !
Originally posted by Misanthrope
Play by forum would be better...

Probably true. If anyone did want to host something like that, I'd be up for it... though if it was anything other than DnD or Call of Cthulu, I'd have to look up the rules.

~Kovenant (just had a funny thought - imagine DT playing as well...)
Originally posted by Kovenant84
Probably true. If anyone did want to host something like that, I'd be up for it... though if it was anything other than DnD or Call of Cthulu, I'd have to look up the rules.

~Kovenant (just had a funny thought - imagine DT playing as well...)
Sounds like a plan. But where are we going to find an internet forum? :cry: :p
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
Spend ALL your time playing guitar. Role playing won't get you any bitches man!

Yeah, riiiight!!!

Some of the nicest (read: most fun) girls I've ever played with ( :grin: ) were in the big games my friends and I used to play...

Then again, I don't think I'll ever go that route again... :lol:


Basic, Advanced D&D
Gamma World
Twilight 2000
Marvel Super Heros
Warhammer RPG

And many others... but the above were what I generally played.

Geeky chicks rule. Especially one in particular. :)
Originally posted by Blue Moon

Novemberfrost : I watched Mononoke once, but I absolutely loved it.... i heard several good comments about Nausicaa, I'd really like to check it. All the other ones are by Miyazaki as well ? Never heard of them though... Heard about Porco Rosso though... seemed childish a bit, but hey, I must admit liking Totoro (Miyazaki-san as well?)

Misanthrope : Heheh, a C:tD game with a DB twist... hope the game went well ! It's been a while since I've gm'd a changeling game...... You know what ? This game totally affected my way of viewing -- and appreciating -- life... The concept of Glamour versus Banality represents how I want to live. Too sad I can't comment much more about that, I'm in a bit of a hurry... But I could start a whole topic on that subject. ......... Hmmmm maybe I should.....

Well, see you later guys ; didn't know there were so much gamers around here !

Well it went well but players ( i let them look at the freeza chimera afterwards ) felt he was too powerfull ( his highest attribute was 11 dexterity ) but i explained its a campain when they meet they nemesis right away but he doesnt dies until the end.
I'd love to participate in some kind of online-RPG, but currently my time is so damn limited that I barely can read this forum, so my participation wouldn't probably be a realistic option - perhaps next summer or so...

Regarding anime, I never held Escaflowne very high. Sure, it has some nice characters and unlike a couple other anime-series it gets better as it goes along (after the horrible start). Perhaps it is due to the shoujo(?)-style that makes all the character-relations either so damn sweet or bitter (I noticed the same thing when watching X the second time as well) - there is very little inbetween. If I'm to watch some anime with simplified emotional relations, I prefer only the bitter ones (see the ending of Berserk and you get my point).

and I thought I was a geek, my only flaw is playing too much computer games and thinking my video card is never powerful enough :)
much like villain, i have to battle against very little free time... but unlike him, i can't really resist the lure of online rpg-ing, although i'm not very versed in that department. ;)
