The geeky things you love<--if you hate geeks come to the flamewar here!

@WanderingBlade: cool, but is it painted lol? half of mine is...with a very obvious progression in talent :) My pride is a converted Silver Helm (old style) into a general with dragon lance, bow and sword combo :grin:

@Darkjester: omg Eddings is god. Pawn of Prophecy (is that right?) was what got me into fantasy.

Btw does anyone here play counterstrike the online first person shooter? That is my biggest passion, i play so much got involved in clans (my old clan used to be 16th in the uk.. :) ) and it has the best social side to any gmae i've ever played.. i
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Yeah... fantasy literature is big with me. Hey Malis - I have a High Elf army as well...

I was with Dark Elfs :) Tho I never actually got to play :cry: Had most of them painted too.
Finally I managed to re-install Heroes of Might & Magic IV so I guess I can join the geeks :p
I formatted my HD few months ago and of course I lost the saves. Then I thought about installing it back but found out that I had lost one of the installation CDs too.. well, it's all settled now. time to play :)
I like White Wolf also. I havent played any games in a long time, but I still read plenty of Werewolf books. :) I am also a reptile geek. :p I also used to play WH40k (8000 point Ork Army, and a 3000 point Dark Angels army, all painted :p ) Shadowrun, Werwolf The Apoclypse and Hunter the Reckoning.

talking about warhammer, once i have played some matches with a dwarves army (no, rahvin wasn't in there :p ) when i spent my holidays in the uk, but the army wasn't properly mine, so i guess it doesn't count. :rolleyes:

Miolo (who actually likes warhammer very much)
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Played counter-strike for a while, but it doesnt seem to work well with XP :(

You need to add these strings to your shortcut:
-noforcemparms -noforcemaccel

There's also a reg file that needs to be run. I think it works alright after these changes.

Oh, and in Warhammer I used to run an Undead army but I got tired of painting nothing but bones.
Anyone else into Epic, you know the 6 mm version of Warhammer 40K? I always considered it the best Games Workshop game with Necromunda a close second.

whoa, lots of geeks here... I used to be a huge rpg fan (heck, I remember those two months with 6 different games a week.... happily, it's waaaaaaaay far from present). My all-time favorites are without the shadow of a doubt Werewolf : the Apocalypse and Changeling : The Dreaming (omg I've got goosebumps), with Call of Cthulhu and Lot5R receiving an honorable mention. I can't find the time to play nowadays, except from a few medieval LARPs and W:tA from time to time...

I love anime, but I somehow have a hard time finding very good ones. Favorites so far are Akira (surprisingly enough, the french version beats all), Hameln the Violonist (only available in Japan as far as I know), Escaflowne and Lain. Maybe I forgot a few. Oh yeah, Here and There, Now and Then seemed awesome too.

Been a big fan of David Eddings (Belgariad and Mallorean), Zelazny (Amber) Tolkien (can't remember the titles though), etc.

I am obssessed with music, and buying thereof.

I am a romantic with a touch of surrealism, wich makes me geeky by default.

Hmmm, that should be it...
i am geek
well, as far as rpg is concerned, i basically used to play midgard, warhammer and shadowrun, plus several other systems in episodes. now i don't play anymore, though it might be interesting do create another shadowrun char and see what it would be like, but i think my time as rpg person is over.
but there are other fields where one can be extremel geeky...
if i had the money, i would buy half of
some ppl also mentioned i am a music geek, but hey, they don't know YOU
Originally posted by VultureCulture

but there are other fields where one can be extremel geeky...
if i had the money, i would buy half of
Whoa, they have soap and candies with caffiene. Caffiene soap appeals to me... I used to always drink cola and eat chocolate cake for breakfast. I wonder if it's affected me in any way. :loco:
@Blue Moon: Have you checked out any of Miyazaki's films? Nausicaä is my favorite, but I started out with Princess Mononoke, which is also amazing. I also just saw Spirited Away which was a bit different from those, but awesome anyways. Another anime I really like is Metropolis, check that out too. OK, I'm done forcing my opinions on other people now.
Originally posted by NovemberFrost
@Blue Moon: Have you checked out any of Miyazaki's films? Nausicaä is my favorite, but I started out with Princess Mononoke, which is also amazing. I also just saw Spirited Away which was a bit different from those, but awesome anyways. Another anime I really like is Metropolis, check that out too. OK, I'm done forcing my opinions on other people now.
Yeah, I've seen all of Miyazaki's movies. Strangely enough Porco Rosso is my favourite! :loco: