The Glorious Burden & Gettysburg (1863)


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
New review is up:

We've had a few threads on this album previously, but why not start a new one with this review....

General Zod said:
"If I ever draw my sword on you, may the good lord strike me dead.”

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As the word "Dead" leaves Tim’s lips, a decidedly ICED EARTH riff roars through the speakers and marching off we go. There are a fair number of lyrics in this trilogy that just send shivers down my spine

Yes! It's amazing how a single moment like that can just blow you to pieces, like those fucking cannon balls flying around.

"Gettysburg" is indeed their best trilogy, and I'll go out on a limb and say it's the best 32 minutes of *pure metal* I've heard from 2004, and quite possibly the best IE material I've heard yet. I don't even listen to disc 1, just because this second disc is too fucking good. That also provides a dilemna for how I'll rate this album at year end.

Good review. Also, might be worth mentioning that "Gettysburg" features an entire philharmonic orchestra.... :kickass:
Great review, but does your set not have the song "Waterloo"?????? If not, then you have been robbed of easily one of Iced Earth's Top 10 tracks ever.

That being said, the review was very well written, illustrates perfectly why you were chosen to join the RC clan. I do not agree with you about Barlow, but you already know this.
My love for American history should have solidified my purchase of this album by now. Let me read the review...

Solid review, I pretty much know what to expect even though I've never heard boo from Iced Earth. I'll probably pick this up, but not for a few months I think.
Papa Josh said:
Great review, but does your set not have the song "Waterloo"?????? If not, then you have been robbed of easily one of Iced Earth's Top 10 tracks ever.
No, it doesn't. I opted for the single CD package. I have "Waterloo" on MP3, and feel it's a strong song, but it wouldn't make my IE Top 10.

Papa Josh said:
That being said, the review was very well written, illustrates perfectly why you were chosen to join the RC clan.
Thanks a bunch. That's good to hear.

Papa Josh said:
I do not agree with you about Barlow, but you already know this.
Yeas. I think the way people feel about vocalists is a very personal thing.

One Inch Man said:
Solid review, I pretty much know what to expect even though I've never heard boo from Iced Earth. I'll probably pick this up, but not for a few months I think.
I'm not sure what other IE fans here might think, but if you exclude the Gettysburg disc, this may not be the best album to start with.

I do think you might be better off getting a CD-R of "Gettysburg", however, just because it's SO FUCKING GOOD you don't even need to be a fan of IE specifically to appreciate it.
I havent heard it yet. I was kind of bored with IE 5 years ago. He kept rehashing the exact same riffs over and over again. I love Dante's Inferno- is Gettysburg a more dramatic and longer version of that?
speed said:
I love Dante's Inferno- is Gettysburg a more dramatic and longer version of that?
More dramatic? OOOOOOOH YES! First of all, we're talking full 70-piece Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. (I think it's Prague - someone confirm?). Now, where Dante's Inferno was dark, Gettysburg is much more 'melodramatic'. I mean, we're talking historic war references here.

It's 32 minutes long, made up of 3 songs where each average 10 minutes. Aside from the orchestra, we're talking complete barrage 'wall of sound', cannon explosions timed with kettle drum slamming, gun salutes, the works. He's totally outdone himself on this one.

I remember interviewing him about this in '02 down in Atlanta, and he said it was going to be really special, and man, I gotta say, it is enormous....but it is still very much Jon Schaffer, so it might depend on how much you're sick of his staccato riffing, etc.
JayKeeley said:
More dramatic? OOOOOOOH YES! First of all, we're talking full 70-piece Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. (I think it's Prague - someone confirm?). Now, where Dante's Inferno was dark, Gettysburg is much more 'melodramatic'. I mean, we're talking historic war references here.
What is also pretty cool is, Schaffer gives you a ton of info as the songs move along. Contained within the lyrics in the liner notes, are additional comments by Schaffer. During musical interludes, he first tells you why he chose this specific piece of music and how it's relevant to the song. He also gives you historical information, that helsp bring the Battle of Gettysburg to life (for those who may not be familiar with the finer details).

So it's confirmed:

The "Gettysburg" trilogy is a defining moment for this decade. I serioulsy cannot imagine how wouldn't be floored by this. I've been listening to it relentlessly in the last 2 days, and I'm recognizing it as a milestone achievement.

Disclaimer: As incredible as it is, I guess we'll never know what Barlow would have done with this material. :cry: