The Glorious Burden


Apr 5, 2003
Wilkes-Barre, PA
I've heard mixed opinions on this album, but more bad than good. I've heard it described as "The Glorious Shitfest," etc., but I actually really dig this album. Iced Earth definitely isn't the same without Matt Barlow, but they probably couldn't get a better guy than Tim Owens to replace him. I think he does a killer job, introducing some excellent falsetto (I think) wails into the songs. Schaffer, ever the riff master, doesn't disappoint either. Songs like "The Reckoning" and "Red Baron/Blue Max" are undeniably excellent.

I also think the album's theme is really cool. It's especially powerful for me because I felt like a completely different person after the events of 9/11. I had this renewed pride for my country, and this album perfectly describes the way I feel.

What are everyone else's thoughts?
My honest opinion is stay the fuck out of this forum as long as you post non-In Flames related bullshit in here.
Oh yeah, and patriocy is moronic. Shut up, we don't care.
I didnt know there were strict rules to forum topics. The guy really does not deserve the hostility either, what is the world coming to?
nemuu said:
My honest opinion is stay the fuck out of this forum as long as you post non-In Flames related bullshit in here.
Oh yeah, and patriocy is moronic. Shut up, we don't care.

Dude, shut the fuck up, people definitely post off topic stuff all the time, I really don't think I deserved that. And I'm pretty sure that patriocy isn't a word.
Naw, I think SCX totally outpwned nemuu.

It would have been better in the Iced Earth forum. Just one forum away...
SpiritCrusherX said:
Dude, shut the fuck up, people definitely post off topic stuff all the time, I really don't think I deserved that. And I'm pretty sure that patriocy isn't a word.
Sorry for not having English as my mother tongue and being dyslexic. I do think I made my point. Sorry, but if you post a shitty thread in the wrong forum, you WILL be flamed, and you WILL deserve it. I don't give a flying fuck if people post off-topic threads all the time, the forums are here for a reason.
One simple remark about an Iced Earth album and look what happens. Metal really does breed hate - hurrah!
anonymousnick2001 said:
Naw, I think SCX totally outpwned nemuu.

It would have been better in the Iced Earth forum. Just one forum away...

Thank you. Anyway, I had already checked the Iced Earth forum, I just wanted some other opinions.

And nemuu, sorry, I thought English was your mother tongue. I won't hold anything against you but I think that was pretty uncalled for. You could've expressed your feelings in a much nicer way. And don't proceed to tell me what I do and do not deserve.
SpiritCrusherX said:
Thank you. Anyway, I had already checked the Iced Earth forum, I just wanted some other opinions.

And nemuu, sorry, I thought English was your mother tongue. I won't hold anything against you but I think that was pretty uncalled for. You could've expressed your feelings in a much nicer way. And don't proceed to tell me what I do and do not deserve.
Posts like these redeem you, you know. For every action there's a reaction, don't expect to go unnoticed if you post crap in the wrong forums. I might've been a bit harsh, but I got no kindness to spare.
nemuu you have a mere 300 posts. why, of all people, do you always bitch about threads and spam? what are you, the wannabe thread police? 50% of your posts must be you complaining about "worthless threads". you do realize that this is a whole giant community, don't you? if not, you would probably have a heart attack by seeing the sheer amount of spam and threads outside this little unnofficial IF forum. this is one of the most on-topic forums on UM, for the record.