The GMD Classifieds Thread

I'd like to know what happened to him sending out the CDs I bought from him. :bah:

Mine's been a month and a half since I sent my portion of the trade. Hopefully he didn't start ripping people off. I had succesful deals with him in the past so I'll wait some more. But I'll admit that I'm a little worried since I don't seem to be the only one experiencing delays (also haven't heard back from him in PMs recently).

Until the people who are waiting for stuff from him get it, I'd advise anyone not to deal with Koude in the meantime...just to be on the safe side.
I'd like to know what happened to him sending out the CDs I bought from him. :bah:

Until the people who are waiting for stuff from him get it, I'd advise anyone not to deal with Koude in the meantime...just to be on the safe side.

I am in no way accusing Koude of ripping anyone off...
But, I feel that you should be very wary of buying things online from any one single person without atleast the security of paypal.

There's no reason not to use it... It's free and it's so much safer...all you need is a bank account or even just a debit card. I know for a fact that most banks will give you a debit card for free if you open an account... (which costs nothing, other than depositing a little bit of money in your account)

And... atleast with paypal, there's a chance you'll get your money back. I've seen thousands of dollars of mtg cards lost... and nothing was done.
I am in no way accusing Koude of ripping anyone off...
But, I feel that you should be very wary of buying things online from any one single person without atleast the security of paypal.

There's no reason not to use it... It's free and it's so much safer...all you need is a bank account or even just a debit card. I know for a fact that most banks will give you a debit card for free if you open an account... (which costs nothing, other than depositing a little bit of money in your account)

And... atleast with paypal, there's a chance you'll get your money back. I've seen thousands of dollars of mtg cards lost... and nothing was done.

Well in my case it was a trade of cds...pretty hard to use paypal in this case. I have literally traded with hundreds of people over the years and have been ripped off once.

When it comes to trades, you have to make a little research on the person and his history of dealing with others. Obviously there is always trust involved as anyone can suddenly decide to rip people off. But in this case, I dealt with Koude successfully in the past and other have bought stuff from him without problems. So I'll wait a little more to see if something will get to me. It's also always possible that something got lost in the mail...that wouldn't be unheard of.
I have alot of experience trading online as well. I have over 130 trades confirmed on iTrader (a system that would do well on this site to some degree, I believe) on MTG salvation, back when I was still into the cards.

With it, you could see how many trades any member did online with other members of the forum, and their outcome. Once you built your reputation, other people would generally send as the same time as you, cutting out waiting time, and you could basically dictate if you didnt trust a new member or a member accused of ripping in the past, and make them send first.
Well I got a delivery from Koude last week. He sent me five CDs, which included only one of the three I paid for. Supposedly the original package got lost, and he offered to make it up to me, claiming "im going to send you the cds again. i have doubles" but obviously that was a misleading statement. On that basis alone, I would consider him an untrustworthy seller - as far as whether he ever sent what I really ordered in the first place, I don't know what to think but I have my doubts. Definitely not buying from him again unless he sends first.

Ben_t, any updates on your side?
No offense but Vihris, I'm not going to rip you off over 15 dollars, i don't know why im being held responsible over lost mail, i sent your cds the first time around. BTW, i actually sent you two of the three cds you bought plus 3 other cds. I would have thought you would be somewhat understanding, since you got 6 cds from me for only 15 dollars. and two of them were the ones i replaced. and as for Ben, he fucking wrote his address wrong and i'm being held responsible? Not only did i send his cd back but i sent him two extra cds. I can take a screen shot of the way he wrote his address and i just found out today that he wrote his address wrong so that is probably why he hasnt received both of my packages.
Does anyone else think that it's really a fucking shitty thing to make me send back CD's when the person wrote his fucking address wrong? Like seriously, how is that my fault at all? But no.. i still sent his cds back and two extra cds. And i'm sorry for this rant but i don't have time to be on this fucking forum but here i am because i don't like having this fucking shit over me.

PS, my sister died in a car accident and that is the reason i havent been around here, so no i wasnt intentionally not responding to your PM's fast enough, but i did fucking respond to your PM's and let you know that i was going to send your stuff/replace yet you guys still came here to bitch while you send me PM's like "its cool man, i think you are a honest dude" yet accuse me of shit here wtf? and the only reason i check this forum so i can see if you idiots got your cds by now. also, vihris-gari send me your address again and ill send your money back and you can keep all 6 cds i sent you. I will send your 15 dollars back through certified mail and i will post the tracking info on the forum so you cant accuse me of "not sending" anything. And like i said you can keep the 6 cds i sent you also, so you can have all this shit for free so you can be happy.

and as for Ben, wow.. what a shitty situation. you wrote your address wrong, i sent your stuff, you accuse me of not sending your stuff... and you wonder why you havent received it.. but hey, i sent your cds back and two extra cds, and it was to that same address, so somehow i don't think you will be getting it again since the address you gave me was wrong. What to do in a situation like this? Honestly i could say fuck you not my problem, but i'm not going to. I'll take the loss on whatever i had to pay to send your cds to you and the loss on the 5 cds.

Say ben, how much do you think that cd was worth to you? Give me your address and i will pay you for your mistake. Only this time, please give me your correct address.

I probably sound like a huge dick by responding this harshly, but i have honestly really been stressing out over this "cd" issue, i have been going from Kansas city to california over 7 times in the past month and a half, and each time it was always in the back of my head that the two "deals" i had were fucked up and i wanted to make it right. And i really could have just said fuck it.. i sent your stuff why should i have to pay? even when i had to plan a funeral i was worried about this stupid shit.

so just to be clear,

i sent vihris-gari his stuff. It was lost apparently, i replaced 2 of the 3 cds, and sent him 3 extra cds. he paid me 15 dollars, and got 5 cds out of the deal. i say thats pretty good! I mean i'm not a fucking mail order right? i don't magically control the post office.

Ben -

I sent his stuff, he claimed to not have received, so i say okay.. ill send your stuff back and i do send them and 2 extra cds with me taking the loss on the trade. yet i find out today that he wrote his address wrong and even the post office lady told me that is not the "correct" address. and again i'm blamed for a mistake that wasnt my doing.

Ok now that all that is out of the way. How am i going to make it right?

I'm going to send vihris-gari his money back and he can keep all 6 cds i sent him.
I'm going to pay for Ben's mistake by offering whatever money he feels his cd was worth.

I actually feel better now, i don't have to worry about this shit being held over my head. The ball is in your court guys! send me a PM for the details.
it's also really funny how both of you were really nice to me in PM's about the whole situation while going behind my back and accusing me of shit on the forums.. real classy.

You guys seriously lack basic empathy, I mean, VG, when your cds dont show up you assume i'm going to rip you off over such a large amount of money (15$) surely my rep on this forum is worth more than that! I mean lets be honest dude, if you sent someone cds, and they didnt show up would you feel its your responsibility to lose out on cds and send the same cds again? Probably not, but i did. I sent you 6 cds man and two of which were the ones you ordered in the first place and you're still coming to the forums to call me "untrustworthy" I mean it does piss me off when you say "i have my doubts that he really sent them" i mean really? Why would i send you 6 cds if that were the case? You put all this on me man, but i did in my opinion do the right thing. I just wish you would have just said "can i have my money back" it would have worked out easier for you. Well now you can have your money back and the free 6 cds i sent you, ass.

And as for you ben, i tell you i'm going through personal shit and thats the reason im not able to respond and you come to the forums and accuse me of shit lol, but it's worse when you are basically telling me "its cool man i trust you 100% i dont think you are a bad guy i'm not mad" yet you come here to accuse me of stuff um... wow. So you write your address wrong, and im expected to replace your cd at the loss of my 2 cds, and im even nice enough to give you extra cds. and you still come out here and bitch.

Just send me a PM with your right address man, i'll be happy to take the loss for your mistake, and ill be happy to pay you for your incompetence.

I just feel really fucking stupid to have been stressing out over this situation when i have more important shit to deal with, none of this was my fault yet i'm blamed, i mean jesus christ you guys really thought i was going to rip off two people that i post on a forum with, that i consider cool dudes that have good taste in music? Why would i do that? i spend over 1,000$ on CD/vinyl a month, did you really honestly think i needed the money? that i would ruin my rep over so little? The fucked up thing about it is, i really honestly do feel bad for you guys even still. and i would not feel right until it is right, but i want you two to know that none of this fucking shit was in any way my fault and it would be cool if both of you could acknowledge it. but nah.. none of you give a shit that you both are really the ones that took advantage of me and made me pay for mistakes that werent even my fault to begin with.

ugh, i realize this is a super long/weird post, but heh.. hopefully other people on this forum have empathy? I mean, i really dont even want to post on this forum anymore nor do i have the time to, but i really did feel horrible about this situation and was seriously stressing out over these two trades/sale and it makes me really mad at myself that i blammed myself for no reason, when in reality none of this was my fault and i dont see how i can be blammed for any of this in the first place.

one final thing i want to add. and one question

I never accused either of you of being dishonest or ripping me off, when i certainly have a stronger case to make than either of you two. Seeing as the one who lost out on the trade was ME, seeing as the one that was kind enough to replace everything that you "claim" to have not received was me, seeing as not only did i lose out on

Molested - Blod-Draum
Hellwitch - Syzygial Miscreancy
Baphomet (USA) - The Dead Shall Inherit
Banished (USA) - Deliver Me unto Pain

and having to send back a cd leaving me with nothing,

10$ to mail first time 10$ to mail second time

And then the 6 cds i gave VG, on top of the 3 cds he claimed to have lost, and paying to send his cds twice, (also notice the delivery conformation i put on it this time so you couldnt claim you didnt receive it?)

so guys what did i get out of this trade? other than having my name dragged through the mud and losing out on my stuff?

So even after all that i'm not going to claim either of you are dishonest, a fucking courtesy you did not show me.

Ben, if i gave you the wrong address by mistake and i had claimed to have not received your cd would you have sent my stuff back? Wouldn't you feel like it shouldnt be your fault since it wasnt you that fucked up?

VG, if i had not received the money would you have sent me another 15 dollars?

somehow i think both of you would have told me to fuck off.

and deservingly so, but heh.. i'm the bad guy here right?



here is the conformation number for VG's stuff. The first fucking thing i did from my flight from Kansas City was mail his package,

i told him i would replace his cds since i had doubles, i didn't have a double of one of the cds, so i sent him 3 extra cds for free.

had i known what a fucking jew he was going to be about it i would have sent all of his money back.

lmao at him saying "he sent me 5 cds, but only replaced 1.) why would you lie about that? it was 2, but hey, what could be the only logical reason for not sending you that last cd? OH i know because i fucking sent them to you the first time and the got lost or either you are lying about not getting them.

So yeah i sent you 3 extra cds to make up for that one i didn't send, and you still come here and call me dishonest and doubt that i really sent your stuff to begin with? Really, why would i bother sending you 6 cds in the first place? lmao be grateful i even sent you anything you selfish fuck. i basically gave you all those cds for free, do you not realize that? It's supposed to be my fault that the cds got lost in the mail? but yeah i was nice enough to replace your cds, i just didn't have 1 of them anymore so i sent you 3 extra cds. so in reality you got 6 cds for free off me and you complain on a forum about my generosity? You're scum.

and ben i will post a ss of the receipt when i get home. but don't worry man i 'm still going to pay you for your cd, even though you wrote your address wrong and blame me for your loss.

I mean i don't know what is more hilarious, the fact that VG is complaining and calling me "dishonest" "untrustworthy" over 15 dollars, or the fact that he is complaining that i sent him 6 cds when he paid for 3. (they werent shitty cds either) There is also the fact that he is holding my responsible for lost mail, and can't be reasonable enough to be happy with the 2 cds he paid for and the 3 cds i gave him for FREE! But hey i'm supposed to just bend over for something completely out of my control. The thing i dont get is, how does it make sense to you that i would rather send you 6 cds instead of the 3 you paid for? are you that fucking retarded? That you would seriously doubt that i sent you cds in the first place when you got 6 cds out of the deal? so.. in your head, it's easier for me to send you 6 cds total when you only paid for 3? lol wtf..

Then there is Benny who flat out told me in a PM, "dude you are 100% honest, dont worry about it man, i mean i have dealt with you before i traded with you before and it went fine"

yet runs to the forum to accuse me and being a huge dick when i explained to him i had personal issues to deal with, when i even assured him i would send his stuff back.

I realize im repeating myself here but both of these things are really hilarious, since it's ridiculous that im getting blamed for his mail not showing up when he gave me the wrong fucking address to begin with! I mean how can either of you two think im being unreasonable here? i gave you 6 cds out of my own expense VG. I sent your cd back BEN, i sent you two extra cds. I mean jesus christ look at the PM's i have been sending you, i took precious time out of my schedule to update you that i was going to replace/send your stuff back, why was it necessary to drag my name through the mud here? what the fuck else am i supposed to do here man?


Ben if you want your mail to show up, you might want to give someone the correct address, dipshit.

Edit again;


i'm not going to post your address to prove that you really gave me two completely different ones, however you flat out lied to me in a PM, and i do infact have proof and am willing to let anyone log into my account to see that you did infact give me a wrong address that contradicts your PM from yesterday.

and to the people that keep PMing me about the free cds i wanted to give away, I'm really sorry but i have so much on my plate right now, i dont really have time to pack them up and send them, i have to fly back around the country a lot lately, just be a little understanding and i will eventually get to it.
The USPS is the most unreliable company in the world most likely. I've had shit get lost and not show up until a week after it was due (mainly bills I had to pay). They lose tons of letters daily, but sometimes they get mixed up in other people's mail (mainly businesses since they get so much mail). If it's been three weeks, I'd declare it lost though.

Fuck the USPS. Just imagine how our health care system would be if the USPS is as inefficient as they are ;)


I went ahead and ordered that one cd that i couldnt replace since i didnt have a double of that one. When it gets here ill be sure to send your 15 cash and this cd along with it.

Hopefully this is enough to satisfy you. I honestly wish you guys would have handled this a little better to have avoided this bitterness, rather than going behind my back and accusing me.
The USPS is the most unreliable company in the world most likely. I've had shit get lost and not show up until a week after it was due (mainly bills I had to pay). They lose tons of letters daily, but sometimes they get mixed up in other people's mail (mainly businesses since they get so much mail). If it's been three weeks, I'd declare it lost though.

Fuck the USPS. Just imagine how our health care system would be if the USPS is as inefficient as they are ;)

hahaha and our current health care isnt inefficient? Post about how wonderful it is when you go bankrupt from an unexpected injury/illness.
ehh.. well Usps isnt really that bad, it could be worse.. and the free market version of it (UPS/FED EX) isnt any better. they tend to lose packages a lot as well..
USPS is terrible, brah. I work in a mail room, so I have first hand knowledge of how fucking inefficient that company is. Fedex and UPS are way better. If the government didn't put a monopoly on postage stuff (letters and such), then the USPS would be out of business in a year.

That's awful news about your sister man. I didn't know you were going through that and I'm definitely sorry to hear, and of course I'm sorry if I came across as insensitive given your circumstances.

Let me try to explain a few things. Firstly, I didn't post about you here just to trash talk you, though perhaps I should have been less harsh in my post. I just wanted to let people know that I'd had a problematic experience, because I think the community is entitled to that information. If I'd sent CDs to someone and they didn't get them, I would expect the buyer to report me as well. I am not completely lacking in empathy, and there is no need for you to be so touchy. I'm sorry for what you're going through, but it helps not to bottle your emotions like that. I would have understood your need for more time if you had explained your situation to me.

Secondly, it's not just the fact that I didn't get what I paid for that made me suspicious - it's that you knowingly misled me to believe that you were still going to send me everything I ordered. I'm sorry if your original shipment got lost, and I certainly appreciate your willingness to replace it for me, but you should have been honest with me ahead of time.

Thirdly, although this is kind of minor, it is not true that you sent me 2 of the 3 CDs I paid for. Here's what I ordered:

Aborym - Generator
Amorphis - Elegy
Venom - Black Metal

The only one of those you sent me is Elegy. I'm not sure if you're referring to Aborym - With No Human Intervention as the 2nd one, but it's still not the Aborym album I asked for.

I'm not trying to sound ungrateful that you made an effort to make up for the original lost shipment, but obviously that does not amount to a smooth, flawless transaction, and it's not something you should expect to "restore your reputation" as a seller.

As for what to do at this point, I think we should just call it a day. I don't really know how lost shipments are normally handled in the retail world, but I don't expect you to refund me if you consider that unfair. I'll just hold on to what you sent me and leave it at that.

I went ahead and ordered that one cd that i couldnt replace since i didnt have a double of that one. When it gets here ill be sure to send your 15 cash and this cd along with it.

Hopefully this is enough to satisfy you. I honestly wish you guys would have handled this a little better to have avoided this bitterness, rather than going behind my back and accusing me.

Dude, just cancel that order and read my above post before you get any more worked up about this. This is a little nuts.
About the Aborym cd, my bad i actually didn't pay attention and thought i only had one Aborym cd and assumed it was the correct one. Here is my line of thinking, i thought well hey this is pretty reasonable ill replace 2 out 3 and just give this guy extra cds. That doesn't seem terrible right? So i didn't actually mean to mislead you, but i mistakenly assumed you would be reasonable about the situation, i mean how can you honestly hold me responsible for lost mail? Is it really that much of a stretch to believe that it oculd have gotten lost, seeing as it was right after christmas? but no assume im a rip off. So you still think i shouldnt expect to restore my reputation when at no fault of my own i still gave you 6 cds at my own expense? really man? And i actually am going to send you that CD that i already paid for and your money back, i don't give a shit about the money, perhaps i am in the wrong and should be responsible for every lost piece of mail.

the only issue i have is you could have just PM'd me that you were unhappy with the replacement cds, and i would have bought them for you and refunded your money, instead you came crying to the forums. It's not like i flat out ignored your PM's dude, we were in contact.

Edit; if it seems like i'm blowing this issue up, it is only because i really did everything i could to make this right. I haven't had much time to myself lately but i still made sure to check on the forums to see if you guys got your stuff, i mean i would ask you every week if you got your cds VG, and when finally it seemed like you werent going to get them i thought of the most reasonable thing to do which was to replace most and give you extra cds.

and as for the Ben_T situation, this dude would PM me every week asking me where his cd was and made me send back his CD only to find out today that he had given me the wrong address. I don't have a right to be a little pissed off here? Considering all the stuff i lost to both of you, and the time i wasted coming here to fix issues that were not in my control to begin with?
I've already given reasons for what led me to assume you had ripped me off. All said, it was a combination of delays plus misinformation plus the coincidence of Ben_t having problems as well. I'm sorry if I was too harsh in judging you, but I'm not sorry about posting about you here in the first place. I think it's perfectly reasonable, if not important, for people to report problems with trades in a setting like this. If you (or anyone else) have a problem with someone complaining publicly about a purchase they made from you, then don't sell to me.

And seriously, don't feel obligated to order new CDs for me. You don't need to "prove" yourself to me. I am offering to call it even now, so I don't see how you stand to benefit from putting yourself through this.