The GMD Classifieds Thread

See thats just the thing isnt it. Sure, if someone is ignoring your PM's and you havent heard from them and you haven't gotten your stuff that would be a situation where you are perfectly justified to report someone. We were both in contact, obviously i'm not going to rip you off then keep answering your every PM. I'm just curious why you still feel that im responsible for lost mail? my part ends at the post office, i don't deliver the mail. If you sent someone a cd and it was lost in the mail you wouldnt try to defend yourself over someone holding you responsible for it? It's a pretty dick move to tell people that i ripped you off when that isnt the case at all, so it is you that is misleading people. Don't you think it would have been easier to just PM me and ask for a refund? I don't get why you didn't just PM me if you were unhappy, that is the confusing part.

"combination of delays plus misinformation"

can you elaborate on this? What delay's are you talking about? I would PM you every week asking you if you had received the cds. Like do you seriously think i did this for fun? I was really hoping you would get the cds, i mean i waited a reasonable amount of time then i sent you a new package. If you werent happy with it like i said you should have PM'd me, because what exactly did you solve by posting here? I didn't see any of your posts until this morning. Again, i just think it's a little disingenuous to call me a rip off or to doubt that i ever sent you a package to begin with considering i would PM you every week asking you if you got my package. You make it seem like i ignored your PM's.
Yes, I could have tried negotiating with you further via PM, but you already lied to me once about what you were sending, so I didn't see much reason to think you wouldn't lie again just to get me off your back. I don't think I "misled" anyone here about what you did - I voiced my suspicion about the deal based on what had happened, and as I pointed out I had legitimate reasons for that suspicion. I didn't actually assert that you had cheated me because obviously I have no way of knowing that.
Yes, I could have tried negotiating with you further via PM, but you already lied to me once about what you were sending, so I didn't see much reason to think you wouldn't lie again just to get me off your back. I don't think I "misled" anyone here about what you did - I voiced my suspicion about the deal based on what had happened, and as I pointed out I had legitimate reasons for that suspicion. I didn't actually assert that you had cheated me because obviously I have no way of knowing that.

wtf? Seriously man what did i do to make you think i couldnt be "negotiated" with, i would literally PM you all the time asking about the cds, all you had to do was ask for a refund and i would have sent your money back, hell i would have sent you the CD's anyway. Honestly man would you feel that i would be justified to call you a dishonest rip off if the money you sent me got lost? I wouldnt even expect you to send me another 15 dollars, i would take the loss or work something out that seems fair. I think it was pretty reasonable to send you 6 free cds man,

i dont even get why you would think i would rip you off over 3 common cds, that is ridiculous. I would have had no problem refunding your money. again..

15 dollars lol...
Sorry about your loss Koude.

Please read your PMs next time before going out like that with a huge complaint about me giving you the "wrong" address and basically blaming me for not getting anything from you while attempting to "ruin" your reputation.

There is no need to be aggressive about all this, though I can understand given what's going on in your life.

Take care.
Sorry about your loss Koude.

Please read your PMs next time before going out like that with a huge complaint about me giving you the "wrong" address and basically blaming me for not getting anything from you while attempting to "ruin" your reputation.

There is no need to be aggressive about all this, though I can understand given what's going on in your life.

Take care.

Hey man i was perfectly fine to handle this through PM's it was you two that chose to drag it out on the forums. I'm happy to discuss this issue with you through PM, and the offer i made you still stands, however you have to realize that the mistake is on your part. There really is no other logical explanation.
wtf? Seriously man what did i do to make you think i couldnt be "negotiated" with, i would literally PM you all the time asking about the cds, all you had to do was ask for a refund and i would have sent your money back, hell i would have sent you the CD's anyway. Honestly man would you feel that i would be justified to call you a dishonest rip off if the money you sent me got lost? I wouldnt even expect you to send me another 15 dollars, i would take the loss or work something out that seems fair. I think it was pretty reasonable to send you 6 free cds man,

i dont even get why you would think i would rip you off over 3 common cds, that is ridiculous. I would have had no problem refunding your money. again..

15 dollars lol...

I'll have to get back to you on this later, don't have time right now. Maybe in the mean time though you can look back over my earlier posts and actually read them carefully, because you seem to be either confused or ignoring what I've said. I called you dishonest because you were, not because I did not get the original CDs in the mail. I can't have a rational conversation with you like this, so we should probably just drop the issue altogether. You are free to do or not do whatever you think is fair. Again, I am willing to accept what you have already sent me and leave it at that, I really don't care at this point.
It is really unfair to characterize me as dishonest, nonnegotiable, and calling into question that i sent your package.

i really can't believe i have to keep arguing you this, but the fact that the postal system lost your package does not make me a "rip off" I mean you never once complained to me at all, it was mostly me sending you PM's about your package, but you complained here. Do you not see the stupidity of that? I didn't read these forums, and had you asked for a refund you would have gotten one.

And if i was being dishonest about replacing your cds, it was not my intention, and i would have immediately refunded and bought you the original cds, so you showed a complete failure in communication. I mean, the cds showing up is not my fault, but i still sent you 6 cds didn't i? Do you really feel like you were ripped off here? the fact that i wanted to send you those cds should show you i really wanted to work out this situation, it was a mistake to think you would be a reasonable person obviously. Even still i'm trying to work something out but you refuse, and it makes no sense, if you honestly feel so ripped off, why aren't you accepting the refund/cds im offering you?

I mean.. does anyone thats not involved have any input? am i really the huge peice of shit scum rip off that i'm made out to be here? Is it my fault the postal system fucked up? Does it really make sense that i would send someone 6 cds instead of the original 3 common cds that he paid for?

why would i go through all that trouble when obviously i have a lot of other serious issues going on in my life at the moment. I don't seem reasonable here?

You know the funny thing is i could easily just accuse you of claiming to have not received my stuff i mean heh we both have done trades here before right? What makes your word over mine better? Seems suspicious that you wont accept my refund and want me to just "drop it"

but yeah, i'm the bad guy here.. i mean in the end, who really lost out here? It certainly wasnt you.
Look you might believe that the issue is with me giving the "wrong address".

But really...does

Benoit Tousignant
100-2 Du Stratus
Gatineau, Qc
J9A 0B5

is different enough from:

Benoit Tousignant
100-2 Du Stratus
Gatineau, Qc
J9A 0B5

To justify something not getting to me?

If the package didn't get to me, where is it then? Did you get it back, because you know...when the address is wrong it goes back to the sender...? Does the difference in the address will really send it to someone else then me? Is it just lost and the address didn't have any impact on anything? Did you actually send something? Was Vhiris address wrong as well?!? Is it possible that it's not a coincidence that 2 packages sent around the same time didn't get to their receipients? If money can be stolen in enveloppes, I don't see how it could be impossible to have cds stolen as well.

There's a lot of maybe but for now, all I know if that I sent something to you that you received as far as you told me and haven't received anything from the apparent 2 packages that you send me.

Also, the fact that you sent me bonus cds in a second package isn't my problem at all. We agreed that you'd send my cd back. You went further and included bonus cds for whatever reason and are now blaming me for losing even more cds. If you stuck to the agreement we had, you'd be out of 2 cds and me 1.

Also, I don't see how my warning to other traders was offensive to you. I understand you not being pleased, but it's only fair to other potential traders with you. I'd expect exactly the same warning if we reversed roles and you sent me something that I received and never got anything from me.
Look you might believe that the issue is with me giving the "wrong address".

But really...does

Benoit Tousignant
100-2 Du Stratus
Gatineau, Qc
J9A 0B5

is different enough from:

Benoit Tousignant
100-2 Du Stratus
Gatineau, Qc
J9A 0B5

To justify something not getting to me?

If the package didn't get to me, where is it then? Did you get it back, because you know...when the address is wrong it goes back to the sender...? Does the difference in the address will really send it to someone else then me? Is it just lost and the address didn't have any impact on anything? Did you actually send something? Was Vhiris address wrong as well?!? Is it possible that it's not a coincidence that 2 packages sent around the same time didn't get to their receipients? If money can be stolen in enveloppes, I don't see how it could be impossible to have cds stolen as well.

There's a lot of maybe but for now, all I know if that I sent something to you that you received as far as you told me and haven't received anything from the apparent 2 packages that you send me.

Also, the fact that you sent me bonus cds in a second package isn't my problem at all. We agreed that you'd send my cd back. You went further and included bonus cds for whatever reason and are now blaming me for losing even more cds. If you stuck to the agreement we had, you'd be out of 2 cds and me 1.

Also, I don't see how my warning to other traders was offensive to you. I understand you not being pleased, but it's only fair to other potential traders with you. I'd expect exactly the same warning if we reversed roles and you sent me something that I received and never got anything from me.

Ben, i have offered to pay you whatever price you want for your cd. So you really honestly think i'm the rip off here still? So the postal lady telling me that i shouldnt write anything under "canada" is a coincidence?

Btw, i have the receipt you fucking dipshit.

lol this is beyond hilarious, i will literally paypal both of you faggots your money right now using my friends account, and neither of you have yet to accept. what the fuck is wrong with you people?

and to add insult to injury i'm willingly accepting a huge loss on my part and all i wanted from you two was a little acknowledgment that maybe.. just maybe.. i'm not a rip off. you people are fucking selfish cunts.

I mean really, i lost so many cds in this trade, yet i have not complained once about any of that, I mean holy shit i've been on here for 6 hours writing and defending myself, seriously can both of you not think logically? That maybe i actually really am an honest dude that wants to make it right at the expense of myself?

It's not my fault you guys aren't accepting my offer of paying you money. i mean wtf? i am honestly at a loss here, you guys make it seem like i'm some gypsy fuck that has ripped you off. and that my word means nothing.

it's weird how you guys cant even give me a little bit of acknowledgment when i am seriously wanting to make it right with you two, i mean.. you realize i lost more stuff than both of you right? and i'm still wanting to pay you guys whatever you feel you deserve.

I mean you guys are like really terrible, not only do you want me to lose all my stuff, but you want all the blame to be put on me when that is obviously not even the case, but the weird thing about it is neither of you are accepting the money im offering. can you people fucking explain this shit to me?
Raging about this isnt going to help anything...

From the outside looking in, two packages going missing seems a bit odd.
Have you recieved any empty packages in the mail or had things never reach you in the past?

The error on ben's package doesnt seem any different than reversing "US" and the area code on a package. That being said, if they couldnt send it, you should have got something back.

You guys really need to talk about this through pms or some sort of chat other than this board, I think.
Resolve it and be done with each other.
Raging about this isnt going to help anything...

From the outside looking in, two packages going missing seems a bit odd.
Have you recieved any empty packages in the mail or had things never reach you in the past?

The error on ben's package doesnt seem any different than reversing "US" and the area code on a package. That being said, if they couldnt send it, you should have got something back.

You guys really need to talk about this through pms or some sort of chat other than this board, I think.
Resolve it and be done with each other.

i offered both of them money dude, they arent accepting it. HOW does this not seem strange to you?

lol and there is the fact that i sent VG 6 cds, so i wanted to make it right with VG why wouldnt i want to make it right with Ben? i mean jesus christ what more can i fucking do here?

Re: trade?
I really don't want anything from you. If you happen to get the cds i sent, keep them. im willing to pay you off for the cd

PM i sent ben. He just ignored it and posted here instead. This is what really makes no sense to me, none of you are accepting the money im offering, it's like you guys are just happy with ruining my rep here and taking my stuff.

Alright i'm done here obviously nothing i say matters since you guys think i'm some roma scumbag, i have stated like 20 times what i would do to fix your issues, you aren't listening. PM me with how you guys want to handle this absurd situation. I'm not going to ignore your PM's or anything, i can still be reasonable, but i dont know what you guys want to do here because you guys are rejecting all my offers.. ugh.
You arent getting what I'm saying. You obviously want to make this right, regardless of what happened.

I never said anything about not wanting to make things right with ben. If that package was sent, and so was VG's... and neither reached them or came back to you... there is a bigger issue here for you. You either arent packaging your stuff well enough (which I doubt because you seem fairly experienced) or someone is swiping your mail.
First, as I've said, I will gladly retract anything I've said if I get anything. But you see the only way I can acknowledge the effort made on your side is by getting a result (receiving a package). Otherwise it's pretty hard for me to verify that you did anything you said you did.

Secondly, the reason I don't want money (at least for now) is that I have no idea when you sent your second package. If you sent it in mid-january it's still possible that it didn't get to me yet. I've seen things take 6-8 weeks before...I don't want to ask for money yet and have to send it back to you after. That just seems like complicating things even more.
I never said anything about not wanting to make things right with ben. If that package was sent, and so was VG's... and neither reached them or came back to you... there is a bigger issue here for you. You either arent packaging your stuff well enough (which I doubt because you seem fairly experienced) or someone is swiping your mail.

I agree, that's what I was trying to convey before, you just explained it better.
Still looking for a physical copy of Portents, Omens, and Doom by The Lamp of Thoth. (and on a lesser note, Rwake's first demo, Xenoglossalgia)

Might also be willing to buy other doom and/or sludge albums (not really interested in buying post metal stuff right now though) for a decent price. I pay with paypal, if anyone's interested drop me a pm or post what you've got..

Edit: Other stuff I'm particularly, but not limited to being interested in:

Electric Wizard albums
Grief albums
Mastodon albums (maybe, and dont need Blood Mountain)
Zoroaster - Dog Magic
Zoroaster - Voice of Saturn
Rwake albums
The Sword - Gods of the Earth
Saint Vitus albums Born Too Late in particular
EyeHateGod - In the Name of Suffering (old house art only)
Still looking for a physical copy of Portents, Omens, and Doom by The Lamp of Thoth. (and on a lesser note, Rwake's first demo, Xenoglossalgia)

Might also be willing to buy other doom and/or sludge albums (not really interested in buying post metal stuff right now though) for a decent price. I pay with paypal, if anyone's interested drop me a pm or post what you've got..

Edit: Other stuff I'm particularly, but not limited to being interested in:

Electric Wizard albums
Grief albums
Mastodon albums (maybe, and dont need Blood Mountain)
Zoroaster - Dog Magic
Zoroaster - Voice of Saturn
Rwake albums
The Sword - Gods of the Earth
Saint Vitus albums Born Too Late in particular
EyeHateGod - In the Name of Suffering (old house art only)

I still have this available that might be of interest to you.

Mournful Congregation - The Dawning of Mournful Hymns – Enucleation - Excellent
Mournful Congregation - The Monad of Creation - Weird Truth Prod - Excellent
Mournful Congregation - The June Frost - Enucleation - Excellent

If you don't know them, listen to some samples and let me know if you're interested. I would sell them 5$ each. Shipping would depend on how many you take and if you want them shipped without cases.