the goal is...

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Originally posted by deadair
(no one talked about my "worms" pic post, that games rules)

ah, fuck you i keep hearing "You'll regret that!" and "Bungeeee!" in my head.

we always called it WOEMS, because we had a pirated PS1 copy that misspelled the name on the box as such. one time i played it for sixteen hours straight, and there's still a group of eight or ten of us who get together occasionally to play the ol' classic.

one night we were playing at like five a.m. and my woem Hitler evaded several assassination attempts ("take that, rommel!") and then dropped a cluster bomb on the enemy team, killing them and winning the match. i jumped up and screamed "HITLEERRRRRRRRRR!", totally forgetting i was in a residential apartment block at five am. the lights went on in the apartment next door and i was mortified, but they never called the cops on us or anything.
this thread is such a clusterfuck, but in a good way.


(clusterfuck.jpg kindly withheld out of consideration for working peeps)
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