Violator of Sheep
98 isn't based on NT and the virus is pointed more towards the NT users. XP Home simply because the poser wannabe hackers think it's cool to mess with computer illiterate people's computers while they gain access by a Trojan and laugh to their 13 year-old, four-eyed 230 pound selves. The main reason the worm or simply virus is created is because the OS' (Operating Systems) such as 2000 Pro, 2000 Server and XP Pro (otherwise known as XP Corp) or shit, even Longhorn/2003 Server are mainly used for Corporation use. When a white-coat hacker, like myself, gains access to another system, we simply pat ourselves on the back, have a look around and leave. The black-coat hackers or what I would like to call Faggot pieces of shit, hack into other systems to destroy. They gain access to personal computers for fun and destroy things, calling themselves 'elite, leet, 3l33t, etc.' and hack into corporate systems thinking they will impress real elite hackers, but the real white-coat hackers will stick their noses up in the air and walk the fuck away. Then, the black-coats will think they are too good for the real hackers and create viruses for revenge and have hopes to get those good hackers' computers. But the truth is, us white-coats laugh at these worthless pieces of shit. Fucking bastards! Giving us fucking bad names! Making it worse than fucking murder and ruining our fun, our excitement, our adrenaline rushes, or fucking educational purposes, our fucking need for the feeling of not going to crack it yet there is that little chance..........fucking DIE! It's fucking sad, because of these faggot pieces of shit. Now, since they are ruining the fun for us and the beginners, we have to set up our own boxes (machines) and hack our own systems, so we won't get fucking caught. We have to install different types of Firewalls, Proxies, etc so we can keep the challenge alive. Why? Because if we try to hack into a corporate system or shit, pretty much any system, we get nailed and thrown in jail forever. FUCK YOU, FUCKING DIE WORTHLESS BASTARDS!!!!!
*Note: As you now know, this is a 'rant' post*
Kind of got carried away.........
*Note: As you now know, this is a 'rant' post*