The Grand Conjuration Summoned All Manner of Demons Through My Audio Source

My first thread on this board was back in dec 2005, it was "The Grand Conjuration and other godsends."

Basically me going "Jesus on a stick, TGC owns my soul and gives me a new will to live, Y/N? Any other songs like it!??"

Yeah I got flamed.
GR was the only record I had at the moment, having heard only Windowpane and Harvest before.

I still love TGC.
I don't mean repetition as in like the ending of Deliverance, which is awesome. I just mean that there's not a lot to the song. It doesn't really warrant its 10 minutes running time. And when I say it doesn't add anything I don't mean to a story or anything, it's just that it feels like a fairly pointless song, not quite filler but close. Still better than most of the rest of the album though.

are you kidding? it's the worst track on the album :erk:
yeh a lot of opeth fans seem to hate on this song for one reason or another. to me every song they do is different to the others in some way to another. yes its slightly repetitive, but isn't the outro to deliverance?

when you can write a better outro than that come back to the forum and we can discuss it.
when you can write a better outro than that come back to the forum and we can discuss it.

So you cant criticize anything unless you make better yourself? Please. TGC outro just doesnt work too well, atleast deliverance had a seperate riff there. I dont have anything against it being repetive, for example (crappy one) i like Megadeth's Symphony for Destruction, but it would suck ass if they have 50 bars of that riff and that only for outro. For me it seems like they have it there just to make the track longer.