The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

but the conservatives won right isn't that good?

Nope. Sure, im against imigration and homosexuals shoving their dicks up my eyes, but im pro abortion and in vitro for example, and those catholic retards are not allowing it.
When it comes to economy they are socialists, communists. Fuck them with hammer and sickle.

And I saw their project for changing constitution. There a lot of fucked up things but they want to allow lobotomy if they think you don't "fit" and there's something wrong with you. Yes, lobotomy, im not fucking joking. "Procedures" "Brain surgery".
Nope. Sure, im against imigration and homosexuals shoving their dicks up my eyes, but im pro abortion and in vitro for example, and those catholic retards are not allowing it.
When it comes to economy they are socialists, communists. Fuck them with hammer and sickle.

And I saw their project for changing constitution. There a lot of fucked up things but they want to allow lobotomy if they think you don't "fit" and there's something wrong with you. Yes, lobotomy, im not fucking joking. "Procedures" "Brain surgery".

Wat?? It sounds like Polish politics are pretty fucked too. I would have to look a bit further to come to a conclusion there. I am for socialism, but lobotomy?? There has to be some kind of context I missed.
The party is called Prawo i Sprawiedliwość - Law and Justice.
That feeling when some of them were sentenced by court.
Also, the party's leader is a mix of hitler and stalin when it comes to being fucked right in the brain. Everywhere he sees enemies, who's not with them should be imprisoned (and the consitution project allows planting evidence and provocation!)

It's good our army cant compete with russian or german army. Otherwise he would be extremely dangerous. I hope he dies assassinated by russia.
^fakk af :(

Wat?? It sounds like Polish politics are pretty fucked too. I would have to look a bit further to come to a conclusion there. I am for socialism, but lobotomy?? There has to be some kind of context I missed.

The context is that all xenophobic parties in Europe have gained massive support this past ~year or so due to the flood of immigrants. Most parties have not wanted to do anything out of fear of what voters would say, but now what happened is that voters are massively flocking to these parties. Nobody even cares about the rest of the policies of those parties. They just hate refugees enough to vote for them.

The sad part about Poland is that they only expect about 7000 refugees. Which is basically no problem at all in a country of about 40 million. But, people are still scared of them so they vote for the xenophobic parties. The reason that PIS is able to get that many votes is that a huge topic in the elections was immigrants and Poles believed the propaganda-ish campaigning. Also, Poles are in general very xenophobic. They were part of the USSR only 25 years ago and basically no blacks or brown people lived in the Soviet states at all. So this immigration thing is relatively new to the Polish voterbase so they do not like it.

Btw feel free to correct me if I'm wrong Aexel

I can make it bigger if you want :Spin:

I like them big :Blush:
That is true, I think PiS would win anyway if it wasnt for immigrants, but now they gained 40 % of votes and not expected 30%~~ so they can rule without needing the votes of other parties.
Also there were many lies spread about immigrants. So far we agreed for 7-10 k of them but there were rumours that we will take 100k of them and people believed that. Poles are that stupid.
Not a lot of bands in the semi-obscure metal scene make appearances on mainstream US TV. It happens but it's rare.

Weird indeed. Not to mention the fucking poster they've made for that appearance :lol:


Mastodon was on Letterman 3 times, and Megadeth on Kimmel once I think. I also believe Volbeat was on one of those talkshows, not sure though. But yeah doesn't happen very often

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