The greatest website.... of all time?

The Amazer

Mar 31, 2003

When I found this site I absolutely shit my pants.

Not only did it remind me of all my cartoon favourites that I grew up with... but it also has their THEME SONGS.

Was anyone else here ever a Ulysses 31 fan? One of the best cartoons ever, it's based on Homer's "The Odyssey" ... BUT SET IN THE 31ST CENTURY!

And it also has the best theme song in the history of the world.

Another thing this site did was remind me of that 5 minute break after shows like the Wayne Manifesto when a small cartoon was played.

And the king of that cartoon? HENRY'S CAT. Oh man, what a show. Every day I'd say: "No Henry, be careful on that ladder or you'll get paint on your head!" but he'd never listen. And now I have the short, yet awesome, theme song to Henry's Cat.

It also has links to DVDs for series of some of my favourite cartoons... including Henry's Cat and Ulysses 31!

SuperTed, Bananaman, the list goes on...

I think I'm in heaven.
Was Ulysses the one where the people were in stasis of some kind on the spaceship and they had to find a way to get them out of it? And there was a red robot?
:worship: :worship: DINO RIDERS! :worship: :worship:

Defenders Of The Earth! :worship:

THUNDERCATS! :headbang:

The Care Bears... Remember their cloud cars? They had rainbows on them, they must have been vikings.

Im too scared to go buy the dvds of all those shows in case they suck :(

Why does life totally suck when you become an adult? :(
Thats a lie. When you are a kid, being a Dino Rider is a perfectly legitimate career option. It was much better :(
Blitzkrieg said:

also... I love memories. It's the biggest let-down when you have a really fond memory of some show/movie and then you re-watch it and it's shit. Nothing is worse than that feeling.

And I have the first episode of Dino-Riders on VHS... Quest Star must defend the Step Crystal... so he hides it and creates a fake Step Crystal which the bad guy takes and the goodies save the day! (Not the actual GOODIES... but the good guys)