The greatest website.... of all time?

It was a Thundercats joke and she is the first thing that comes to mind when the word ho is used, as the Thundercats did. I went to all that trouble to post an image and everything and I didnt get ONE STINKING LAUGH. This audience... Its like ice out there.

I liked Christina back when she had long blonde hair and didnt dress like a cheap prostitute. If she is so talented she wouldnt need other people to write everything for her and produce all her albums. Big deal, she can sing, so can the people on Australian Idol!

So your comeback was, at least she is a talented slut? (Though im not fond of the term slut myself, but, your words...) :) ;)
Well, I said YOU said she was a talented slut, I never said she was :) ;)

Sprucey, if someone wrote two albums for me that sold MILLIONS of copies worldwide, I could FART an album out for my third one and it would sell, so that argument holds no water at all im afraid, especially when she is paired with the best songwriters, producers and managers in pop. She did nothing on her first album, get yourself established and it isnt hard to stay on top when you have all the people she has working for her.

Yes, she has a brilliant voice, but she doesnt have any integrity at all. I loved when they asked her why she dresses and acts the way she does in her videos and she said "Well the rap guys objectify women all the time in their videos, and if they can do it, I can too, its my choice" which is the biggest pile of shit I have heard in a long time. Apparently objectifying women is fine then, but not if a guy does it.

She is the Madonna of this generation. All controversy, backed with some catchy tunes, nothing more.

Hmm... That probably seems unneccessarily harsh... I think ill have to pull out a dickoism here and say she is classless. Of course, while she is counting her millions I dont think she will be too bothered by what I think. She should be though, im sure she would be much happier if she listened to me.
Ceydn, I fucking love it when you shit your pants. :lol: :lol: :lol:

At school we used to sing "Ulysees, Ulysees, searching for your mothers fleas, in search of something, something tasty to eat" Hmmm...

Talking of memories I met someone today who has never heard of Miami Vice. I don't mean he's never seen it cos he's too young, I mean full on, never ever heard of it. How old do I feel...
I can't believe I've never seen Miami Vice. Cop shows just didn't interest me at that time, but I really should check it out one day cos it was created by Michael Mann.

Michael Mann! :rock:
The guys 21, which I didn't think of as particularly young until he said he was born in 1983. He was born the year we bought our first VCR. *sigh*

Miami Vice raawwwkks. It's coming out on DVD in January (in the states at least), will have to make that my next TV collection. I just wish they'd hurry up and release Hill Street Blues. GGggrrrrrr.