average stalker said:
hopefully the video will make it to headbangers ball or whatever show that plays metal videos
it kinda would be nice to see it on tv, but HBB really sucks now, they pretty much only play shitty music now and they dont even get the labels right :erk:
Cr4zyIrishJohn said:
Megusta, i don't get you. You make fun of COB, but you listen to Demon Burger? :Puke:

And you like Kalmah? WTF? You are confusing.

I like some Dimmu Borgir too, and I like Kalmah, well actually I love Kalmah.
I listen to Death,Trivium and Alice and Chains.
See that's a pretty weird combination...

I hate Demon Burger (lol i like the name) but it just proves that metalheads can have diverse music tastes which is pretty awsome in my opinion :kickass:
if its gonna be like an commercial video then screw it!

kalmah isnt some mtv clowns

tho i do understand the band's member got life to take care off, they do need to make extra money to pay the bill.
yeah i wouldn't even consider the withering away video to be a kalmah video, it wasnt even done by them. it was done by some student as a school project or something. this video is gonna be amazing. and amazing video for an amazing song.