The grossest shit in the world.


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
Carlos nonchalantly asks whether his drink was made with whole or skim milk. He takes a moment to slurp on his grande Caffe Mocha in a crowded Starbucks, and then he gets back to explaining how much he wants HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. His eyes light up as he says that the actual moment of transmission, the instant he gets HIV, will be "the most erotic thing I can imagine." He seems like a typical thirty-two-year-old man, but, in fact, he has a secret life. Carlos is chasing the bug.

When asked whether he is prepared to live with HIV after that "erotic" moment, Carlos dismisses living with HIV as a minor annoyance. Like most bug chasers, he has the impression that the virus just isn't such a big deal anymore: "It's like living with diabetes. You take a few pills and get on with your life."

Carlos is part of an intricate underground world that has sprouted, driven almost completely by the Internet, in which men who want to be infected with HIV get together with those who are willing to infect them. The men who want the virus are called "bug chasers," and the men who freely give the virus to them are called "gift givers."

Carlos surfs online about twenty hours a week looking for men to have sex with, usually frequenting sites such as and, plus a number of Internet discussion groups. Most of the Web sites use the pretense that they actually are about barebacking, which is in itself risky and controversial but still a long way from bug chasing. For the Web sites, that distinction is at best razor-thin and more often just an outright lie. "We got Poz4Poz, Neg4Neg and bug chasers looking to join the club," the welcome page to, which claims 48,000 registered users, up from 28,000 about a year ago, recently said. "Be the first to seed a newbie and give him a pozitive attitude!"

Within this online community, bug chasers revel in their desires, using their own lingo about "poz" and "neg" men, "bug juice" and "conversion" from negative to positive. User profiles include names such as BugChaser21, Knockmeup, BugMeSoon, ConvertMeSir, PozCum4NegHole and GiftGiver. The posters are upfront about seeking HIV, even extremely enthusiastic, possibly because the Web sites are about the only place a bug seeker can really express his desires openly. Under turn-ons, a poster called PozMeChgo craves a "hot poz load deep in me. I really want to be converted!! Breed me/seed me!"

Carlos carries another secret that he says heightens the thrill of pursuing HIV. Sometimes he volunteers in the offices of Gay Men's Health Crisis, the pre-eminent HIV-prevention and AIDS-activist organization in New York. And about once a month, he does outreach volunteering in which he goes to clubs to hand out condoms and educate men about safe sex.

You can read the rest about this trash here: Rolling Stone : Bug Chasers
That is SO fucked up, but I have seen it before and forgot about it. Disgusting.
Remember that thread I made a while about the people sexually obsessed with Sonic The Hedgehog? Those people need to hang out with these people. Off a cliff.
Well if there is an upside, the people who would do such things, wont be around long if they contract their wanton bug.

Wow, I mean wow, how the fuck would anyone WANT a deadly bug. Is this some kind of suicide thing?
Remember that thread I made a while about the people sexually obsessed with Sonic The Hedgehog? Those people need to hang out with these people. Off a cliff.

Actually, no. :) What was the story behind those fuckers?

And agreed, with off a cliff. Except not a pretty cliff, where it would ruin the view. More like a cliff with a bunch of trashed autos at the bottom.
they should all be shot and their websites flooded and hacked. i don't say out of homophobia, but because i think that spreading HIV is not a good thing, it is totally wrong. people should help cure AIDS and totally eliminate the virus, not spreading it. maybe some of the guys that get infected will then go and infect other people who don't want to be infected and spread this fucking disease that is incurable and kills a lot of innocent people.
sick bastards....

God... I can't believe this. I've been a huge Sonic fan since my 4 years old, but I swear I'm starting to hate the guy for the fucked up things it is spawning in this world (I've seen similar things like that link, but not as extreme). Luckily I'm more into metal than Sonic and/or sexuality anyway.

I don't know what's more disturbing. This thread or the Sonic one... what happened to you Sonic, you used to be cool. :ill: (sorry for the semi-off topic, I haven't seen that thread yet)
God... I can't believe this. I've been a huge Sonic fan since my 4 years old, but I swear I'm starting to hate the guy for the fucked up things it is spawning in this world (I've seen similar things like that link, but not as extreme). Luckily I'm more into metal than Sonic and/or sexuality anyway.

I don't know what's more disturbing. This thread or the Sonic one... what happened to you Sonic, you used to be cool. :ill: (sorry for the semi-off topic, I haven't seen that thread yet)

Sonic doesnt like those sick bastards trust me, he is still a very respectable hedgehog
I guess so.. But I'm a bit scarred from all of this, everyone disses Sonic fandom (or furry fandom) for the people that are in there, so I backed off because I didn't want to be part of some odd group of people...

I used to make pretty good Sonic art on DeviantART.. after a while I saw some Sonic artists' 'other side', which basically was porn. I was disgusted.

I still love the blue guy (NO NOT IN THAT WAY), but it's just so sad to see this kind of stuff happening. Sonic has been my very first step which led me to metal though :p

edit: my avatar is actually an old art piece of mine
I don't see a big deal.

It's their life, and they aren't hurting anyone but themselves. Case closed.