The grossest shit in the world.

I've heard about stuff like this before.

My boss was born with a birth defect and because of that had both of his legs amputated when he was a child. He has two prosthetic legs, just below the knee.
He came into work one day and was telling me about this website he found. People are actually looking to have thier limbs amputated because they find it erotic. He was so annoyed, to say the least.

He was going on telling me how it takes him about an hour to get his legs on in the morning. How it is very painful to walk at times because of the pressure it puts on the stumps, he has to go every few years to have the ends of his legs operated on to remove scar tissue etc. caused by the prosthetics rubbing on his skin.
He thought it was extremely wrong that someone would want that sort of life when they were perfectly healthy. and I tend to agree...
How in the hell is HIV erotic? That's like... thinking that insects in your dickhole is erotic.
I've heard about stuff like this before.

My boss was born with a birth defect and because of that had both of his legs amputated when he was a child. He has two prosthetic legs, just below the knee.
He came into work one day and was telling me about this website he found. People are actually looking to have thier limbs amputated because they find it erotic. He was so annoyed, to say the least.

He was going on telling me how it takes him about an hour to get his legs on in the morning. How it is very painful to walk at times because of the pressure it puts on the stumps, he has to go every few years to have the ends of his legs operated on to remove scar tissue etc. caused by the prosthetics rubbing on his skin.
He thought it was extremely wrong that someone would want that sort of life when they were perfectly healthy. and I tend to agree...

Man...that's even more confusing to understand than the other crap already in this thread.
Oh my god. That Sonic website... wow... that's just... I'm speechless.