Doctors may have found a way to destroy HIV

American government won't do it anyway.

Population control isnt that big of an issue in america anyway? isnt there other places in the world that are expanding faster i.e. India. etc . and obviously those laws dont help that much as china still has the most people in the world. Many Americans choose to not have children in the first place, so lets not deprive the right to have them for the ones who do want to.
The problem is that the world population is not evenly spread out.

I am serious about population control in certain countries, as evident by widespread food and energy shortages. Simply put, the planet hasn't sufficient resources to support the current (and future) human population. We're starting to hit the limit that nature has imposed on our sustainable population, and the consequences of breaching that limit are coming in the form of starvation and pestilence. You wonder why certain diseases, such as HIV, are rampant at the highest level these days because in the past the human population was sufficiently lower.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't find cures for diseases like cancer and AIDS, but I'm pointing out that the our race's obsession with our own mortality, and the medical advances hence, have lead us to exceed the planet's ability to sustain our numbers. Sad, isn't it.
Not really. We should focus on REFORMING whatever may be causing people to want to have children irresponsibly (usually benefits for such things I think?). I don't think of having a lot of children as a crime, ESPECIALLY in America (land of the free etc.). Wanting to restrict people's rights to have children is pretty much a violation of human rights.

Sure - something like a financial benefit/penalty system would at least be a step in the right direction, and of course it's not really an emergency in most developed nations. However, I certainly don't think laws are out of the question if a country reaches the point that significant percentages of their population are starving to death.

And I have never understood how people could hold this fucking idea that having as many children as you want is a human right. It is not anyone's right to willfully create conditions in their environment which lead to people dying of starvation, when those conditions can be avoided by choice. It's arrogant, and completely fucking irresponsible.

and obviously those laws dont help that much as china still has the most people in the world.

Way to use the wrong statistic to judge China's population control policies by.

Wikipedia said:
With the one child policy, the fertility rate in China has fallen from over 2 births per woman to 1.7 births per woman (having already fallen from about 5 through the 70s).

In total, China estimates that it has three to four hundred million fewer people today with the one child policy than it would have had otherwise.
The problem is that the world population is not evenly spread out.

I am serious about population control in certain countries, as evident by widespread food and energy shortages. Simply put, the planet hasn't sufficient resources to support the current (and future) human population. We're starting to hit the limit that nature has imposed on our sustainable population, and the consequences of breaching that limit are coming in the form of starvation and pestilence. You wonder why certain diseases, such as HIV, are rampant at the highest level these days because in the past the human population was sufficiently lower.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't find cures for diseases like cancer and AIDS, but I'm pointing out that the our race's obsession with our own mortality, and the medical advances hence, have lead us to exceed the planet's ability to sustain our numbers. Sad, isn't it.

I agree completely.


Africa annoys me.
"Hai. We're poor, can't support our children, and a number of us have HIV. LETS FUCK AND SPREAD SAID DISEASE, AND HAVE MORE CHILDREN WE CAN'T SUPPORT OR FEED. YAAAAAAAY"

I hope you weren't serious.

On the whole this is great news. I hope a cure is eventually found.
Stop being gay. This is why there are no serious threads here because cuntrakes like you and Tyrael fuck things up with shitty comments that do nothing but piss people off.
The problem is that the world population is not evenly spread out.

I am serious about population control in certain countries, as evident by widespread food and energy shortages. Simply put, the planet hasn't sufficient resources to support the current (and future) human population. We're starting to hit the limit that nature has imposed on our sustainable population, and the consequences of breaching that limit are coming in the form of starvation and pestilence. You wonder why certain diseases, such as HIV, are rampant at the highest level these days because in the past the human population was sufficiently lower.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't find cures for diseases like cancer and AIDS, but I'm pointing out that the our race's obsession with our own mortality, and the medical advances hence, have lead us to exceed the planet's ability to sustain our numbers. Sad, isn't it.

The countries you refer to would be the last to get any HIV vaccine anyway tbh. I think a cure for this horrid disease is most definitely a good thing, and it'd be nice if we could curb the population crisis ourselves instead of being wiped out in large numbers by disease. But sadly I'm pretty sure we're fucked. Considering all our brains and technology and ability to analyze what's going on around us, we as humans are terrible procrastinators when it comes to actually doing something en masse.
The countries you refer to would be the last to get any HIV vaccine anyway tbh. I think a cure for this horrid disease is most definitely a good thing, and it'd be nice if we could curb the population crisis ourselves instead of being wiped out in large numbers by disease. But sadly I'm pretty sure we're fucked. Considering all our brains and technology and ability to analyze what's going on around us, we as humans are terrible procrastinators when it comes to actually doing something en masse.


i would appreciate if you did not joke about that because my ex bf(just today left him) used to have sex with hookers and now i fear i have it... i am not sure but the chances are high... i could only hope they find a cure.

Good luck to you.
The countries you refer to would be the last to get any HIV vaccine anyway tbh. I think a cure for this horrid disease is most definitely a good thing, and it'd be nice if we could curb the population crisis ourselves instead of being wiped out in large numbers by disease. But sadly I'm pretty sure we're fucked. Considering all our brains and technology and ability to analyze what's going on around us, we as humans are terrible procrastinators when it comes to actually doing something en masse.


i would appreciate if you did not joke about that because my ex bf(just today left him) used to have sex with hookers and now i fear i have it... i am not sure but the chances are high... i could only hope they find a cure.

I'm not sure why, but this statement rubbed me the wrong way. I don't see why he has to censor himself because of some nasty guy you were fucking. You don't even know for a fact you have contracted the disease, so why would you go around saying that you may have it and use the sympathy card for your own mistakes. Go get tested first and watch your ass from now on.
I'm not sure why, but this statement rubbed me the wrong way. I don't see why he has to censor himself because of some nasty guy you were fucking. You don't even know for a fact you have contracted the disease, so why would you go around saying that you may have it and use the sympathy card for your own mistakes. Go get tested first and watch your ass from now on.
