Interest post on STDs - is this accurate?

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at no point in this thread have I advised, suggested, recommended, or in any other manner told anybody to have unprotected sex with many different females/males. The people here can do whatever they want to do, that is none of my concern really.

This thread is designed to educate the people on this thread about the state of STDs. I am sick and tired of the mass histeria all over mainstream media about the impending doom of STDs. I am tired of the scare tactics used by health classes in high school (which always *conveniently* forget to mention that about 60-90% of AIDs victims are gays and drug users). The chances of getting herpes (the ones that you see with the cold sores on the mouth) is like 8% when she is having an outbreak, imagine what it is when she is not having an outbreak. Probably less than .05%.

8% and 0.05% are still 8% and 0.05% more than I would like to chance.
Apparently, people are contracting STDs. Where do you think those people with STDs came from? You really should be more interested in avoiding becoming one. I think your logic also explains how so many teenage girls become pregnant. The chances are actually quite low in each particular instance. The girl you're having sex with is only fertile for about 3 days in a month, which gives you about a 10% chance of being able to get her pregnant on any given day. Notice that most people have children. Perhaps your 8% chance is a bit more significant than you think.
I'd rather get a blood transfusion than have unprotected sex (as far as risking contracting HIV goes, that is).

Dave, you're stupid and really really really don't get what everyone is trying to tell you. I think the most important part that you have to realize is that you're not 'educating' anybody. We all already knew that it's not very likely that you'll contract HIV from having unprotected sex. It's a given when looking at the statistics. We already knew all of the shit that you keep posting as if it's some great revelation and you are the bringer of knowledge. We just prefer to not take unnecessary risks. I'm pretty sure none of us are living in fear over the possibility of contracting HIV. This whole thread seems like you're trying to convince yourself.

"He hath revealed to me ten statistics, carved upon these stone tablets. A great revalation of knowledge..."
I'd rather get a blood transfusion than have unprotected sex (as far as risking contracting HIV goes, that is).

Dave, you're stupid and really really really don't get what everyone is trying to tell you. I think the most important part that you have to realize is that you're not 'educating' anybody. We all already knew that it's not very likely that you'll contract HIV from having unprotected sex. It's a given when looking at the statistics. We already knew all of the shit that you keep posting as if it's some great revelation and you are the bringer of knowledge. We just prefer to not take unnecessary risks. I'm pretty sure none of us are living in fear over the possibility of contracting HIV. This whole thread seems like you're trying to convince yourself.

I think he just wants everyone to start "raw-doggin" it.
I'd rather get a blood transfusion than have unprotected sex (as far as risking contracting HIV goes, that is).

congradulations on being a retard. the chance of aids from blood transfusion with an infected person is 9000/10000. Bsically 90% chance

Dave, you're stupid and really really really don't get what everyone is trying to tell you. I think the most important part that you have to realize is that you're not 'educating' anybody. We all already knew that it's not very likely that you'll contract HIV from having unprotected sex. It's a given when looking at the statistics. We already knew all of the shit that you keep posting as if it's some great revelation and you are the bringer of knowledge.

bullshit. I've asked 20 people last 3 days what they thought about aids

every one of them thought the chances of getting aids from having sex with an infected source was like 1/4, 1/3, 1/5, etc...

I'm 99% sure that's what the majority of the board thought before reading this thread as well. there's a huge difference between 1 in 5 to 1 in 5,000.

We just prefer to not take unnecessary risks.

god, you and everybody else is so full of shit.

how many of the idiots here smoke and drink like it's nothing or eat shit food on a daily basis that will clog their arteries and give them a heart attack 20 years from now.

I've got news for you, the following are 20 million times more dangerous than an "unnecessary risk" like unprotected sex

- eating shit food (check for 99% of the board)
- drinking alchohol like fucking alchoholics (check for 99% of the board)
- driving (I guess this would be considered a "necessary" risk but whatever)
- doing drugs (check for 99% of the board)

oh wait, I guess flooding your system with shitloads of dangerous toxins to get drunk or stoned is a totally necessary risk. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

edit: there is a thread basically right below us with a douchebag getting drunk. I guess that's not an unneccessary risk but something that has 1 in a million chance of happening is totally an unnecessary risk?
- eating shit food (check for 99% of the board)
- drinking alchohol like fucking alchoholics (check for 99% of the board)
- driving (I guess this would be considered a "necessary" risk but whatever)
- doing drugs (check for 99% of the board)

gee, dave, you sure got us pegged. We're all a bunch of drug addicted alcoholic SUV Loving heart attacks waiting to happen.
You ignorant, cocky motherfucker...

congradulations on being a retard. the chance of aids from blood transfusion with an infected person is 9000/10000. Bsically 90% chance

We weren't talking about INFECTED SOURCES you stupid fuck. People with HIV are not allowed to donate blood for obvious reasons. Do some research. The rate of HIV transmission from blood transfusion in America is insanely minimal, especially in comparison to transfusion from sex.

bullshit. I've asked 20 people last 3 days what they thought about aids

every one of them thought the chances of getting aids from having sex with an infected source was like 1/4, 1/3, 1/5, etc...

Dude, having sex with somebody that HAS HIV does have a very high risk. If you don't think that this much is true, then you are far more stupid than I'd ever imagined, in all honesty. Additionally, we were never talking a bout demonstrably provable cases of infections, we were talkinga bout generaly promiscuous sex. Having unprotected sex with an HIV infected individual, especially through anal penetration, is substantial to say the least.

I'm 99% sure that's what the majority of the board thought before reading this thread as well. there's a huge difference between 1 in 5 to 1 in 5,000.

Try talking about one scenario you stupid fuck. Random encounters and encounters explicitly with "an infected case" are going to have wildly different risk percentages.

god, you and everybody else is so full of shit.

how many of the idiots here smoke and drink like it's nothing or eat shit food on a daily basis that will clog their arteries and give them a heart attack 20 years from now.

I've got news for you, the following are 20 million times more dangerous than an "unnecessary risk" like unprotected sex

- eating shit food (check for 99% of the board)
- drinking alchohol like fucking alchoholics (check for 99% of the board)
- driving (I guess this would be considered a "necessary" risk but whatever)
- doing drugs (check for 99% of the board)

oh wait, I guess flooding your system with shitloads of dangerous toxins to get drunk or stoned is a totally necessary risk. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Keep in mind who you're speaking to, since it's well documented that I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. Also, we don't have 100 members, to your statistics right off the bat are dramatically flawed.

A more accurate basis of comparison would be having unprotected sex with someone that is HIV positive and eating raw meat. In those two scenarios, the risks are abundantly obvious. Eating a cheeseburger and having a random sexual encounter are not very easily comparable scenarios, since, for example, health problems come largely from a lieftime of unhealthy eating, whereas you only need to have sex once to contract an STD.

There are many other blatantly erroneous and/or completely stupid elements in your little "argument" here, but I'll leave it at that.

edit: there is a thread basically right below us with a douchebag getting drunk. I guess that's not an unneccessary risk but something that has 1 in a million chance of happening is totally an unnecessary risk?

I'm pretty sure the risk of having a heart attack from eating a single steak or cheeseburger are infinitely smaller than contracting an STD from a single random sexual encounter. Just like your health, your risk of having something go wrong (having a heart attack, contracting an STD) increase the more than you engage in a given activity.
Dude, having sex with somebody that HAS HIV does have a very high risk. If you don't think that this much is true, then you are far more stupid than I'd ever imagined, in all honesty. Additionally, we were never talking a bout demonstrably provable cases of infections, we were talkinga bout generaly promiscuous sex. Having unprotected sex with an HIV infected individual, especially through anal penetration, is substantial to say the least.

The chances of getting infected with HIV through regular, unprotected sex is quite marginal, actually, so Dave is right about that. I don't know how it works when we're talking full-blown AIDS, though. Of course, Dave's still an idiot (if he thinks that this somehow validates having unprotected sex).

Estimated per act risk for acquisition of HIV by exposure route

Estimated infections per 10,000 exposures to an infected source

Insertive penile-vaginal intercourse* 5
Insertive anal intercourse* 6.5

it is 1 in 2,000 chance that you will aquire aids from having sex with an infected source

over 55% of aids victims are homosexuals
another huge percentage of aids victims are drug addicts sharing needles. that website below wikipedia shows that among only 180,000 women (note this is about 1 in 1000 of all women in the US) with aids/hiv, 70,000 of them got it through drug use.

it's 1 in 2,000 chance that you will get HIV from having unprotected sex with a chick that has aids. It's about 1 in a 1,000 chance that a random chick has aids. If I was to delve deeper, I am sure I could find that even a smaller percentage of white girls (generally speaking, the only girls that I am interested in) have aids. This is because about 54% of new infections occur in blacks I believe

so basically, we're talking like 1 out of 5-10 million odds here. 1 out of 10 million for god's sake

next time do some research before you look like a moron.
I don't think anyone is arguing that the risk is low.


Dude, having sex with somebody that HAS HIV does have a very high risk. If you don't think that this much is true, then you are far more stupid than I'd ever imagined, in all honesty. Additionally, we were never talking a bout demonstrably provable cases of infections, we were talkinga bout generaly promiscuous sex. Having unprotected sex with an HIV infected individual, especially through anal penetration, is substantial to say the least.

1 in 2,000 = very high risk :lol: :lol:

honestly, we have not really started to break down the stats.

HIV is something that strongly affects lower class people, blacks, gays, etc..

if you were to look at the stats in terms of getting aids from random unprotected sex with a middle/upper class white girl in the US. The real stats are like 1 in 20-30+ million
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