Interest post on STDs - is this accurate?

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I am trying to educate people who are nowadays horrified of aids and other STDs when driving your car to work everyday is infinitely more dangerous.

Driving your car to work isn't nearly as optional as having risky sex, so it's sorta apples and oranges. But whatever, say it as many times as you need to so you can feel good about your decisions.
I wonder if maybe risky sex would kill more people if you did it with 20,000 random strangers twice a day, five times a week.
I'm convinced! Tonight I'm going to look for clean looking white women who want to have sex with me. No need to protect myself the risk is minimal. If they look good and are white it's obvious that nothing bad can happen to me. And I'll probably die during the time I'm driving to get there anyway.
I'm convinced! Tonight I'm going to look for clean looking white women who want to have sex with me. No need to protect myself the risk is minimal. If they look good and are white it's obvious that nothing bad can happen to me. And I'll probably die during the time I'm driving to get there anyway.

you're not seeing the point. The odds of getting aids from vaginal intercourse with an infected female is like 1 in 10,000 (some experts say it is borderline impossible). The odds of a non drug abusing white female in the US having aids is what? 1 out of a 10,000.

Come on man, you're at more risk walking in broad daylight or driving your car 5 miles to blockbuster than you are at having unprotected sex with a random female in the US.
you're not seeing the point. The odds of getting aids from vaginal intercourse with an infected female is like 1 in 10,000 (some experts say it is borderline impossible). The odds of a non drug abusing white female in the US having aids is what? 1 out of a 10,000.

Come on man, you're at more risk walking in broad daylight or driving your car 5 miles to blockbuster than you are at having unprotected sex with a random female in the US.

Well go ahead and test your theory. You might not get AIDS but hopefully you'll experience the joy of having syphilis, herpes, gonorrhea, hepatitis and the likes.
I'm convinced! Tonight I'm going to look for clean looking white women who want to have sex with me. No need to protect myself the risk is minimal. If they look good and are white it's obvious that nothing bad can happen to me. And I'll probably die during the time I'm driving to get there anyway.

Go have unprotected sex with a clean looking white woman. You have to clue how many boyfriends shes had in the past. I'm sure the chances of getting something wont be the only thing you'll be feeling, as you'll be feeling the real disease.
and people need to stop bringing up condoms or pregnancies

this thread is not about the validity of condoms. It's to discuss the bullshit misinformation that is rampant all over mainstream media about STDs.
Dave, your attempt at educating us is all very good and nice, but it appears most of us would rather be on the safer side of things. As I said earlier...

if you want to go around and have unprotected sex, that's your call, but the girl you're with may not be cool with it.

use your penis however you want. we'll use ours however we want (girls can use their vaginas or pseudopenises).
at no point in this thread have I advised, suggested, recommended, or in any other manner told anybody to have unprotected sex with many different females/males. The people here can do whatever they want to do, that is none of my concern really.

This thread is designed to educate the people on this thread about the state of STDs. I am sick and tired of the mass histeria all over mainstream media about the impending doom of STDs. I am tired of the scare tactics used by health classes in high school (which always *conveniently* forget to mention that about 60-90% of AIDs victims are gays and drug users). The chances of getting herpes (the ones that you see with the cold sores on the mouth) is like 8% when she is having an outbreak, imagine what it is when she is not having an outbreak. Probably less than .05%.
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