King Richard
Hello there
I won't believe anything you say dave, until you go to a gay bar, and have a train run on you for an entire week. If you make it out with no STDs, HIV, or AIDS, then you will make a believer out of me.
1 in 2,000 = very high risk![]()
honestly, we have not really started to break down the stats.
HIV is something that strongly affects lower class people, blacks, gays, etc..
if you were to look at the stats in terms of getting aids from random unprotected sex with a middle/upper class white girl in the US. The real stats are like 1 in 20-30+ million
the only thing I am worried about is goddamn pregnancy
all 16 - 23 year old girls should be legally forced to be on birth control pills all the time. That would make me very happy![]()
Hey Arman, do you live in Glendale CA?!? I'll glady drive over to your father's abode in which you unappreciatively reside and stomp a mudhole in to those gynecomastia inflicted tits that are symmetrically aligned to the mounds of fur that cover your Latissimus dorsi.
What's a matter? You spit baklava on to your PC Screen?!? Yea that's right, I called in a couple favors and got the 4-11 on your families illegal doings. Shilling phony jewelry on the black market to unknowing lower-middle class citizens who work too damn hard to be screwed over by that cookie monster of a doppleganger you call "Tio Teryan".
Work at GNC?!? That's another fallacy that will be exposed at another day and time. Truth be told, you never held down a legit job in your life. Other than the oil changes you performed at your Uncle Beirut's Stop and GO.
Now fucker, give me your correct address... I have three in my possession. Which one are you spurting your silliness from?
there's a bit more research for you dodey boy
only 19% of women with aids are white (the only women I really care about) and 63% are black
that comes to about .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of white women in the US with aids (obvious exaggeration but you get the point)
so basically you are talking 1 out of 100,000,000+ chance that you will get aids from random unprotected sex with a white female
if you like, I can do more research to find out what the odds are that a middle/upper class white female has aids. (I'm 99% sure that the majority of that 19% is extremely poor/poverty stricken)
do about 3 or 4 months of research and you will see the chance of getting aids from a middle/upper class female in the United states is closer to 1 in a billion.
Dave, you keep fucking changing what we're talking about. Right now we were talking about actually having sex with somebody that HAS HIV, so why you're posting all of this crap right now, I have no idea.
All right, Dave, that's it. This statement is absolutely fucking absurd. You obviously are too dense to properly analyze the information that you have, sso this thread serves no far as I'm concerned, aids/hiv is a gay/black/poor/drug addict disease.