The Guild Wars 2 Thread


Cat Dad
Apr 19, 2012
Portsmouth, UK
Couldn't find a thread so I thought I'd start one.

Who's been looking forward to this? Was kind of 'meh' about GW until I watched some gameplay vids on YT. Can honestly say this seems like my ultimate MMO. The dynamic events look incredible too! Will definitely be buying it out of my vocal mic fund :lol:

Played the original GW for years, and my copy of GW2 is already on its way. Some of my friends played during the Beta and enjoyed it a lot so far.
I have to wait until the 28th though, because I didn't preorder the version with beta access / early start but the one with a DVD (cause my internet is shit).

I'm very much looking forward to it :)
The character creation offers so many possibilities it's ridiculous :D I'm going to play a Sylvari Ranger first (and spend a year on the creation, ha)
Necro and Ranger were my favorites in GW1, in the end I had 10 characters maxed out though, so I guess given a little time I'll play all classes anyway :lol:
I agree with Sylvari Ranger first... that's what I did until I got 5 minutes into gameplay and saw others' AWESOME looking Elementalist skills.
So I went back and created a new Sylvari Elementalist. I like them both but I don't know which to invest all my time into. If I even want to invest all the time.
I'm too horrible with decision making (especially in RPGs) so I'm just gonna go play CounterStrike Global Offensive until I can make up my mind.

Can't login because ArenaNet doesn't fix the shitty login problems.
I get different error messages all of which are confirmed to be crap because it's the overloaded servers' fault.
Opened all the ports, changed my password, login name, deactivated firewall and anti-virus etc. Support says they're working on it. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Also I have yet to download about another 5 GB. What's wrong with companies these days, I ordered the DVD release *because* of my crappy internet connection. But the DVD only installs a part of the game, you still have to download another 8 freaking GB. I understand there are changes, patches, additions, but 8 GB? That's actually 3/4th of the fucking game. FUCK.
(Somewhere between fall and newyear the new internet connection is available. DSL 50,000 here I come)
Incredible game, seriously.

I rolled a Sylvari Necro and I'm loving it! Only level 23 at the moment, but some of my friends are 40 and still going.

And honestly, they may have some server/performance issues, but it is NOTHING compared to what Blizzard had with Diablo 3. I played the game from 12 AM to 7 AM EST on the 25th (release date for pre-purchasers) and had no issue except at the latest, where the server finally crashed for sometime (I dunno how long I went to bed).

But all in all, I strongly recommend this game.
I think the level cap is 80. Glad they went with 80 over 20 this time. Even if it takes you the same amount of time, it gives you a much higher sense of achievement. Awesome to hear most of the issues are sorted though.
Never been much a PC gamer... but this sounds cool. So its an MMORPG I see... and no subscription? Because thats been the big absolute thing that's held me away from these kinds of games. Not much out there in way of reviews yet... soooo... anybody wanna tell me about it?
Never been much a PC gamer... but this sounds cool. So its an MMORPG I see... and no subscription? Because thats been the big absolute thing that's held me away from these kinds of games. Not much out there in way of reviews yet... soooo... anybody wanna tell me about it?
There's tons of really good youtube coverage of the game. Have a look at the channel TotalHalibut, there's a playlist of GW2 vids and they're all really in-depth and helpful. But yeah, £35 to buy the game (or whatever the american price is) and you can play as much or as little as you like. You can choose to buy items with your dollah but it's really balanced. Most of them are either cosmetic or small XP boosts for various things, which don't last very long anyway. It's not like some games where you 'pay for power'.

The problem I had when I played WoW was that for any brief period when I stopped playing, I felt like I was wasting money not playing.

The combat system is really cool too, it involves you a lot more than simply targeting your foe and casting your abilities. You actually have to make an attempt to dodge attacks and properly aim your abilities.
Man, I think I've grown up a little too much.
I just can't get into these games like I used to.

+1 man.

I played the original Everquest for like 6 years and at one point was one of the top Warriors on my server, but I've tried multiple times to go back (mainly after they release new expansions I wanna check out) and I'd get really into it for a few months, then lose interest again. To be completely honest though, they've made the game so easy that it's boring after I've spent 3 months playing and I've pretty much accomplished all there is to accomplish.

Back in the glory days, EQ was challenging, now as long as you have enough people, you can kill anything the first go around. WoW kind of killed MMOs IMO - It's a simple game that gave players instant gratification, and thus EQ had to evolve to that mindset. Lame.

FWIW, I bought Guild Wars 1 when it came out and I could just never get into it. I might have to check GW2 out, though. The videos I've seen of it look really badass, but nothings been able to spark the awesomeness of the Planes of Power EQ days in me, since I quit playing the first time.

The problem I had when I played WoW was that for any brief period when I stopped playing, I felt like I was wasting money not playing.

That's one thing I have a problem with now. If I'm paying for the game, I feel like I need to be playing it all the time, in order to get the most out of my money - I could do that no problem when I was younger and didn't have any responsibilities, but now that I've grown up, it's hard to spend more than an hour or two a day playing, and at that point, it's almost pointless.
GW2 is so ridiculously awesome and addicting it's starting to negatively affect my health and social contacts :lol: ;) Seriously it's everything I hoped it would be.
It's also very different from GW1, but in a good sense. I love how you can help people and get help from other players but the other players can never be annoying by killing your quest target or collecting an item you needed etc. even if you're not in a party together. Great to see how it works without monks/healer classes. The personal story element is great too, which is one of the few times where you play in instances and not with the other players (but you can play with a party if you want).
The fight system is a lot more active now, movement and dodging are very important, there are also more weapons to choose for the classes instead of just staff = mage, sword = warrior, etc.

Also I LOVE the event / task system, it is so much better than the traditional quest system. Especially the dynamic events, group events and huge boss fights that occur from time to time (pretty often actually, which is awesome). It's cool to begin a boss fight with only 2-3 people - or even alone - and then have other players rush there and join the battle because they got a notification. The crafting system is HUGE and very powerful, although a little complicated without reading something about it beforehand.
They also managed to make the whole world, dungeons, underwater regions (plenty! they're cool as fuck) and cities interesting and fun to discover. Very detailed, obviously created with a lot of care. I also like how you have to select some background options about your character, and often have different answering options and decisions in some of the quests - a little like Mass Effect / Dragon Age, though limited of course.
But what am I talking, you obviously can read the tests and watch Youtube Videos about the game. This is my personal game of the year for sure.

I'm playing a lvl 36 sylvari ranger and since yesterday also a lvl 10 human necro and I look forward to play other classes, races and choose other backgrounds to make sure I can experience all cool personal stories.