
New Metal Member
Jul 2, 2008

What a show!!! The best show I have seen the 3 years I have been in Iraq! I'm a `metal-head' from the 80's so I wasn't looking forward to another Toby Keith gig, although he is very talented in his genre of music!!! I just want to hear screaming and shredding!! :)

I video-taped the entire 60 minutes and took maybe 100 pictures. SARAH totally ROCKS on the guitar and WANDA is an awesome bass player!!! LINDA is incredible on the drums and DEBORAH / OR DEBBIE - (Please forgive me dear - I don't have your flier here at my office) has an incredible vocal range! There was also a very talented guy playing the second guitar, filling in.. :)

If one of the girls sends me an email I will upload the whole concert onto Rapidshare for everyone, or just them to do with it as they please. I have closeups of LINDA'S smiling face behind the drums and basically every solo that SARAH did as well as a lot of what WANDA was doing, as well as the guy! And many closeups of DEBORAH singing.... :) VHS quality mode, stereo sound. It would be a DIVX .AVI file.

What an event... At first, after doing my `web research' I figured I was truly love with Linda! Then Sarah's first guitar warm-up and.. Well... Now Sarah.. Then WAIT!! Who's that on the BASS!!! :) I can't make up my mind!!! :) Then I figured that, because of the web page Aja would be there, but no..!! WOW! Who's this!! Now I'm in love again!!!

So... I made the `rounds' in my head for the next 60 minutes trying to figure out who I was really in love or infatuated with....

Between the girls mind you. I've been in Iraq for 3 years.. Not 3 billion years!!! Either way, I would still buy the guy a beer!:kickass:

Luckily I settled back into reality realizing that I was 46 and all the girls are young enough to be my daughters. So I got back to making the movie and was silently thankful that there was no reason to `decide' because father time had taken me out of their equation...:erk:

But... Then... Well... They may have older sisters that might have looks and talent!!! Thinking... Thinking... Hoping.....

Honestly... I guess it's a miracle that I was able to actually concentrate on keeping the camera on the stage with all these twisted thoughts going through my mind and these entirely beautiful and talented ladies jumping all over the stage!.:loco:

One thing very cool, and of course it must have been setup beforehand, is that they let a green-suite fill in for Sarah on `The Trooper' - He had chops but his hair's a little too short... That was pretty cool though... Still I closed my eyes and pretended it was Sarah... Hopefully the video is OK there!!!:lol:

Well... Back to my room to pull out my Epiphone LP and my little battery-powered Smokey amp!!!

Song for this 1230AM IRAQ time!!!

Be Quick or Be Dead.... Really fitting out here....

You're all wonderful for coming out here!!!:)

We all really enjoyed it!!!!

Duane - Stuck In Iraq...

Destination: San Diego, CA - "Someday"
Welcome Duane.

Ummmm Debbie? Can you post a picture Duane? I assume Debbie who performs with Linda and Sara in The Little Dolls must be who is there. :err:

Thanks for the review, Duane and welcome to the boards! I am so proud of the band for taking the time to entertain the troops in the Middle East. If only they would take a quick trip here to Afghanistan, they are SO close! It is only barely 100* if that here, not the frickin' 140* I recall it being there in Iraq and Kuwait this time of year! Come on by!!:kickass:
Funny about the Toby Keith thing! He was just in this neck of the woods. When I was in Iraq, all we had on our bus to and from work was a tape deck and ONE Toby Keith tape. Who still has cassette tapes! 17 months of "We'll put a boot in your ass" and that frickin' Hucleberry song!!! AAAAARRRRGGGGGG!!! I respect the guy for coming out to play for the troops, but I had to stay far away for fear I would go Postal and rip the strings off his guitar if I heard those crappy songs again!:lol:
I'm attempting to upload the PICS I took to RapidShare but our satellite connection is very poor right now....

To spideyjg: I went to the Little Dolls site and YES.. I do believe that's the DEBBIE that was singing here. I have the PICS if you have an email address I can send to!

To Jeff Milne: If you email me your email I can send you the PICS directly. I actually have 101 PICS, but I was more interested in making the video, so the PICS are quick snapshots I took on their last song. Many of them turned out very well though! I have re-sized them to 640x480 so they all fit in a 5MB zip file. I can send you the originals of any you want also....

To Maiden Afghanistan: HAHAHA about the Toby Keith also! Almost all the money in the world wouldn't be worth that! Toby Keith is so big here that I was actually thinking that no-one would show up for a rock show and I would have them all to myself!!! Boy was I wrong!!! It hasn't been extremely hot this last 4-5 days but as you know it does get 125-130 no problem. It's just amazing that it gets so hot!

I wonder if they were compensated for this? I almost felt like giving them some money!!!

About 6 hours before the show my acoustic guitar finally came in. I almost felt like taking it to the show and having them sign it!! But... That would be WAAAAAAAY GEEEEEEEEEKY!!! :) But I did think about it for just one moment!

I watched some of the video before work today. The sound could be better. Things were pretty loud and two stereo microphones built into the camera body does have it's limitations, but it's very cool anyway! Still has all the energy and vibe of the concert!

Before I upload the video to RapidShare, which might actually be difficult considering where I am, I would like to show respect to the girls by receiving an email stating that I can do this!

If I knew where they were on base here, I would master it to a DVD and just hand it to them....

`Till next time!!!
Got an E mail from Linda, and yes, it is Deb from the Little Dolls rocking the Middle East with the Maidens and doing a GREAT job! According to my buddies in Iraq, Deb is giving Wanda a run for her money in the marriage proposal department! lol!
Got an E mail from Linda, and yes, it is Deb from the Little Dolls rocking the Middle East with the Maidens and doing a GREAT job! According to my buddies in Iraq, Deb is giving Wanda a run for her money in the marriage proposal department! lol!

I have only met Debbie a couple of times and never seen The Little Dolls, However based on the pics of her in "character" compared to the woman I met I know she must be a hell of a performer in her own right.

It's great to see a chick totally kick/blow away a dudes ass on guitar !!!
Way to go Sara! But as a band you all tear it the fuck up! The new singer is way better than your last. You guy's kick-ass! Chill-out psycho . Cause you totally kick-ass!!
Debbie or Wanda keeping tabs on the marriage proposals... :)

Don't trust these guys out here in Iraq. They'll just keep asking and asking until they hear a yes!

But I'm different... So.. Here goes!!

I will marry whichever 'Iron Maiden' wants me!!:loco:

Hopefully I'm the first, which means I'm at the top of the list!!!

Linda, Sarah, Debbie or Wanda....

I can play pentatonic scales, trills, hammer-on's and pull-offs and pinch harmonics!!!:loco: I can also play the drum part to wipeout on ANY surface with my two index fingers!!:kickass: I have other talents too!!!

I'm 46 going on 21, so in my book that averages out to almost 34. Yes! That's it!! 34 this January!

Now just to show I am ahead of the game here.....

I gave Sarah, Linda and Debbie a DVD I made at their signing!!! I am not sure if it made it down to Wanda, but she's on my `marrying-list' also!
I only had time to make 1 DVD - But it's easily duplicated!!! :)

That was my marriage proposal! :) Too much of a coward to ask in person so I'll let my DVD do the talking!!:loco: Technology rules!

I was so tired but I can close my eyes and still see all of them!!! Who came up with the idea of 12/7's out here in IRAQ with long lines waiting for everything and the sun still `working' on you even at midnight!!!!

I am pretty sure this DVD would keep their attention for a couple hours though!!!

I always have music on my mind, so please forgive the humming.. :) I'm gonna edit that out one of these days!


Just in case I am successful I better get prepared!

For prelim-engagement gifts...

Hmmm... Thinking...

Maybe a Marshall 1959HW head with a 960AHW & 1960BHW cabinets...:loco: SCREAMIN'

Maybe a Pearl 'Reference Standard' 6-Piece Shell Pack with Snare drum set!!!

Maybe a Jackson SL2 ML Brimstone Orange Spider Guitar!!!:headbang: I want one of these!!!! Hopefully they made at least 2 of them!!!

Maybe a Warwick Vampyre LTD Bass... Boom... Boom...:Smokin: I wanna learn bass too!

Maybe an Ampeg SVT-VR Vintage Reissue 300 Watt SVT Bass Amp Head with an Ampeg SVT-410HLF Cabinet!!! AWESOME!! With the 6 6550's!!:worship:

Maybe an AKG IVM 4 Set Wireless In-Ear Personal Monitor System

Well... I guess it depends on who says yes!!!

Linda might not want the Marshall 1959HW stuff and Sarah might not really want the Pearl drum set. Then Debbie, Wanda.... Linda, Sarah,... o_O

Wow... This is getting a little confusing....o_O

So tired.... Must sleep.....o_O

Cheers to my new pals back in the world!!!

What a show!!! The best show I have seen the 3 years I have been in Iraq! I'm a `metal-head' from the 80's so I wasn't looking forward to another Toby Keith gig, although he is very talented in his genre of music!!! I just want to hear screaming and shredding!! :)

I video-taped the entire 60 minutes and took maybe 100 pictures. SARAH totally ROCKS on the guitar and WANDA is an awesome bass player!!! LINDA is incredible on the drums and DEBORAH / OR DEBBIE - (Please forgive me dear - I don't have your flier here at my office) has an incredible vocal range! There was also a very talented guy playing the second guitar, filling in.. :)

If one of the girls sends me an email I will upload the whole concert onto Rapidshare for everyone, or just them to do with it as they please. I have closeups of LINDA'S smiling face behind the drums and basically every solo that SARAH did as well as a lot of what WANDA was doing, as well as the guy! And many closeups of DEBORAH singing.... :) VHS quality mode, stereo sound. It would be a DIVX .AVI file.

What an event... At first, after doing my `web research' I figured I was truly love with Linda! Then Sarah's first guitar warm-up and.. Well... Now Sarah.. Then WAIT!! Who's that on the BASS!!! :) I can't make up my mind!!! :) Then I figured that, because of the web page Aja would be there, but no..!! WOW! Who's this!! Now I'm in love again!!!

So... I made the `rounds' in my head for the next 60 minutes trying to figure out who I was really in love or infatuated with....

Between the girls mind you. I've been in Iraq for 3 years.. Not 3 billion years!!! Either way, I would still buy the guy a beer!:kickass:

Luckily I settled back into reality realizing that I was 46 and all the girls are young enough to be my daughters. So I got back to making the movie and was silently thankful that there was no reason to `decide' because father time had taken me out of their equation...:erk:

But... Then... Well... They may have older sisters that might have looks and talent!!! Thinking... Thinking... Hoping.....

Honestly... I guess it's a miracle that I was able to actually concentrate on keeping the camera on the stage with all these twisted thoughts going through my mind and these entirely beautiful and talented ladies jumping all over the stage!.:loco:

One thing very cool, and of course it must have been setup beforehand, is that they let a green-suite fill in for Sarah on `The Trooper' - He had chops but his hair's a little too short... That was pretty cool though... Still I closed my eyes and pretended it was Sarah... Hopefully the video is OK there!!!:lol:

Well... Back to my room to pull out my Epiphone LP and my little battery-powered Smokey amp!!!

Song for this 1230AM IRAQ time!!!

Be Quick or Be Dead.... Really fitting out here....

You're all wonderful for coming out here!!!:)

We all really enjoyed it!!!!

Duane - Stuck In Iraq...

Destination: San Diego, CA - "Someday"

Hey Duane!!!! So glad you liked the show!! I have to tell say you are too kind considering I hadn't slept in 2 days and mustered up all the energy I could to put on the best performance possible.....I am glad you enjoyed it. It really was our pleasure to play for you and if Lone Wolfe ever has us will get the performance of a lifetime. Keep up all the good work you are doing, just know we love you and appreciate are supported 100%!!!!




:puke: Us hocking up sand....oh man!!! hehehehehe
"Bruce Chickinson"
Does anyone remember that one time at the OC Tavern show where someone at the crowd threw his boxer shorts at her? :zombie:
I remember that. Nasty! I don't know if Wanda knew they were boxer shorts or not before she picked them up, but when she picked them up she didn't immediately drop them out of shock, rather she kinda went with the joke and held them for a second for the crowd to see with a look like "Look at these disgusting things" and then put them down somewhere.
I remember that. Nasty! I don't know if Wanda knew they were boxer shorts or not before she picked them up, but when she picked them up she didn't immediately drop them out of shock, rather she kinda went with the joke and held them for a second for the crowd to see with a look like "Look at these disgusting things" and then put them down somewhere.

Yeah, she put them right on the front of Linda's drum kit. You should've seen the look on Linda's face when that happened. I had to do some Photoshop work on the pics I posted just to remove those boxers from the background.
Hey Duane!!!! So glad you liked the show!! I have to tell say you are too kind considering I hadn't slept in 2 days and mustered up all the energy I could to put on the best performance possible.....I am glad you enjoyed it. It really was our pleasure to play for you and if Lone Wolfe ever has us will get the performance of a lifetime. Keep up all the good work you are doing, just know we love you and appreciate are supported 100%!!!!




:puke: Us hocking up sand....oh man!!! hehehehehe
"Bruce Chickinson"

Deb!:worship:kickass::headbang: You are a Trooper and a STAR in my eyes for doing this on such short notice!:worship::kickass::worship:rock: Nothing like a little thrown into the fire, sink or swim, on the job training!! Hope you and the rest of the Maidens had a great time. I think what you all did by going out to play for our troops is something very special and I hope you felt that. It is very hard out here at times and for you all to come out and bring a little bit of home is very unselfish, brave, and much appreciated:headbang::kickass::worship: MUCH RESPECT to you and ALL the MAIDENS!!:worship::worship:kickass:
Hey Duane!!!! So glad you liked the show!! I have to tell say you are too kind considering I hadn't slept in 2 days and mustered up all the energy I could to put on the best performance possible.....I am glad you enjoyed it. It really was our pleasure to play for you and if Lone Wolfe ever has us will get the performance of a lifetime. Keep up all the good work you are doing, just know we love you and appreciate are supported 100%!!!!




:puke: Us hocking up sand....oh man!!! hehehehehe
"Bruce Chickinson"

Hey Deb!!!!

I am sorry for this delayed post...

It looks like it was your first post here, so maybe I'm your first here!!! :) I feel blessed!!! :loco:

I did enjoy the show, and the others here did also!!! I for one was *SO* happy to see a band without cowboy hats out here!!! :)

I am not sure if you'll be the new `Bruce' but considering that you're a *HOT* Ozzie chick who filled in at the last moment (Jeff sent me some footage) I think you did absolutely spectacular under way-less than optimal conditions!!! :worship:

I hope you gals weren't too bored with my Iraq DVD!!! :) That is if you've got a chance to watch any of it yet! It seems like when I go back to the states for R&R I just want to sleep for the first couple days....

I hope to see you all doing something really cool when I go to San Diego for my 2-week R&R sometime in October!!! :)

I plan on renting a car and driving to LA and experiencing something cool!!!!!!! Something extreme!!!!

Take care Deb! :headbang: