The guitar, bass, drumset you've always wanted until you actually played it.

ESP M-II, Snakebyte and Hanneman; Jackson Soloist, Fender American Deluxe, Ibanez Xiphos and JS1200; Schecter Hellraiser 8, Mayones Custom, Gibson Explorer.
PRS. Cannot jive with the necks for some reason. I also find Les Paul bodies to be super uncomfortable.

I was exactly going to say this. Even those costing +3k$. Also, it has a 25" scale instead of 25.5
Gibson has a 24.75 and I don't like em either therefor I guess I don't like non-25.5 scales on 6 strings.

Another vote for that one.

I wouldn't say that I WANTED one, but I always imagined they would be pretty great. Played the one my fellow guitarist was using some years back and i fucking hated it! It's the only guitar I've ever played that felt weird to me.

Oddly enough I've found most absolute beginner guitars to be very enjoyable to play. Maybe it's the Universe's way of calling me a noob.
I recently got a super nice and expensive Spaun 14x8 maple custom snare. Was so stoked. Can't for the life of me get it to sound any better than my old aluminum yamaha snare that I got for $50. Plus it's so damn deep that it doesn't fit well on most snare stands.

Surprised at the PRS hate though. I LOVE mine. I've never jived with gibson necks or bodies either really.
I can't say that I've ever wanted an instrument and was then disappointed with it after I purchased it but I have had the opposite reaction with one guitar.

I've generally always been a strat/super strat style guitar player for longer than I can remember (aside from my complete love affair with all things Telecaster) and never thought I would enjoy, either playing or owning, a Les Paul until I bought one and fell in lust with it - both tone and how it felt in my hands. I'd played a couple in the past and never really bonded with any of them so when as a spur of the moment purchase (bolstered by the thought that I'd just resell it since I got a good deal on it) I bought one and it quickly became my most played guitar. Between it and the Tele it's all I play these days - the strat styles are all in cases that have not been opened in about a year.
My own Caparison Horus, it came with the stock pickups which suck a massive dick. Got them replaced by EMG 85/SA and hated the 85 in that guitar. It sounded really weird, so I switched it for an 81 that I had around and now I'm in love with it, but I got scared that I dropped +1k€ on something I'd hate.

I had to spend some time to bond with my Horus too, but it certainly wasn't a case of not liking it at any point. I bought it off a friend and just needed some time to get used to the feel of the neck, as I wasn't used to it flattening out. It's one of my favourite features now.
I found the pick ups fine after adjusting their height to suit my taste.

Also in love with mine here :)
In 1998 I bought a LTD H-1000 7 string, when they had the cockstock going. Neck dive from hell. Kept playing it though, until it got stolen at a gig.
Can I play?? :P

Korg 01/w - had a hankering for it a while back for some reason. Good thing I got to play it before I spent money. Some very good sounds in there and a good keyboard action, but not enough to justify the space it takes. My Triton gets 99% there and the rest is... weeell, if one pops out at €50-100 I might consider. :)
8 string guitars. Super uncomfortable, gladly I was only testing them.

Definitely a 6 string man, from standard tuning to drop F#/G.
BC Rich - all designs apart from superstrat are head heavy
Ibanez prestige RG1570 - tried different pickups but could not get a death metal tone out of it. Body wood is lighter than in previous RG series, I was told
LP body
Bogner Uberschall Rev. Blue - Sounded GREAT with a boost but absolutely hated that amp without it.

Bogner XTC 101b - There were some ok tones it in but overall it was really harsh on most channels to the point where I had an extremely hard time dialing it out.

Soldano SLO - Good amp, but I expected MUCH more for the pricetag. Is honestly rather have a Hotrod or Avenger.

Orange Rockerverb 100 MKII - The original was badass. The new one was kinda meh.

Ampeg SVT line - Every bass player I know oogles over these things and the Mesas next to them kicked the shit out of them :bah:

Diezel VH4 - Would be cool... If it was $2000 cheaper. Sounds great on recordings, hate it for the price whenever I've tried it. Don't get the hype.

Diezel Herbert - This was my dream amp for several years, after hearing a guy in Guitar Center play it when I was like 14. Finally got one a few years ago and it just couldn't live up to the hype in my head. It was a cool amp, don't get me wrong, but apparently my tastes in tone has changed, cause there was just too much low mids in that amp... Made it sound huge, but I was missing the sizzle!

Engl Powerball - Fizzy mess. Do not like.

FJA modded Racktifier - Aside from the 3 ch triple, the worst Recto I've ever heard.

3 Ch Triple Recto - I'd honestly rather play through a Line 6 Spider. The absolute muddiest tone I've ever heard in my life.

Mesa Mark IV - Lead channel is great, the rest I could do without.

Most PRS Custom 24s - There's been ONE that I owned that utterly killed (and I very much regret getting rid of)... the others, kinda disappointing, even the Anniversary one was pretty meh. Beautiful guitars, but nothing special for the price.

Blackmachine B2 - Don't get me wrong, this was a cool guitar... but I paid $4900 for it, and it wasn't worth half that. The guitar was loaded with BKP Nailbombs, which should've sounded amazing, but it was actually a pretty crap sounding guitar. AMAZING neck, though!

Hufschimd Blackdroid 7 - Again, another very expensive guitar that couldn't live up to the hype. Looked gorgeous, but man, that guitar sounded terrible.

Oni 7 - Ok... I'll admit, I REALLY liked this guitar... The fanned frets were badass and it was, by far, the best playing 7 I've ever touched. The downfall? It was very expensive and sounded like shit.

Every Warwick I've tried - Always had HUGE GAS for these basses cause they look so epic, but I just cannot get along with that sound. I always hear them described as having a "growl," I dunno what these people think "growl" is, but that is definitely not what I'm thinking when I hear that word...

Every Taylor acoustic, ever - I dunno, I guess some people just really like bright acoustic sounds, but not me!

Marshall JVM - I have utterly no idea how so many people on this forum love these amps. They sound terrible. Do not want.

Ughh you seem to have weird taste in terms of amps :guh: How can one dislike a JVM, a Diezel, a Bogner AND a Soldano, damn, what do you like then?!
Oh yeah the 8 string I owned. I couldnt' get rid of it fast enough.

It's not that it felt uncomfortable (actually it felt nice), it was the fact that:

8 string pickups are either expensive or just not enough options.
I couldn't write anything I liked with the extra notes.

I'll add the Madison Divinity. I just couldn't get that thing not to suck. Biggest POS amp I have ever played/owned. I turned it around quicker than any amp I have ever owned as well.
Pod pro, rocktron voodu valve and ADA MP1.

I didnt like them by the time but I found later that was due to playing in a shitty combo with shitty speakers. It´s like an Axe fx, if it is played through a line 6 spider 15w will probably sound like shit too.

Pod pro and rocktron were not bad actually but the ADA I didnt like it at all, lots of noise, not much gain. It sounded too vintage for me. I had it for 3 days, had some luck to sell it quite fast.
Mesa Dual triple channel, only because it will not sound like it should if u dont crank it really loud.
Ah I could I forget. The yamaha rbx 375. This was not some kind of great wish I had. I needed a bass for recording, I thought that the bass had a quite cool look and most of reviews were very good. When I tried to get some kind of usable tone, I discovered that was a big piece of shit. Seriously, I recorded some lines with it and all the time I needed to cut so much mids that I found ridiculous.

The midrange was complete dogshit, the low end a loose wrecking ball, the clarity was probably on vacation all the time.

Seriously, this was the first instrument that I hated really hard. Cant find worst adjectives!lol
Ughh you seem to have weird taste in terms of amps :guh: How can one dislike a JVM, a Diezel, a Bogner AND a Soldano, damn, what do you like then?!

Didn't necessarily say I disliked them (aside from the JVM, yuck)... Just that their price was too much to justify the sound. The only Diezel I'd consider buying again at this point is the Einstein, because used, they can be picked up for a fairly decent price, and with a few mods, it can become a 4 channel amp that's insanely versatile.

The Herbert is a great sounding amp, in its own regard, I guess my tastes have just changed from that low-mid heavy, tons of low-end, sound. The VH4, I find to be an okay sounding amp, but nothing spectacular. For $4400, I definitely expected a lot more.

The Bogner Uberschall, I LOVED with the boost, but without it, that amp was totally unusable for me. Muddy and loose, just not my thing. The XTC, I dunno what was up with that thing, but it almost turned me off from the entire company at that point. One of the most shrill and harsh sounding amps I've ever heard; thought it might be the tubes, but I swapped em out and it didn't change much. FWIW, I REALLLLLY like the Bogner Duende, and the Shiva is a pretty bitchin amp, too. Actually - I own a 30w protoype of the 101B now, which I super dig, so I'm glad I didn't write off Bogner after the first one I tried.

The Soldano SLO was just okay. Honestly, there's so much hype around these amps that I was expecting the most insanely articulate amp I've ever heard. Not so. I mean... it's articulate, but not as much as I was expecting. Don't get me wrong, it was a nice sounding amp, but for the price they go for, I'd much prefer the Avenger or Hot Rod, they sound just as good, if not better, and are far cheaper. I guess if the SLO's clean channel was actually any good, it'd bump up in my book, but really the only thing exciting about that amp is its lead channel.

FWIW, I currently own a Mesa Roadster, Peavey 5150, and the Bogner prototype, plus a Kemper ;)
Only impulse buy I ever regretted was a used Blackstar HT Dual. It sounded dreadful, horrible, like a fucking bee hive full of shit and dying bees. Never had a problem with a guitar or an amp. I find telecaster necks uncomfortable but I still want one. I had a Rocktron Chameleon that I paid a fortune when they just came out but was too stupid to dial a descent tone at the time.
all gibson les pauls.. i love how they look and sound, and then when i have one in my hands.. i just doesnt feel right to me
but i´m happy with explorers, v´s, sg´s.. but just not les pauls :(