"The Guitar Chapter"


Drick bärs nu för faan!
Apr 29, 2004
Hi everyone!

I would like to ask you some questions which may have allreade been discussed, but please take your time..

I bought "The Guitar Chapter" some months ago, and I've been working really hard on the Diminished scale, and I've found out so far that there is so much you can do about it.. Anyway, Romeo, in my opinion, doesn't really explain how he creates patterns and runs. He just say: "play something like this" and shreds like a maniac =)

Is there any kind of typical Romeo-exercise that anyone of you do?

Another question about "The Guitar Chapter". Romeo has his strings kinda close to the fretboard, right? He doesn't seems to press his strings very much. Does anyone know anything about that?

Thanks for taking your time!
/Anders Lorén
Pretty sure he has real low action from all the tapping he does.

I like to follow his string skipping exercises on there. I think the guitar chapter tabs are available for download either on the main site or elsewhere. Those will help you out a lot.
I havent watched the video that extensively....i tend to turn it off when he demonstrates his alternative and economy picking near the start. His right hand technique is just so totally flawless i cant bear to watch any more.
Oh, I have the tabs! It gives you some clues, but some of the most interresting parts aren't tabbed since they aren't really exercises, more "an improvised lick played to show what he means with 'that'" if you get me. Well, I've been reading articles lately who explains for the reader how to learn from licks, not just learn them. I tried that upon some of Michael's exercises from TGC and I've allready done some exercises from them in new shapes and applied some patterns of a simple diminished scale etc.

If anyone want's to take a closer look I could post them, just ask.
I got the article via Petrucci's "Rock Discipline". Somekind of link followed the DVD to parts of his book "Wild Stringdom". I'm not sure if I can quote it because of copyright and all that. Anyway, he starts talk about a little repeating blueslick and shows how you can reshape it in other scales, how much an added note does etc.
Scott Henderson talks alot about that in his instruction video "Melodic Control" and I think Marty Friedman also talks alot about in his "Melodic Control".

This is something that I doesn't see alot about at guitarforums. Although I think it's one of the most important issues a guitarist (and bassist, keyboardist, drummer, any musician) have to deal with, otherwise you will just continue play other people's stuff.

Feel free to comment, and please show your own licks, and explain how you came ut with it.