The Guitar Players Thread - Technique and Skills

Ok, first question, I'm looking forward to building sweep picking, so right now I'm practicing economy and tremolo picking. The idea would be then to practice legato and string skipping, and then finally start with actual sweeps. What do you think ???

P.S: Dave, I think I'm going OCD on this thread, I have so many fucking things I want to ask !
Alternate, economy and - eventually, once those are nailed down- sweeping.

It's like, if I'm playing a riff like the one from say.... Annihilator's King of the Kill, I have to try and downpick all of it because I can't maintain that speed with the chuggachugga on the bottom string and then cleanly hit the notes on the string above. You see where I'm coming from?
Ok, first question, I'm looking forward to building sweep picking, so right now I'm practicing economy and tremolo picking. The idea would be then to practice legato and string skipping, and then finally start with actual sweeps. What do you think ???

P.S: Dave, I think I'm going OCD on this thread, I have so many fucking things I want to ask !

Sweep picking is just a matter of getting your left hand and your right hand in sync with each other. Thats about it. Start with 3 string patterns such as



b----------14-------------14---------- Thats Diminished.

Legato you could just run through scales at whatever speed is comfy and speed it up, major is good because its 3 notes per string and most shredding. You can go vertically or horizontally with this, depends how well you know the scale over the fretboard.

String skipping
If you want to learn something nice

find the tabs for that (paul gilbert - sequenced string skipping)

Or if you know your arpeggios well over the neck again you can transpose them over to other strings so they have gaps between them. This is really what Paul Gilbert does in general because he doesn't sweep. Arpeggios is also sorta where Marty Friedman is at when he is going all over the shop.

And FInally!!!
Just go into sweeps if you want. Nothing stopping you. It will help with economy picking, legato will come with finger strength so it will help with that. Wont help with string skipping though but they are different things.

If thats all shit sorry. :p
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It's like, if I'm playing a riff like the one from say.... Annihilator's King of the Kill, I have to try and downpick all of it because I can't maintain that speed with the chuggachugga on the bottom string and then cleanly hit the notes on the string above. You see where I'm coming from?

Do a LoG and play it all on one string?
Alternate, economy and - eventually, once those are nailed down- sweeping.

It's like, if I'm playing a riff like the one from say.... Annihilator's King of the Kill, I have to try and downpick all of it because I can't maintain that speed with the chuggachugga on the bottom string and then cleanly hit the notes on the string above. You see where I'm coming from?

Hmmmmmmm, I'd say economy picking could be enough, but I'd definitely add legato to the equation.

Yeah, I can definitely see where you're coming from. Every time I'm facing a riff like that, I try to play it downpicked (just for fun, to test my stamina), but I always eventually learn it with (in this case) economy picking, because I know there is very little chance I can make it through the whole song with downpicking. I'd say you try it with economy picking slowly, then progressively speed it up (you'll hear me saying this a lot on this thread), if you want to do it alternating strokes.
Everyone says 'start off slow and speed it up' but I naturally play fast. And given my current situation, I need to get better quite quickly!


You're facing the guitarist dilemma...

I learned to accept it a little time ago, I thought starting fast and going faster would be good, but now I know you NEED to start slow if you want to:

A) Get a good technique

B) Want it to sound clean and correct

All the stuff I read/saw/heard said "Start slow, then go faster", now I know it's the only way...
The first one

... I don't have much of a choice but to just sit through it and be patient do I? :(

Exactly. I was gonna say you record your album with your current skills (you got an album, you can't be bad !), and then start progressing, but I think you can start your progress while recording your album. Decide what it is exactly that you want to improve (I think you mean tremolo picking), and then sit patiently and work through it. There is no other way, no easy way, I had to learn that. Get a metronome, and work slowly until you feel confident to start speeding up. From what I hear, you're really fast, so the metronome part should be just to get a cleaner, more organized and structured sound. However, should the time come, just play with what you already know, you don't want to risk a gig or something just to try something relatively new.