Gonna resurrect this thread cuz' fuck it, thread was good and is still relevant :
Recently, i've been struggling to keep up with my usual "doing a 3-hour-long guitar routine 2 to 3 times a week, mixing up warmup/technique/jam/song practicing", and i've finally applied the "try to grab and play the guitar as much as possible, even if it's for 20 minutes each day", and it starts to pay off.
Basically whenever i watch some video on the internet or a dvd or something (not something i have to concentrate on like crazy, but something that i would watch anyway since i'm a nerd), i grab my guitar (swapping the guitar each time, or even during one session after the while : electric #1, electric #2, acoustic...) and start doing warm up exercises/noodling/technique exercises/jamming/parts practicing all the way.
This makes me able to :
-watch all that shit i would watch anyway...
-... while playing the guitar :
-learning how to stay relaxed while playing the guitar, not care that much, not look at the frets too much, and be able to do extra things later like singing and playing the guitar at the same time among others
-keeping my guitar chops "warm" (now it doesn't take me 30 minutes of warmup exercises before i can play decently again), letting my fingers harder/stringer from to day to day
-not get too fed up with the "tedious" guitar work, since i'm enjoying myself at the same time, watching some entertaining shit
So now whenever i pick up a guitar it's no big deal anymore, and i still can do a real/proper practice (means i'm not doing something else at the same time) with a lot of concentration and metronome and stuff, and i think if i find the time to do one or two of those "real" practices during the week, alongside the guitar "fuckaround" (i mean when watching videos at the same time), i'm gonna improve pretty fast.
These days i'm watching THE WIRE series and i feel good about learning all that drug dealer slang while jamming on some Pantera, AC/DC and getting my fingers superhard to a point playing the guitar doesn't hurt anymore.
So for guys like me who are on their own and work office hours anf have other "normal" shit to do (laundry, lazy stuff, hangout with friends, chasing tail, paperwork...) and who can't do the "practicing for 5 hours everyday", i think this "careless guitar fuckaround while doing something else" several times a week + "proper guitar practice" at least once a week is the way to go.
This is the smartest way to do things in my case (my rommate suggested me this "guitar fuckaround thing", and i will never thank him enough for this). This now i can now play the guitar AND chase tail since i can grab a guitar and play a beautiful Red Hot Chili Peppers style arpeggio right away. And that shit works
So now i'm playing the guitar more than ever, never burning out on it and never running out of things to play/practice. I'm gonna start to reintroduce the real proper guitar practice also, and some exercises i'm lacking on (scales, shred stuff, consistent fast downstroking, etc) and i'm pretty sure i will finally get somewhere. This and better English watching those videos, which helps with the usual :
girl : "your English is good for a Frenchman, how come ?"
me : "well, i play a lot of guitar these days"
girl (puzzled) : "... so you play the guitar ? I'd love to learn"
me : "come over at my place next weekend"
I wish i had this "revelation" (not sure if it's the right word here) before... but better late than never...
EDIT : most of the time when doing the "fuckaround" guitar routine, if i'm on the electric guitar, i'm not even plugging it to any amp...
Also, swapping guitars is cool since it makes for a good change (playing the same stuff over and over can be boring so the slightest change you can introduce is welcomed (welcome ?)) and gets you used to play the same stuff on different guitars, and be versatile (like playing fingerstyle arpeggios on the electric guitars, or playing some Pantera riffs on the acoustic...).
And of course whenever you pick someone else's guitar you don't feel like you have never played the guitar before anymore