The Guitar Tuning Thread

veil the sky

Lexicon V
Nov 22, 2001
Guildford UK
Obvious really

What tunings do y'all use and WHY dagnammit

I for one just use boring old standard E tuning. Originally because I couldn't be naffed to play around with tunings every time I'd rehearse, but also because I find different tunings tend to reak havoc with your guitar. I think they're built primarily for standard tuning.

Tell all peeps.
As the layer down of the tuning gauntlet, I feel compelled to respond.

My band Electrickery tune to CFBbEbGC.

We did it so we can cover Iron Maiden songs as this puts the music nicely into the singers range. :lol:

Well that's not actually the reason, that's just a nice side effect! No, we really did it because it made everything sound mightily heavy. It's kind of a cheating way of making the sound artificially heavy, that roaring, growling sound from your Marshall back-line is extremely satisfying, and we could never go back frankly.

I also believe it extends the dynamic range - solos sound more folorn as they contrast hugely with the rumble underneath.

But yes you're right, guitars are not generally made to deal with different tunings, and an entirely different set-up (intonation/action etc.etc.) is neccesary.
Unfortunately our local guitar bloke refuses to do setups for alternate tunings, because he feels it is not using the guitar correctly. Miserable sod.
I currently tune down a step, to D. This was so I could play along to my Death CDs, but I've been in this tuning for about a year now, so all the songs I've written recently are in that tuning. They don't sound right played back in E, so I'm staying in D for the forseeable future.
Originally posted by veil the sky
... but also because I find different tunings tend to reak havoc with your guitar. I think they're built primarily for standard tuning.

I thought I'd just point out that using different gauge strings causes the same effect that different tuning does to the tention in the neck of the guitar etc. A good guitar should work well in different tunings and with different gauge strings...

I myself play in D with 09-46 strings.
Yeh you're absolutely right, it's only a matter of a tiny change in tension. Of course heavier strings have to be tighter to be at the right pitch!

I was really referring to totally outlandish tunings which can cause trouble with yer machine. Just check out the stroppy guitar technician:

Unfortunately our local guitar bloke refuses to do setups for alternate tunings, because he feels it is not using the guitar correctly. Miserable sod.

The guy who sets up my guitar even moans at me for using heavy guage low strings!!!! Let alone funny tunings.

If you've got a fixed bridge guitar with a solid wood one-piece body, clearly it's gonna take a lot more punishment and variant tensions. But if you own a floyd rose machine with a thin neck and a scratchplate, particularly if it's at the lower end of the price range, it's going to start to feel the heat if you are using extreme guages OR tunings. That's what techs get upset about.

Being enlightened and intelligent I don't consider being called a poofter to be an insult.

God I'm so PC it hurts...

hehe, dude, trust me, do NOT go into the 'HATE PIT' you'll be damaged for life!!!

(Your mp3s rock by the way! The whole of DesolatioN has got one now :D We'll sort out one of those gigs v. soon!)
CGCFAD (I think that's what I'm tuned to) and I used .011-.048 strings...

I totally agree with the idea that lower tuned guitars bring out the solos more... i'm the only guitarist in the band and I aim for as much lows and highs as possible during a song!

Changes a whole fuckton, usually by whatever I'm inspired by at the time.

Mainstay tuning: CGCGCE
Picked it up from Devin Townsend and hasn't left my repetoire. Easily the best tuning for rhythm and creative lead playings.

Other interesting tunings I fuck around with:

FACGCE - picked up from the emo band American Football. Twinkly as fuck sounding but its really nice. Have gotten some nice Sonic Youth sounding stuff out of it.

CGDACE - just fucking about wanting to create in all 5ths, but the top 3 strings are an A minor chord.

D F# D F# C# E - really bizarre, but found it via the progressive/post-metal band maudlin of the Well. They used it on a lot of their interlude tracks and it sounds so fucking dreamy that its slowly become a favorite.
those sound like some crazy tunings.. I may have to try some out..I get kind of bored and sounfs like you like these tunings...

Always love exploring new things. The first guitar I ever got I didn't keep it in standard E - it was always in DADGAD. Messed with that formula for years.

I hughly recommend the CGCGCE tuning. Minor scale runs up the neck are super easy and boxed in. Pentatonic runs feel and sound so nice and weird. Really open sounding.