The guitarist with spectrum analyser ears


May 9, 2006
Dude, i must be the champion of hearing stupid things on the studio. I was just recording a guitarist that sometime behaves like he has autims or something. We´re tracking his solos and suddently , without even looking at the amp , he opens his mouth and says : "This is not working...kinda muddy...the treble MUST be on 7". And the treble was on 8 :Smug: He plays on every fucking amp on the planet with the the treble on 7 and every damn session I tell him thats not how it works (with me anyway)...

I chArge too cheap for this.
An amp with the treble on 7 would be less muddy than an amp with the treble on 8?

Yeah, that took me a sec to figure out too - when he says "The treble must be on 7" I think he means "The treble needs to be on 7" not "that sounds like the treble is on 7"
Dude you have no idea the shit i have heard from some bands. I'm also working cheap so i get a lot of bands that have never been in the studio but they know everything about how to record there tone or instrument. It gets very frustrating sometimes working with these people. You really just have to bite your tongue sometimes and just take a dir guitar so you can reamp later.

Its funny how many times Ive reamped and the guitarist thought he actually got that tone from his setup. Yea I'm just not big enough to turn bands away and i just deal with what i get and try and make the best of the situation.

Funny story....

I had the drummer of this band i was recording show up to record and the guy who was bringing his drums to him (bass player) kinda got lost and just went home instead. Did not call or anything. It never seizes to amaze me what people will pull. Needless to say I'm doing a deposit now because of people like this. Specially when I'm paying to rent a spot on weekends to record right now. So I lost money because the bassist was a douche bag. Oh and the day before that when we were supposed to track the drums the drummer had to work. The recording had been scheduled for 2 months and the drummer forgot to take the day off work. So it was a whole weekend wasted to these guys and nothing got done!
Dude, i must be the champion of hearing stupid things on the studio. I was just recording a guitarist that sometime behaves like he has autims or something. We´re tracking his solos and suddently , without even looking at the amp , he opens his mouth and says : "This is not working...kinda muddy...the treble MUST be on 7". And the treble was on 8 :Smug: He plays on every fucking amp on the planet with the the treble on 7 and every damn session I tell him thats not how it works (with me anyway)...

I chArge too cheap for this.

You want to know how to really fuck with this kid? Crank the treble all the way to 0, yank the knob off, and put it back on so that it's pointing at 7.

The fucker didnt even try to see how the amp was EQed, because he ALWAYS use the amps he plays on 7, no matter where, what amp, whatever. But my amp was on ´8´ and he was like :loco:

Next came another one from himself. He was tracking leads, it was perfect, and he said ´This is completely out of time, doesnt sound like me playing´, like if he was Zack Wylde or something. And i bet he´s more humble than that.
After 87987987987 solo takes, he finally plays like fucking´himself´ and even tho´ I said 87987987987 to let the final notes sustain, he didnt. So, we track other parts of the song, and when we went to listen to whole song, he complains I cut the ends of the solos :Smug:
I had a dude tell me that he had his tone dialed in and that he would put it up against any rig out there, and he said that he's heard more about how good his tone is than any other band in the area.

His tone:

Into the clean channel of this:

into this cabinet:

He told me that this rig would sound better than the 6505/XXX into Mesa 4x12 rig we used to record.

Their vocalist - who also plays guitar - told him to shut up. ;)
Did you try recording with his stuff?
A good producer must keep in mind the factor that when certain pieces of shit gear are combined they give a sick sound.

I had an anicent valvestatecombo with a 6" speaker and together with a boss DS1 and our vocalist utter crap microphone through a behringer mixer it actually sounded pretty good.

We actually ended up using that over my ENGL rig on some preproduction recordings with my former band.

I had a dude tell me that he had his tone dialed in and that he would put it up against any rig out there, and he said that he's heard more about how good his tone is than any other band in the area.

His tone:

Into the clean channel of this:

into this cabinet:

He told me that this rig would sound better than the 6505/XXX into Mesa 4x12 rig we used to record.

Their vocalist - who also plays guitar - told him to shut up. ;)
I had a dude tell me that he had his tone dialed in and that he would put it up against any rig out there, and he said that he's heard more about how good his tone is than any other band in the area.

His tone:

Into the clean channel of this:

into this cabinet:

He told me that this rig would sound better than the 6505/XXX into Mesa 4x12 rig we used to record.

Their vocalist - who also plays guitar - told him to shut up. ;)

I have a curiosity you guys need to answer.

Anyone still shows up with Zoom 505s on the studio ?

Here in Brazil people still shows up with that piece of shit. OFTEN! And even insist it sounds better than a tube amp...

If not, what the crappiest gear someone ever took to your studio ?
Yeah people still do here too sometimes. Behringer V-Amp, Zoom 505, Digitech RP-XX...all kinds of junk. So far every single project where the guitarist brought something like that in has been reamped through my stuff. I too have had a few guys try to say that their piece of shit modeler is better than any of the tube amps I had available. They would be all happy about the tone I got from reamping, and then I would destroy their world when I told them it was one of the tube amps, haha.

I had a guy come in with his bass wired badly and when I ran it through a spectrum analyzer there was nothing above 600 Hz :mad: He asked me to perform some studio "tricks" to fix it :mad:
Not related so much to studio, but a live recording I did last year at a gig I played. There was this band who's bassist wasn't too terrible, but he had absolutely no idea on how a bass amp worked. He had a simple like Fender 1x15 combo amp, nothing special...but he thought the best angle of getting a bass amp to sound good was to crank every knob on it all the way up. Not only was his tone like a wet fart, but it must have been the last time the amp could handle a gig doing that as it pretty much blew the amp up. It was distorting beyond any distortion pedal possible. He kept looking at the sound man wondering what he (the soundman) was doing wrong and all he could do to remedy the problem was turn the bass off in the mix.

Another guy I've seen had one of these:

plugged into a distorted combo amp of some sort...I think it was a V-Ampire actually. Sounded like an acoustic plugged into a distorted amp...not very good, even less so because he couldn't dial any decent tone anyways. He swore it was very good tone. It was dildos.