The guitarist with spectrum analyser ears

I had a dude tell me that he had his tone dialed in and that he would put it up against any rig out there, and he said that he's heard more about how good his tone is than any other band in the area.

His tone:

Into the clean channel of this:

into this cabinet:

He told me that this rig would sound better than the 6505/XXX into Mesa 4x12 rig we used to record.

Their vocalist - who also plays guitar - told him to shut up. ;)

Lol for real. :lol:
I have one more myself!

Once i recorded a punk/hardcore band. I knew some of the guys, and the bassist is famous on my city because he uses a bass with only one string, the A string. So, i recorded the drums (the worst drummer ever, he looked like a neandertal with a piece of wood trying to kill a bear or whatever, except that he was doing that to my cymbals), and then the bass. He came with a Washburn bass, with one BLACK A string - it was black not due to the material it was made of, but of how much rust it had in! The strings, probably older than me, Didnt even have any low end! I was so shocked, i couldnt say anything. The result was like playing on a cab with very blown speakers.
Damn, i remember those days. Kids with a Boss/Zoom "wonderbox" trying to convice me to record that shit.... These days I just tell 'em to bring thier guitars & if they're good enough, maybe we can use them.

FWIW, the Windsor into a Mesa Cab is pretty impressive.
But then my fave guitar piece ever was recorded with a yamaha version of that red thing, go figure :lol:

(floods outro was retracked on a little yamaha unit)
i had a classic the other day....
Had a piss poor drummer in who just COULD NOT!!! keep in time,

after 8 or so takes of me being offended by his shitness, he stopped and said over the tb.
"is it just me or is the click speeding up and slowing down"
i had a classic the other day....
Had a piss poor drummer in who just COULD NOT!!! keep in time,

after 8 or so takes of me being offended by his shitness, he stopped and said over the tb.
"is it just me or is the click speeding up and slowing down"

Ha ha tell me about it i ask drummers before we track can you play with a click they always say sure no problem bamm wrongo they cant handle the click best thing to do in that case is track drummer playing off pre recorded guitars to a click or track drummer live playing along with guitarist then create a custom tempo track and base your edits off that is not much fun though much better when drummer plays in time with click
i had a classic the other day....
Had a piss poor drummer in who just COULD NOT!!! keep in time,

after 8 or so takes of me being offended by his shitness, he stopped and said over the tb.
"is it just me or is the click speeding up and slowing down"

ROFL! I think I would take his sticks from him and shove them up his ass!
i had a classic the other day....
Had a piss poor drummer in who just COULD NOT!!! keep in time,

after 8 or so takes of me being offended by his shitness, he stopped and said over the tb.
"is it just me or is the click speeding up and slowing down"

I am sure this is not the case, but every once and a while the metronome (if I am using a virtual instrument) will glitch and speed up noticeably then go back to normal. But we are talking a very noticeable change. :lol:
In my area, there's that little grind band, nice guys, but, their bassist and guitar player have like negative gear knowledge.
I went to one of their practices and play a bit with them (as a guitar player) and their guitarist used an really old boss multi effects pedal
(and a warlock copy for 100$) into the bass combo of the drummer's father (like 30 years old, original tubes...).
His settings were like: Gain cranked, Bass cranked, Treble cranked, no mids.

I thought "ok this is so shitty, it could work for their style" but after 10 seconds of ultra-feedback
(with master on 1, for practice they needed the master on 7 or 8) I thought "ok, that is the most shittiest tone on earth".
I brought my setup that I build for practices (for me it was ok soundwise and loudness wise and cheap):
Randall RH100 head, Harley Benton Vintage 30 equipped 2x12, Behringer Noise Gate and some Rack 2x15 Channel EQ.
Sounds ok if you turn the mids up, use gain on like 5/10 and pull the bass down.

So in the end, you heard the drummer (he's ok, good blastbeats), me, and the singer (he's actually really good).
The other guitarist's sound wasn't even there so I said (because they are friends of me) :
"Come on, you can use this little setup until you have the money to buy something better".
A few months later, they had a show in a nice little venue here, 2 other bands showed up, brought a massive amount of guitar and bass equipment:
Koch Powertone, Mesa Mark IV, modified Marshall and an Engl Fireball, 2 Marshall 1960 cabinets and an old Mesa Cabinet.
For Bass an Ampeg 8x10, Ampeg SVT, Sansamp and some other basshead (I think SWR or Warwick, not sure).

The guitarist was allowed to use everything (the bassist, too).

In the end, guitarist used his multieffects pedal directly into the mixer (with a huge amount of feedbacks) and the bassist
used a Behringer Bass Overdrive directly (also feedbacks because of the shitty bass).
The 2 other bands had a great sound with their equipment and the bassist of the little grind band said it was
all due to the mistakes the foh guy did...
I work at this mom and pop guitar store out where I live and I showed up one day and that butterfly guitar was hanging on the wall, I immediatly plugged it in and played "stripped raped and strangled" on it.
i had a classic the other day....
Had a piss poor drummer in who just COULD NOT!!! keep in time,

after 8 or so takes of me being offended by his shitness, he stopped and said over the tb.
"is it just me or is the click speeding up and slowing down"


Into the clean channel of this:

into this cabinet:

that is a brutal combo of gear right there!

Yes it was...On the ears. No bass or mids, all treble.

That little multi-FX abomination was the "core" of his "tone". Their vocalist is actually pretty astute with gear knowledge and owns some nice stuff, The mesa recto 4x12, DSL100, 5150II, Johnson Millenium, Yamaha 4x12 with V30's, Johnson 4x12 with V 30's and about a dozen guitars including a silverburst LPC from the 70's, a Flying V, and a few other nice guitars. He told me when I was loading in my recording gear (I recorded at their practice space) that the guitar players had shit tone, but they wouldn't listen to him to use his gear.

their main guitar player wanted to use his crap setup I posted before with a cheapo Schecter Omen ("but it's wired with Kerry King's signature EMG's, dood") and the other guy had an Arbor LP knock off with microphonic p/ups and another behringer cab with an AVT50 head with a metal zone pedal ran into the clean for his gain tone.

I convinced them to use the Windsor and the Behringer 4x12 and my 5150 and Mesa 4x12, and one of my ESP's and the Schecter for their tracks...We did 4 songs. They ended up liking the mixes so they came back and did 3 more...I still wasn't feeling the guitar tones from the first session, so I took my XXX and 6505+ (sold the 5150) and the last 3 songs sound noticeably better. Still not great, but better. Dudes just were kinda rough, and had some weird gear sense. The Windsor sounded like it could have been OK if I had been able to tweak it longer, but the cab just was baaaad. All woofy and scratchy, but still better without that multi-FX thing.