The Halloween thread

Golden Hall

The song is ringing loud
Oct 16, 2003
Santa Cruz, CA
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All right, it's the time of year to put on a costume and get wasted, what are you guys gonna be? If you think you're too cool, or too mature, or too metal to participate in anything, don't bother posting. I still haven't grown out of it (I'm 23) and how many metal songs are about Halloween anyways? Plus, you know all the girls use it as an excuse to wear really slutty costumes, and that's always a good thing. I'm going to be Thor, Hail Amon Amarth!
I have no idea yet...but I live for Halloween. I'm going to a block party here in Dallas on the 25th. I think I'm just going to dress up as a traditional looking witch, I already have the clothing for that, haha. Halloween I am going to a Witch's Ball and to a party or two so I think I'll just wear the same thing maybe...not sure yet but I'm sure there will be pictures
Halloween is not big here unfortunately but I'm lucky enough to be living in the middle of a forest so it's very very beautiful with all the colours and fallen leaves. Ah I dunno man, holy FUCK it's this Friday right? Drinking beer/Glenlivet, eat something good and watch horror movies by myself. Can you find me a girl like in Black No. 1?
Halloween? Whats that?
No, I know what it is, but I don't celebrate it. Don't know any reasons why I should...
This fest is uncommon in Thuringia and has almost not basis. Don't know how the things look in the "western part" of Germany (I'm from the "eastern part" - means ex-DDR), but as said before, its very uncommon.
E666 will have those too after Halloween, as I am dressing up like some sort of quasi-goth bitch. I wish you could see his costume!!!!!! It's the radest ever! He's gunna be a Nazgoul (I think that's have you spell it) from LOTR, and he's made the armour and all. It's awesome. He'll scare the shit out of all the kids....