The Haunted - rEVOLVEr


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
track 1 (skip after 30 seconds) - track 2 (skip after 30 seconds) - skip - skip - skip - some kind of Chris Isaak / cowboy thing going on - skip - stop - thrown on promo heap.

Just can't stomach this kind of music anymore, I've totally grown away from the whole goatbeard, baseball cap, grown up kids in Adidas sweatshirts screaming down the mic kinda thing. I'm sure I'll be in the minority though, because a quick scan on the web for reviews on this album tells me the world is going nuts for it. I saw one review that gave it 10/10.

It certainly sounds a bit more interesting than One Kill Wonder anyway (because that was simply boring), but all the old school thrash worship they once had has now eloped with some guy who works in a shoestore selling Reebok apparel.
JayKeeley said:
track 1 (skip after 30 seconds) - track 2 (skip after 30 seconds) - skip - skip - skip - some kind of Chris Isaak / cowboy thing going on - skip - stop - thrown on promo heap.


:lol: There ya go folks. That pretty much sums it up for ya. :lol:

I can guarantee you I will never listen to this album.
I listened to that one sample Earache had. I will not be buying this album. I was so looking forward to it, too, especially after Dolving rejoined the band.

One Kill WOnder was awful.
Damn my usual look is a old guinness hat and a old school adidas warm up jacket- I guess Im part of that horrible crowd. And I love The haunted as well.

The last album sucked, but this sounds promising.
I heard one song on a Century Media sampler and it sounded horrible. I liked a couple songs on One Kill Wonder, but I never listen to the album anyway and seeing how this sounds worse, I won't find myself buying it.
I really fucking love "The Haunted Made Me Do It". It's a lotta fun for both fans of new school and old. I've never heard the debut, but I hear it's even better.
You might not like the debut, because according to some it has thEE hardcroe vokills OH NOES!, but make no mistake, it is The Haunted's finest album by a long shot. Nothing else they've done comes close to Hate Song or Bullet Hole.

do like the first 5 songs on Made Me Do It, but after that, the album has run its course.
I agree that rEVOLVEr is total ass vomit. I can't believe this is what The Haunted have become. Even the name of the album sounds like the let a nu-metal band pick it for them.
The first one has great guitar work and terrible vocals (I don't know or care if they are hardcore, asscore, phlegmcore, etc., they just SUCK). Never cared to hear the others.