Kampfar - Fra Underverdenen
Mayhemic Truth - In Memoriam
Einherjer - Aurora Borealis
Einherjer - Far Far North
Destroyer 666 - Violence is the Prince of this World
Those are the only "old" CDs I am currently searching for. I am currently compiling a huge update to my tradelist with lots of stuff like Tyranny, Slayer, Eyehategod, Fudge Tunnel, Himinbjorg, Iuvenes, and tons more including doom, black and death and some -core. I just have too many CDs I never listen to, and just have no reason to keep. So if anyone can obtain one of those, I'd be willing to trade 2 for 1, or possibly 3 for 1.
One of my New year's Resolutions was to be extremely selective in buying CDs this year, and so far, I've done really good, pretty much sticking with my wantlist. My other resolution was to not post near as much, and get my posts-per-day average under 10.