The "HELP ME FIND THIS!!!" thread

the website says both are unavailable. And I'm pretty sure both are out of print. I was lucky getting both of mine from Chedsey for about $20 total.

I'm sure some place has them though. I'll keep looking for you, because every non-gay person should own at least one SH album.
Shit I'm sorry, I thought the s/t one was still available, not sure how I missed that giant yellow banner saying CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE across it. :erk:
Bruce Dickinson - Accident of Birth
Bruce Dickinson - The Chemical Wedding

I'm a little embarrassed that I didn't have these already...

Ehhr... Sorry 'bout this... I meant to post this in the "Latest Purchases thread"... Must be getting tired...
spaffe said:
Anyone who knows of a european (or a reliable American) distro/shop carrying the vinyl version of Arghoslent's Incorrigible Bigotry?

Well, you could ask NSOL if they'll be getting any, since they have ARGHOSLENT/MORBID UPHEAVAL: split 7"and ARGHOSLENT: Galloping through the battle ruins LP.
Oh someone listens to Jabberworks , great great album :cool:

As for the thread someone has to find me the Drawn EP for a price equal to the amount of money I'd give to a beggar..
Thanatopsis123 said:
Could still use help finding cds by:

Aes Dana
Heol Telwen

I like your taste, sir! :kickass: lists 3 Belenos cds (Spiclege, the O one, and L'ancient Temps - a re-release of their demos and shit) as available for special order about 30$ each :(