the heterosexual "How do you take care of your hair?" thread

hmm anyone have good shampoo/condition for really wavy/curly/thick long hair? its getting better, i get it trimmed and tamed but the hair lady said i should get at least a good conditionior because it will save my ends better etc.

I can't tell you which one is better but you definitely need a conditionner everytime you wash your hair. Try some and you'll see. In this moment I use this:


I use it after my shampoo, I wait around 5 minutes, then I comb my hair and I rinse. Before getting to the shower I brush my hair with that kind of brush :


I rarely brush them (only in the shower, and when I straighten them)
Camo is a colour pattern, not a style of pants. You like baggy pants with alot of pockets.
I did too, but I was fat. You're probably fat, or have a small cock.

Quote and bump it. Hes the fag we all said was trying to hard right?
I was like, 30% sure it was him, thus not worth the effort and time (which I have...*tear*) to find. But you're a fucking loser, and a child. Do that shit up, I'll buy you an adult beverage.

Trolling, drunk or just doing it for teh lulz?
Camo is a colour pattern, not a style of pants. You like baggy pants with alot of pockets.
I did too, but I was fat. You're probably fat, or have a small cock.

Excuse me sir. I meant cargo pants. Anyway, I don't like em baggy, just average and because of the lighter fabric. I am fat though :lol:

Having said that, my penis pwns you.