The Hilarious Quotes Thread

This just in from te 'essential thrsh records' thread on the Thrash Brotherhood forum;

"Wait, you missed few great albums:
Rust in Peace, if you don't consider Holy Wars as thrash, then tell me what is thrash! (Marty is the best thing ever happened to Megadeth and Megadeth is the best thing ever happened to Marty...)
Master of Puppets, a masterpiece with many anthems and great rhythms...
Reign in Blood, four words: Angel of GODDAMN Death!! (and Raining Blood and many more songs...)"

That Kill 'Em All one had me in fucking stitches!:lol:
Could say it's Diamond Head. But that's proto. Its like there was heavy metal before Sabbath (Blue Cheer). But Black Sabbath put is the staple that is considered to be. That's what Kill Em All is also.
I'm sorry guys. I messed up a bit with my comment there. What I think I should have said was something along the lines of...

People really shouldn't making statements like that.

...simply because there is no definitive first thrash album.

Actually, fuck it. I would say it was Kill 'Em All :lol:

Sure there were bands who had songs which played a big part in forming the thrash sound, like Diamond Head, Venom, Mercyful Fare, Motorhead etc, but the first thrash album? It has to be Kill 'Em All, for me.
There're so many. Some would say Venom, Motorhead, Diamond Head, it's endless

Also, Metallicdistort's post proves once and for all that's he's the biggest and stinkiest shit on this forum.
Weren't Motorhead considered speed metal at one point? Who's to say that Motorhead weren't thrash metal of their time but yeah if we are talking thrash metal as we know it then Kill em All could be considered as the 1st true thrash metal album of that genre