the how tall are you thread.

Alwin is cute. :)

I'm 5 foot 4. One of the shortest people here... don't know how much I weigh anymore (not too much and not too little is all I know). Age=20.
mousewings said:
Alwin is cute. :)
I'll drink to that :grin:


o, and another one for your Alwin collection is here
6'4 in my size 15 boots I'm 6'5 and I'm also 235 pounds I'm big dude!!!!!
b.t.w I feel your pain about your bed being to small it sucks havin feet hang off the edge all night :yell:
ante said:
I´m 1.74 and my bed is 1.73 -> so fucking annoying :yell:
Haha, reminds me of my cousin in HK. He's tall (6'+) and he can't fit into his bed. So much for good nights' sleep. :/

Rats, I must be the shortest person in here. But I'm female, so it's okay. :cool: