the how tall are you thread.

Spike said:
Woah! A tall lady. :eek: Could almost 'look me in the eye. Very imposing.

I'm 6'2"
:tickled: Yeah im tall but i dont really notice it lol most guys i have gone out with are always surprised when see im bout tall as or littel taller than they are .

and i have to agreeeee.. Alwin is really cute :worship: :)
with weight im 223lbs. the scale at the store said i am 15 lbs over my ideal weight! but as long as i can use a 20lb sledgehammer - i am fine :Spin:
lady of bodom said:
and i have to agreeeee.. Alwin is really cute :worship: :)
hey thanx lady and you're the bomb as well :loco:

I'll pass on your comments to the Higher Council to make sure it will be added to your good karma ;)
i'm like 1.65 m, which is really above average in mexico, but my roommate from Estonia asked me if all mexicans were as tiny as i am :(
i tried to explain i'm super tall but she thinks i'm kidding
Violet Baudelaire said:
i'm like 1.65 m, which is really above average in mexico, but my roommate from Estonia asked me if all mexicans were as tiny as i am :(
i tried to explain i'm super tall but she thinks i'm kidding
lol! sorry... :p

well, you're not short but for an european standard you're not super tall for sure ;)
(same goes for me, i'm only 167).
indeed ;)

you should go to the south of Mexico, the state of Oaxaca... i felt like i was in the Shire (from lotr) :p