The Hungover Thread

I very rarely get hangovers. Whenever I do get drunk, I puke, pass out and wake up feeling like nothing ever happened, although very hungry. I'm lucky I guess.
I wake up still drunk, then it passes and I'm just sore all over for a while. Haven't gotten drunk in a while though, and don't plan on making a point to.
I wake up still drunk, then it passes and I'm just sore all over for a while. Haven't gotten drunk in a while though, and don't plan on making a point to.

well... except that i will probobly get beyond intoxicated the next time i have to opportunity.

but yeah... never had a hangover, never thrown up (even though the last time i drank it was after we'd had mexican food for dinner :zombie:). i guess i just know when to cut myself off or something.
It's the food that makes me get sick and puke, never the drink. I tend to consume epic amounts of food when drunk, often too much. Vodka seems to be the only substance that hangs me over, but it's more of a desperate thirst and light headedness.
I've woke up that late more than once. Just stay up a bit longer to complete the necessary tasks.
Bah, that's really not that late.

I've had some knarly hangovers from mixing 4+ liters of beer with hard liquors like whiskey and absinthe.