The "I am Glorius, I've got the new album!" Thread

Wow, i think its their best since recreation day and possibly Tom's most impressive performance ever vocally! Bravo!
Is it only me that I don't like much the "sound" of the new CD ?

On the cheap PC speakers it sound OK, but when I try to play it @ the stereo, the sound is "mushy", it lacks clarity. Although it is LOUD but my personal preference is more "clarity" and "analytical" sound, especially on progressive/melodic bands.

I was listening "Solitude, Dominance, Tragedy" and "In Search Of Truth" and both sound much better than "Glorious Collision", according to my personal taste of-course.

Anyone else have noticed this ? I suppose it is the known mastering trend that affects all new releases of metal music.
it surely doesn't sound as crisp as Torn, but it serves the songs better. i feel it was the intent to focus more on songs rather than instruments
Maybe anyone can tell anything about the demo tracks? I wasn't able buy the pre-order version, but I'm very interested in how the sound

Demo tracks are very cool, especially the ones with the original vocalist. He was pretty solid in my opinion but I'm glad that he left so Tom could step up. The demo versions of the newer songs are also cool but I think the old ones are totally worth the pre-order price alone.
Yes, I think it's really great. Is there any posibility to get them exept the pre-order? I'm a student so I couldn't afford it, and now it's anyway too late
Well, sorry to insist but as no one seems to be able to give me an answer, the only way I found to be heard is keep on posting on the band board.

I preordered the Evergrey Glorious Collision Limited PreOrder (object number ltd001 , Evergrey Exclusive T-Shirt: XL price 55EUR) 01/14 via Paypal to Evergrey Ek For

I still haven't received nothing and contact 4 times in vain.
My money has been withdrown and it seems impossible to contact someone from merchandise service. The only answer I get was from Metalages but even him doesn't answer anymore.

Years ago, when I orderded my Torn package, everything went well... I want my Glorious Collision so bad that I will buy the regular edition to support the band but online store is done for me.
Well, sorry to insist but as no one seems to be able to give me an answer, the only way I found to be heard is keep on posting on the band board. I preordered the Evergrey Glorious Collision Limited PreOrder (object number ltd001 , Evergrey Exclusive T-Shirt: XL price 55EUR) 01/14 via Paypal to Evergrey Ek For I still haven't received nothing and contact 4 times in vain. My money has been withdrawn and it seems impossible to contact someone from merchandise service. The only answer I get was from Metalages but even him doesn't answer any more. Years ago, when I ordered my Torn package, everything went well... I want my Glorious Collision so bad that I will buy the regular edition to support the band but on-line store is done for me.

I am new to the forums of Evergrey but I think that members of the band have accounts here. They don't post that often for sure, but probably you can send them a message ? I suppose the long time members here can direct you witch are the nickname so you send them a message. So please guys "give a hand" here :kickass: I think Tom is Nosferatu6 but I am not sure.

Also there is the Facebook page of the band, in which the band is much more active than here, not as much as during the release time of "Glorious Collision", but still they seem to follow their page. Maybe you can contact them there if you got a Facebook account of-course.

Check the contact page of the band maybe you can find help there too

The merchandise department does not answer at all, and that is frustrating, when I ordered my package I tried to contact them a few times, to ask a question regarding the order, and never got an answer, but everything went well though so I cannot complaint.

You should not get in so much trouble I know, and the merchandise department should be able to track the orders and answer fans. I hope everything will go well and you find a solution. I wish I could be of real help.

EDIT: Maybe even starting a new thread here in the forum with a clear title band members will notice. In this thread it is much harder to notice it.
Thank you for your help ! It's good to see an answer. I will follow your advice and create a new thread.
Absolutely not, and any such posts will be removed. If you want the lyrics, you'll need to buy the album.

I already bought the album.. but it takes a little more then one month to get here...
but thats ok.. i recieved last week and got the lyrics...

:Shedevil: but it was totally unnecessary the way you responded
Glorious Collision is awesome, definitely one of my favorite Evergrey albums. It saddens me that the album (and band, for that matter) haven't gotten more love. It's progressive and heavy, while being catchy and accessible at the same time. I hope the next album continues in this vein.