First of all, I have a lot to say here. And I think it's always the case when an album affects me greatly. I don't remember the last time a "whole" album has given me the chills the way NITND has. I mean wow, this album is seriously filled with some impressive moments and I couldn't thank these guys enough for putting out such incredible work.
Haha, I've read through all the comments here and for the most part, I agree with everyone lol. This whole album is just so freaking great picking a single track seems futile. But I will say that Nephilim is the ONLY one I can't quite "feel" the way I do the others. I don't dislike it, but it's clearly my least favourite track on the album. I guess it's just not melodic enough for me...Katatonia are masters of MELODY!
And everyone who has voted Inheritance...GREAT taste, guys! I think it's Jonas' finest moment vocally. The opening line, I can wholeheartedly say, gave me the most chills out of any moment on the album. If anyone can honestly say they dislike this song I'll be shocked haha. It does remind me a lot of Unfurl which is just awesome considering it's one of my all-time favs from the guys. Lastly, the guitars are just gorgeous.
Krister Linder on Departer - just what can I say? The dude blows me away and he totally delivers on this magnificent track. He and Jonas really compliment one another nicely. By far Katatonia's greatest closing track they have ever recorded; just just such a perfect way to close things off. It puts me in such a retrospective state...once it is finished, you feel (at least I did) like a fantastic, dramatic film or story just unfolded before your eyes.
Having said all that (those songs just deserve their praise), my vote simply just had to go to
The Longest Year. This song just features everything I freaking love about Katatonia with possibly the most stunning chorus I have ever heard in a rock song. And all I can say is the sample does not even give it justice compared to how the chorus unfolds from the soothing verse. It's that buildup that just simply works and I was blown away this song became much more than I could have ever expected. The song had the MOST impact for me with that gorgeous progression when Jonas begins to sing
how cold is the flame, of our uncompromising future, how cold is the sun - the riff is brilliant, such an awesome transition.

10/10 from me. Oh hell yeah! It's one of those albums that actually makes an impact once you're finished listening to it. Now I understand what Akerfeldt was actually talking about...I think he was spot on. Strong emotional connection, no doubt about it.
edit: woops, can I post up my top 5??? I always have to do this sort of thing.
1. The Longest Year
2. Onward Into Battle
3. Forsaker
4. Liberation
5. Inheritance
Ahhh, this was harder than with TGCD....damnnnn. Also, let me mention that New Night has the best intro on the album of any song (for me) - I'll never forget the first reaction I had to it. That sound of the guitar - niiiiice and the playfulness of it. So dark!