I've had my share of cool injuries. The most recent minor one would be a sprained ankle last Spring. I was just playing a good ol' game of softball and I hit a bomb. I was going into 3rd base and I knew there was going to be a play. Now, in my younger days when I played baseball every season, this wouldn't have been an issue. I would have slid into 3rd base without a second though. But it'd been years since I tried that, so I sort of hesitated this time and ended up kinda half-assed sliding into the 3rd. I was safe, but at the expense of getting my left foot caught on the bag while the rest of my body went over it. Big time twist and instant pain. I thought I just rolled it bad, but it was a good couple hours before I was able to walk again. Went to the ER the next day and they said it's just a typical sprain and that everything is all right. Lots of ice, couch time and no drugs
The biggest major injury I've had is a collapsed lung. The story is so insanely long and I don't have time to type it at work, but the long short of it is that I ended up in the hospital 5 times over a few years and had 2 surgeries to fix it. Lots of hospital time, pain, and drugs. Damn, I'm glad that shit is behind me now.
I've had lots of other minor injuries, mostly from riding my bike and longboard all the time. I really wrecked my left elbow crashing on my longboard once. Sprained my elbow and split my chin open in the same crash. Big reminder that I'm not invincible. I love it.