The Inner Circle - album details revealed!


cheating the polygraph
Apr 29, 2001
dead between the walls

Courtesy of's Mark Gromen who was present at the Evergrey listening party this past weekend:

" The Swedish progressive metallers, who will open for the upcoming ICED EARTH/CHILDREN OF BODOM North American tour will issue The Inner Circle, right around the start of the tour (tentatively, April 27th). The band has been working on the dark/moody concept album for 5 months, since the end of last Fall's tour with ARCH ENEMY. The theme surrounds the travials/pains endured by the loved ones of a member of a religious cult. Punctuated by snippets of religious rhetoric, female backing vocals and a string quartet, from the Gothenburg Symphony, it's an interesting listen, almost painful to experience the emotions it uncovers. There's a sense of embarrassing voyeurism taking place, the listener being thrust in the midst of an uncomfortable situation.

The running order is as follows: 'A Touch Of Blessing', 'Ambassador', 'In The Wake Of The Weary', 'Harmless Wishes', 'Waking Up Blind', 'More Than Ever', 'The Essence Of Conviction', 'Where All Good Sleep', 'Faith Restored' and 'When The Walls Go Down'.

The lanky singer/songwriter/guitarist explains how The Inner Circle came to fruition.

"I wouldn't wish this on anyone," he says of the lengthy odyssey which ended only minutes before the assembled journalists would get to hear the album (it was actually being burned to disc as we enjoyed refreshments). "On the last album, we did 'Unforgivable' and that thought stayed with me, about people abusing children, then hiding behind their religion, or whatever, to get away from the law. It's despicable. It makes me so mad, like I could kill someone. Seriously. We actually thought about doing this concept for the last record, but there was too little time, to really get into the subject. We don't want to accuse someone, without knowing what we're talking about. This isn't about bashing Christianity, it's about bashing fanatics, people who try to convince others to their way of thinking. Society today wants someone to tell them how/what to think. Our (concert) t-shirts are going to say, 'I am my own God, God walking."
This sounds fucking excellent. Unforgivable is my favorite song off of RD. I will be picking this album up for sure. It'll be interesting to hear a new concept that departs from aliens and touches on something different.
Sorry for thinking it'd be another alien concept. :) That sounds definitely more promising, lyrics-wise. Unforgivable was one of my favourites on Recreation Day too.

Is Tom's wife (sorry I forgot her name :p) doing the backing vocals again? :)
TheFourthHorseman said:
Sorry for thinking it'd be another alien concept. :) That sounds definitely more promising, lyrics-wise. Unforgivable was one of my favourites on Recreation Day too.

Is Tom's wife (sorry I forgot her name :p) doing the backing vocals again? :)

Carina aka meandevil, and yes, she is!!! =)
TheFourthHorseman said:
Sorry for thinking it'd be another alien concept. :) That sounds definitely more promising, lyrics-wise. Unforgivable was one of my favourites on Recreation Day too.

Is Tom's wife (sorry I forgot her name :p) doing the backing vocals again? :)
damn, that was Tom's wife? She ripped it up on that passage, very powerful.
Demonspell said:
The running order is as follows: 'A Touch Of Blessing', 'Ambassador', 'In The Wake Of The Weary', 'Harmless Wishes', 'Waking Up Blind', 'More Than Ever', 'The Essence Of Conviction', 'Where All Good Sleep', 'Faith Restored' and 'When The Walls Go Down'.
Given the trackrecord on their previous albums I'd say we are in for another 45-55 minutes of Evergrey greatness. April 27 can't come fast enough :headbang:
the lyrical concept sounds great. I hope they don't bring the alien stuff again as on the first 2. but anyway it's the music that counts:headbang:
aaaahhhhh, Carina on vocals! (again) and a string quartet! Some extra elements that sounds too good to be true. Every band that's using strings in their songs deserve an extra point on the 'Havermout-scale'. Now even one of my fav. bands is using them it's even harder to wait for the release date!
OK, this is getting silly. First the new Ayreon album, and now this. Evergrey should've kept in mind that people can't handle THAT much awesomeness within the span of an April or May.

In all seriousness, that sounds like one of the most interesting concepts for an album that I've ever heard.
ProgMetalFan said:
I'd like to hear more eerie violin parts like were found on "Words Mean Nothing" and "Solitude Within".
That violin part in Solitude Within is simply amazing. One of Evergrey's best moments!
Evergrey with an orchestra: this will be brilliant. The concept does remind me a bit of Dreaming Neon Black, although that was told mostly from the cultist's point of view...but being the huge Nevermore fan that I am, that only serves to encourage me even more.
Demonspell said:
The concept does remind me a bit of Dreaming Neon Black, although that was told mostly from the cultist's point of view...

What have you been smoking? :p It's not like the male character in Dreaming Neon Black is the cultist is he? As far as I see it he's the one in the main role in the songs, other than for those short female vocals in the title song, and the woman that he's grieving over was the in my opinion it's told very much like the Evergrey album is supposed to be, from a loved one's point of view.