The instrumental In Flames song?

Cyth Darcshyre

New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2003
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before i get to buy the albums i had to download, and i found this one song my friend had, i did not know the title and it's one of the most amazing instrumental songs i have ever heard....i think it might be called Dialouge with the stars but i might be wrong, am i right? its the oen that goes into an amazing acoustic part then starts up again hard as hell.

if anyone can help i'll appreciate it, thanks.
yeah, my favorite is man made god. that was the song that introduced me into the entire scene...whatever that may be.
Needled24Seven said:
check out a band called soilwork too theye even better.

Soilwork's studio recordings are horrible. The only reason they aren't that bad is their good live show. In Flames put on a better live show, and they kicked Soilwork's ass.

man made god is definitely my favorite in flames song. i first heard insipid 2000 and was put of by the yelling but a few months later i heard man made god and fell in love with the band. i got used to the yelling and actually started really liking the old stuff. subterranean is great
Although it is off topic, I''l continue to discuss Soilwork (since I did see them play with IF last night)

Studio vocals are intolerable. The insturmental parts aren't done well, and they don't show much effort in the composition process. It's boring and the vocals are extremely annoying on NBC and FNF. The vocals are much better live, and the new drummer is pretty good.
And to respond to your comments:
Speed didn't noticably run out of breath, even though the air was half smoke and about 100 degrees in the pit and in front of the stage.
there were no problems with the sound and the guitars were plenty loud, the bass wasn't overdriven.
the sound check took 40 minutes, and it wasn't bad.

Needled24Seven said:
studio vox are intolerable!?!? speed is one of the best metal vox today without a doubt. did you happen to listen to anders escapades on r2r. as for live well, anders prances around like a little school girl with a dick up her ass. instrumental parts arent well done!?!? have you ever stopped to notice the in flames bunch arent that great of musicians, except for daniel although hes nothing to write home about. boring??? lets try in flames jesper knew how to write some good melodies but he uses pretty much the same god damned melodies in every song. most in flames song start to blend in so much with eachother because the same exact guitar work that it makes me want to break their god damn cds from time to time(whoracle is their only stand out cd). not one bit of progression and lately its all regression. the solos they have done by themselves are a joke. if there is one thing ill give them whoracle and colony were great cds(tjr and clay are good) and they have always put out great instrumentals/acoustic work, but if i start to listen to all the cds around the same time i would become so sick of in flames its not even funny. oh, and thats not even mentioning how bad r2r is.

Wow.... calm down a little bit. As for me, I think that Soilwork is good, and have some really good songs. But I think that In Flames are better then them, what don´t makes Soilwork shit. I just don´t think that they are that great.
the song is 4 mins long and has the super cool ac oustic classical guitar piece and it ends as soon as it begins with hard ass guitar again....i'm not sure its off whoracle

the ending is lkike the beginning of the song. i think :hotjump:
Needled24Seven said:
he cant handle the fact that other people have different opinions, other than his own.
I'm starting to think that too. I mean Soilwork obviously cannot have shitty studio vocals because I and many others like the vocals. I mean what kind of a statement is "Soilwork's studio recordings are horrible"? Soilwork obviously likes them or they wouldn't have released the album.
Needled24Seven said:
i dont want to go into the simple facts here but lets just state that soilwork tears in flames up as musicians.

Very much agreed, not to say In Flames aren't good musicians but the Soilers clearly play much better solos, even Figure Number Five has some awesome ones, and when Henry was in the band he just ripped shit up, especially on The Chainheart Machine, and Speed is a better all around vocalist than Anders. I still love In Flames to death though. I will say that IF put on a better live show than Soilwork though (not that Soilwork does not put on a good show because I saw them and they ruled).
Man, you people are all over the fucking place. First I'd like to say that I think Soilwork is much better in studio than live. It does seem like Strid can't hold the vocals down live, but I've only seen them once so I can't really judge. And no one will ever top Henry Ranta, though their new drummer seems very good.

I think Strid's voice on the studio recordings is great. I also might agree that Soilwork are more talented musicians in a purely technical sense, but I think Jesper writes songs that are more meaningful and well-directed. In Flames songs seem to have more feeling than Soilwork's (which isn't to say that I don't like the latter).

In the end, I think In Flames will stick with me longer, but I still listen to Soilwork rather frequently and like them a lot.