The intro to Beneath the Mire reminds me of...

Jan 4, 2006

That intro riff that goes on for the first minute or so in Beneath the Mire? For the longest time it always reminded me of something, but I couldn't think of what.

It reminds me of the soundtrack to the Nintendo 64 game, GoldenEye. The riff just sounds like the same kind of thing that would be on there.

Maybe it's because I've been playing GoldenEye recently, I dunno.

Anyone agree, or am I just crazy?
I know this is gay...BUT. The song "Angels Don't Kill" by Children of Bodom always reminded me of Goldeneye. Like the main riff...when I heard it I was like...hmm Goldeneye.
Haha, now that you mention it it does sound a bit like it, I loved that game so much, could never do Falility in under 1:08 or whatever it had to be.
yeah, it has some far east influences from traditional indian music, i think, something like closure from damnation. Anyway that song has the most amazing solo that i've ever heard... when per and mikael are playing synchronized... beautiful...
Yeah, the intro is influenced by Middle Eastern themes. I love the intro melody.

Sigh...I am gonna miss Martin Lopez middle eastern drum influence...I wonder if we will hear anything like that again....