
New Metal Member
Jul 2, 2008
Hey all!!!!

Tease!!! :loco:

Actually I just sent this to Jeff and he can put it up on his MySpace page!!

I'm sure it will be up pretty soon...

This the the first 6:24 of the concert at Camp Liberty, IRAQ. Their first song!!! The very beginning.

The previous song "Flight Of Icarus" was actually about 38 minutes into their set, and it was HOT!!!

Definitely over 100 - But I am used to it being here 3 years. There was one part in the concert that one of the stage hands actually had to put a cool towel on Sarah's head. The heat is very dangerous out here. Even at 8PM if you're not properly hydrated and used to it!!

Well! Hope everyone likes is!

I wish the sounds was better! Wanda's bass into basically knocked the air out of me!!! It was that loud!! :)

Cheers from Iraq!!!!
Some of us don't care about the quality of the audio... we have friends playing in Iraq right now... they're far away from home and we miss them. We'd LOVE to see them performing... regardless of the quality. If you won't post it, where can we find it?

Some of us don't care about the quality of the audio... we have friends playing in Iraq right now... they're far away from home and we miss them. We'd LOVE to see them performing... regardless of the quality. If you won't post it, where can we find it?


If the MaidenS tell me to post it after they return I will, or if Mark says so then I'll do so before.
Some of us don't care about the quality of the audio... we have friends playing in Iraq right now... they're far away from home and we miss them. We'd LOVE to see them performing... regardless of the quality. If you won't post it, where can we find it?


Kirk, if it were my band I'd decide if I wanted something posted or not. We give the ladies the opportunity to do just that.

I have shot lots of stuff that sounded terrible and never went public. I know you guys are friends of the band as are many of us however I wouldn't want my friends getting knocked due to some piss poor audio that isn't their fault.

Jeff if you send that to me I'll see if I can clean it up a bit. If it is really hosed up though it may not be salvageable.

Hi everyone...

I agree that it shouldn't go `free' until it's QA'd by the band. But in a search of everyone I could find on base here, unfortunately it looks like mine is the only complete one (except I missed the last song) and definitely the best quality sound and video wise. And the only one that's in stereo for what that's worth.

But, just like spideyjg says. Just because it was taped doesn't mean it needs to see the light of day.

In my original post I did make it known that I wanted it to be the girls choice if it got out.

I thought it wouldn't be too bad if just a couple songs got out because everyone was a little confused about Aja not being there and didn't know who was actually singing. After the first vid/song everyone knew it was Deb. And selfishly I felt a little good myself trying to add some happiness to the forum and mix things up a little...

However, then all the `it's not Aja' stuff started and I guess that's my fault for leaking the video. I was responsible for that. But I could understand that some folks were upset because Heather had left and now Aja was gone and they didn't know what was really going on... I am sure it was just frustration with the rapid changes. It was unexpected.

If I can say this delicately, I think the situation below explains it because any video of something this monumental/different is worth something no matter what the quality. I have bought many bootlegs of Yngwie Malmsteen that were no way even this good, yet I treasured them.

So...... With that said...

I think what might be more in question here is if the girls would be shown in the best light if this gets out. I know what it's like to travel here and I am so sure that they were not rested and although I thought they kicked @ss I know if they would have been given a day or two to sleep and lounge around the base they would have been more up to it. Gosh. When I went to the concert I hadn't slept in about 18 hours... I gave Linda/Sarah/Deb/Wanda a DVD I made of my time out here in Iraq that I have been giving out to family and friends. Basically me walking, driving, etc on all the bases I've been at these last 3 years. I knew there were `5' of them, yet I left the other 4 on my dresser like an idiot...

Well... At least I PRAY that's the DVD I gave them!!!:cry:

At the picture signing desk Sara asked me if I played and like a loser I just said yep.. The `awake' Duane would have said Hell Yes! I have a black Les Paul, a sunburst Rogue acoustic, a smokey amp, a dean GT1000 amp and a POS Epiphone 10S amp back in my room right this second with at least 4-5 cables to play with! Wanna see???? :heh:

So... I know that lack of sleep can impair...

Too bad there's not a rewind in life. I could have done that better. Luckily no-one was taping that!! :)

I never saw the Iron Maidens with Aja so I don't know what a show like that would have been like. July 2nd for me was ground Zero. If Deb stays then July 2nd was the start of something that can only get better every day. I'll just sit back and watch how high they fly!!! :headbang:

I have seen a couple other guys video's of the first 10 minutes of the concert and you can't really hear Deb's voice on any of them.

The video on my original source definitely looks good (VHS Quality) but the sound does suffer because it was so loud. I had my audio set on 1 out of 5 and still it's a little sad.

In fact, right after this first song Sara asked the sound guy to turn the mic's up. After that point you could hear Deb singing.... But still there were moments...

I used a CANON S2 IS at 320x240, 15 frames per second, 24-bit color, 2.5MB/sec uncompressed video with 11KHZ, 16 bit, 352.8 KB/sec stereo audio. This translates to about 41 minutes per a 1GB SD Memory card.

I had a 1GB and 2 256MB's. As miracle would have it, I was able to swap from the 1GB to the first 256mb and not miss a song. Same with the next 256MB. Basically 2 songs on each 256MB. It was really amazing. I was lucky. The stars must have been aligned or something!:)

I will await further instruction....

My final words....

:worship: DEB! You're Awesome!!!! You and me on the beach in October singing Ozzie/Iron Maiden Songs! Please see my `pre-engagement' proposal information in another post!

:worship: LINDA! You're Awesome!!!! You and me on the beach in October singing Ozzie/Iron Maiden Songs! Please see my `pre-engagement' proposal information in another post!

:worship: SARA! You're Awesome!!!! You and me on the beach in October singing Ozzie/Iron Maiden Songs! Please see my `pre-engagement' proposal information in another post!

:worship: WANDA! You're Awesome!!!! You and me on the beach in October singing Ozzie/Iron Maiden Songs! Please see my `pre-engagement' proposal information in another post!

Wow... Looks like my `tiredness' is showing... 401AM Iraq time! Gotta go!!!

Cheers to my new friends!!!.... I'm outta here!!!:headbang:
Hello Archmagician:

Actually I am not enlisted. I am a civilian network/system engineer embedded with a command here at Camp Victory, Iraq. I am basically right next to the Al Fah Palace.

I have been supporting the U.S. Armed forces (Navy, Marines, Army) in the above capacity since Mar 2000 on multiple contracts.

I now work for a company that operates a satellite connected network and do the servers, exchange email, encryption stuff, VTC, satellite, switches, routers, VOIP phones, etc. 24x7's.

I have a partner that works with me so we cover the 24hr day in shifts. He spends his off time at the gym turning himself into the next Mr. Olympia while I am more like Archie Bunker locked in my room with a Les Paul and Monster energy drinks!!! :hotjump: And unfortunately without an Edith! :erk: I guess my body is just something to carry my brain and my guitar around. :)

I am sorry if I misled you kind folks by appearing
to be enlisted...

I have the highest respect for our troops out here in a place that perhaps we shouldn't be. I see what they go through every day, and while I can't be specific, I sometimes walk the same paths they do and have seen the same ugly things. Most of them are just young kids.

This is my 3rd Iraq contract out here since Sept. 2005.

From Jan 2005 to Aug 2005 I was the IA Manager for a command on Diego Garcia in the middle if the Indian Ocean! Now THAT is something to talk about!!!!!! :)

The girls *MUST* go there!!!!!!!!! I still might have contacts at NCTAMS there. I should check it out! Talk about an island paradise!!! I have video's of me playing guitar for the Utah Jazz Basketball Cheerleaders on the beach with the XO and CO drunk and falling all over the place!!! Man that was waaaaaay coooool!:kickass:

I never wanted to leave that place but the contract ended. From a Google satellite map shot you might still be able to see my claw-marks in the sand near the Brit Club as they drug me from the beach onto the plane and sent me packing back home... :)

While this is now way `off topic' - I can take each of you on a Blackhawk helicopter ride if you would like to go! Most of the places I worked out here were not fixed wing, so this is how I had to move around. It's pretty exciting the first couple times, but it gets really old really fast...

I made a movie of me flying in a Blackhawk helicopter from a point A to point B out here in Iraq. If anyone would care to see it I can send the rapidshare link I uploaded it to! I am not sure if links are allowed here. But you can see Baghdad, etc.

You can also see, and maybe feel the 125 degree HEAT, sitting in a cramped helicopter wearing full battle gear, `idling' on the tarmac of a base for 6 minutes as the pilots decide if they're going to kick us off because a mission pack was just added. Luckily the flight continued and we took off again.

Wow....... Maybe I talk too much.... :erk:

I guess this might be my outlet to the real world. :lol:

I can't wait to read some more of these posts :)!!!!

It sound like you work at Vic Hub. I am the 25S in charge of all SATCOM for MND-N. Hope all is good down there.
Hey DuckJr!!!! :)

Almost! If were were playing Battleship that would
be a miss! :loco:

I'm a couple blocks south...


Wow! It's pretty hot out here today for sure!!!! Our thermometer shows around 122'ish and it's not in the sun.


Hey Archmagician:

I don't think I have seen any software engineers, but I do believe they will be gearing up for folks that can develop Sharepoint! :) I am sure there are software engineers out here though. I can check around it your a `little' curious...

Also, as long as you have good teeth, and your blood pressure and cholesterol is in check, even if you require medicine, and can obtain at least a secret clearance, you can find a job out here but it is getting difficult now unless you can find a good reference or a `hookup'.

Just a couple years ago they were taking almost anyone, but things have calmed down a little, so the companies, especially IT related, are getting picky now and trying to get the stronger guys.

MCSE2003 certifications for the Microsoft guys and at least a CCNP, and preferrably a CCIE written for the Cisco guys. Of course there are exceptions to that rule, but generally that's the case as I see it here.

The KBR jobs out here are not 'computer' technical but it seems like they have all the contracts out here. Food, post office, construction, etc. Those jobs are easier to get, but if you send your resume to KBRJOBS you'll be in a queue of a million other people. `Networking' with people gets you the jobs if there are jobs to be had.

Also, unfortunately I only get tax-free for the first $82,500 and pay standard taxes on the amount after that, but that might be changing next year.

I guess I shouldn't cry though. DuckJr is a 25S Satellite guy. My MOS would be in that area somewhere if I were enlisted, maybe a 25U because I do everything network here and SAT also. He probably knows how hard I really have to work. There are times though.... :)

Still I miss the real world.... :erk: